Topic: Now this does not look half bad to me  (Read 6159 times)

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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2004, 04:36:44 pm »


Man that's purty.And it's a physical model as well.Very cool,I'm sure it's only going to be a matter of time before someone models her. Perhaps she could be labeled Constitution proto-type.My $.02

That's why I said connie proto-type    

YUP  ...  I caught that sir !!!  



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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2004, 05:11:33 pm »
no its not bad at all the only thing i can see is the hull needs to be about 5% bigger other than that i think it would have to have a slightly duller hull color and it would be fine.  granted i dont care for the new series as much as when it first came out. the thing with the zinde just isnt right. and who cares if the original time was screwed up because of some time travelers. and how do we not know when the series ends that the timeline will be put back into place. as i said the only changes i can see is what i stated  at the top of this post. if u go with a comparision of the nx-01 which is a decent ship i think the size of the nacelles fit this PRE-CONNIE ship. but this is just me  


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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2004, 05:57:46 pm »
i like this one personally.  IMHO i think that if they had been given the same tech (or even more funds) we have today the original connie would have looked way different (well maybe the same general shape would have stayed the same, but it would defiantaly look cleaner and less likea  plastic model).  though i do agree that the metalic color scheme is to strong, definatly should be lightened up a bit.  


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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2004, 07:21:58 pm »
maybe we could get her posted somewhere because I would love to have this model in my collection and be using old yet so new  


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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2004, 07:44:14 pm »

i like this one personally.  IMHO i think that if they had been given the same tech (or even more funds) we have today the original connie would have looked way different (well maybe the same general shape would have stayed the same, but it would defiantaly look cleaner and less likea  plastic model).  though i do agree that the metalic color scheme is to strong, definatly should be lightened up a bit.    

You sir have touched on a big part of the real issue at hand.  Movie making Technology  as advanced waaaaaaaay beyond what was going on in the 60's and 70's.  I think that the Connie would have still been the same  ( or about the same .. ) but other advancements would have been handeled differently.  The only real problem I have with the current series is some of the writting with the Borg issue and perhaps a little too much time travel stuff...  ( it could be handled a little differently ... ) But THAT is another issue and should be discussed else where  

For what this represents ...  the worse thing that might be said would be perhaps a different registry ..  That might be a valid point.  Aside from that ... this is a cool idea !

( just my $ .02 for tonight !)



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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2004, 09:03:16 pm »
I like it.


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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #26 on: April 25, 2004, 10:09:49 pm »
i thik that wiliam shatner is invalved in the sieries in some way becose this has gone way to acrding to his wrightings and the discription of the miror universe way to much but hay at list we are going to have a miror universe time line


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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #27 on: April 25, 2004, 11:22:21 pm »

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!!!
Easy there Cowboys...
Its cool mates...its not like the design is going to bite you in the a$$  
Its cool to not like something and voice it...but
You guys sound like you are afraid of the

I personally like it( as if you didn't know )
I designed the Dauntless and her ships to be something like this
A re-imagining of TOS

As for Being Banned for your opinion, Terra...Thats Funny
But to each their own

to quote a very smart man
James Tiberious Kirk
"young minds, fresh tollerant"


Dead to rights here bud. Expertly said



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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2004, 03:05:41 am »
its only a tv show guys take it for what its is and you will enjoy it more
the whole timeline thing is just putting you off

its good show far more battle then ever been seen and i got to say i like it



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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2004, 01:55:19 pm »
bump away...'coz this ship is just too cool to keep on page 2 and I like Pre-TOS designs!

Semper Fi, Carry On


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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #30 on: April 26, 2004, 01:59:46 pm »
Khalee (or anyone else) I'd LOOOOOOOVE to have this ship as well! There is always room for different interpretations in my opinion. And if there is someone out there who has a Phoenix as well, please, please, pleae send one my way. Just click my name and my email is on that page.

Sincere thanks to anyone who helps me out!  

Captain Pierce

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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #31 on: April 26, 2004, 07:17:48 pm »
There are a couple of constructive ways to look at this ship, besides the obvious inclination to use it as a springboard to [bleep] about Enterprise.  (No offense intended to anybody who did that, BTW, it was my first inclination as well.   )

The first way is to say that yes, if you want to reinvent the TOS Constitution-class in NX-01's image, this is the obvious way to do it; however, the second is a little more subversive.  If the "Akiraprise" is the first Warp 5 ship, and the design lineage created by the Daedalus class is no more, would any future Starfleet ship have a layout like the TOS Constitution?  Might it not instead be more derived from the post-TNG "flat" designs?  There hasn't been anything in Enterprise that I'm aware of that even comes close to a "tradtitional" design like the Constitution--it's all stuff based on the Akira, Steamrunner, Sabre, etc.  I would have to think that the Constitution of the altered Enterprise timeline (if that's indeed what it is) would look a lot more like an Intrepid-class in layout...


