Imagine the Xindi story arc played out to its conclusion and Archer convinces the Xindi of Earth's innocence in the future destruction of the Xindi homeworld. Then, imagine the Romulans learning of Archer's feat of diplomacy in convincing the Xindi that Earth had no intention of destroying anything, let alone an entire world, and they think twice about attacking Earth, thus averting the entire Romulan War and all problems with the Romulans. Instead they decide to make peaceful relations with Earth, alienating the Vulcans at the sametime. The Earthers get along better with the Romulans since they're very much like each other, and they become quick friends, albeit the kind of friends that talk about each other behind each other's back. Since the Federation will never form with Earth as a close ally of the Romulans and Xindi, Earth won't benefit from Vulcan's technological prowess, thus no help in starship development. Since Earth will stand alone in further advancement with only distant allies and close adversaries, we'll have to advance on our own. This version of the Connie is what it would look like if it were not a Federation ship but an Earth ship, except I believe the neck would be at least twice as wide.