Dear Pestalence,I removed S.F.C.III from my harddrive using the Add/Remove Programs,just like it said in the "ReadMe Doc"of the 351 Patch. This was yesterday(4-24-2004). It didn't dawn on me,until today,(4-25-2004)that you are supposed to leave the last Beta Patch(v500)on your harddrive. I kept getting "Unhandled Exception Error" messages when I tried to use the 351 Patch by itself. When I put the two Patches together,the game ran,however,even though I was automatically taken to the hex were the "Day in the Life",Borg mission,was supposed to be,the second planetary mission was in the hex,but the primary mission("A Day in the Life"-Borg)was not. That,Sir,is basically my problem. And,By the Way,The Planetary Mission is still too lopp sided in favor of the A.I. It gangs up on you and "Wolf Packs" you to death. However,Thank You for your time,Sir. Joseph L. Rand.(