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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #32 on: April 26, 2004, 07:25:39 pm »
personally, in my mind, Enterprise doesnt exist, but i do like the idea of a more modern once this one is released im gonna kitbash me up a fleet.


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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #33 on: April 26, 2004, 11:43:07 pm »
...another... Connie?  


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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2004, 12:41:52 am »
Imagine the Xindi story arc played out to its conclusion and Archer convinces the Xindi of Earth's innocence in the future destruction of the Xindi homeworld.  Then, imagine the Romulans learning of Archer's feat of diplomacy in convincing the Xindi that Earth had no intention of destroying anything, let alone an entire world, and they think twice about attacking Earth, thus averting the entire Romulan War and all problems with the Romulans.  Instead they decide to make peaceful relations with Earth, alienating the Vulcans at the sametime.  The Earthers get along better with the Romulans since they're very much like each other, and they become quick friends, albeit the kind of friends that talk about each other behind each other's back.  Since the Federation will never form with Earth as a close ally of the Romulans and Xindi, Earth won't benefit from Vulcan's technological prowess, thus no help in starship development.  Since Earth will stand alone in further advancement with only distant allies and close adversaries, we'll have to advance on our own.  This version of the Connie is what it would look like if it were not a Federation ship but an Earth ship, except I believe the neck would be at least twice as wide.


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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2004, 04:48:36 am »

There are a couple of constructive ways to look at this ship, besides the obvious inclination to use it as a springboard to [bleep] about Enterprise.  (No offense intended to anybody who did that, BTW, it was my first inclination as well.   )

The first way is to say that yes, if you want to reinvent the TOS Constitution-class in NX-01's image, this is the obvious way to do it; however, the second is a little more subversive.  If the "Akiraprise" is the first Warp 5 ship, and the design lineage created by the Daedalus class is no more, would any future Starfleet ship have a layout like the TOS Constitution?  Might it not instead be more derived from the post-TNG "flat" designs?  There hasn't been anything in Enterprise that I'm aware of that even comes close to a "tradtitional" design like the Constitution--it's all stuff based on the Akira, Steamrunner, Sabre, etc.  I would have to think that the Constitution of the altered Enterprise timeline (if that's indeed what it is) would look a lot more like an Intrepid-class in layout...  

i think that they dont care abult the traditional specs any more thas way the tempral war and all besies the original desighners of TOS ships are now wher to be seen on this plane of existence and the guys who did the nx-01 are hailing from the post TNG and mor on to first contact cind of deshgn specs a hell how cares any more its the miror universe


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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2004, 08:03:36 am »

There are a couple of constructive ways to look at this ship, besides the obvious inclination to use it as a springboard to [bleep] about Enterprise.  (No offense intended to anybody who did that, BTW, it was my first inclination as well.   )

The first way is to say that yes, if you want to reinvent the TOS Constitution-class in NX-01's image, this is the obvious way to do it; however, the second is a little more subversive.  If the "Akiraprise" is the first Warp 5 ship, and the design lineage created by the Daedalus class is no more, would any future Starfleet ship have a layout like the TOS Constitution?  Might it not instead be more derived from the post-TNG "flat" designs?  There hasn't been anything in Enterprise that I'm aware of that even comes close to a "tradtitional" design like the Constitution--it's all stuff based on the Akira, Steamrunner, Sabre, etc.  I would have to think that the Constitution of the altered Enterprise timeline (if that's indeed what it is) would look a lot more like an Intrepid-class in layout...  

Actually sir, that is why I prefer to look at it as a Connie "proto-type".  Anyone who has had any dealings with actually seeing something going form concept to completion know that the end result at completion and production seldom looks like the prototype.  Hense my statement that perhaps the registry really is out of place.  The NCC-1701 would only be issued when she is launched.  

Lastly ...  when a proto-type is being built for test...  often times modified sections of what is handy, or drawings based on a modified version of current design is what is used.    ( take a look at the WW-II  P-51 Mustang...  everyone remembers the P-51D ..  but take a look a the simularities of the P-40 War Hawk  and the first P-51's to be built  before they hit production let alone before the "D" version was released)

I see this as sort of a step between the NX and the Connie ...  the "early concepts of a Constitution" if ya will.  To say it should take the PLACE of the TOS Connie  ....  NEVER  ...  nope!!!  Absolutely no how ... NO Way !!


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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2004, 04:13:29 pm »
how the hell do you sugjest we get rid of the tempral war pop up


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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2004, 04:26:21 pm »
hey you never know they might hit the magic "rewind button" and go back to the beginning


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Re: Now this does not look half bad to me
« Reply #39 on: April 27, 2004, 04:42:40 pm »
Someone arrest Daniels...

Seriously, get rid of him and the Temporal Cold War goes away, the Suliban are never going to be more than a nuisance.  The Tholians ripped up a good chunk of their fleet, while only beating up one Vulcan ship.  Have the Suliban get caught in the Vulcan-Romulan cross fire and thats the end of it.