Topic: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!  (Read 8769 times)

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IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #80 on: May 01, 2004, 05:19:39 am »

I think the Alien ship that Enterprise encountered was proabably way too small too tow effectively.  But regardless, I agree with others their are huge plot holes in all this and can get very confusing.

My 2nd option of couriering an emissary would resolve that.  If worried that the Xindi would not contact the alien vessel, it could have carried an Enterprise shuttlepod and the Acquatics shuttle and dropped them off while pulling back from sensor range but within subspace radio range.  Once the Xindi picked up the emissary and agreed to return them to Enterprise the aliens could have gone on their way with the anomoly shielding material.

This type of behaviour could have been seen by the Xindi as an indication that humans are inclined to building alliances (backing Archers human built future Federation claims) and are not the destroyers portrayed to the Xindi by their backers.

But B&B wanted Archer to act the bad guy.  What are the odds that later Enterprise will encounter that ship either destroyed or turn into raiders themselves?  He didn't even ask the Xindi to help them which would have been the least he could do.  The Xindi renegades would have found that easier to justify than helping humans.  


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #81 on: May 01, 2004, 08:31:24 am »
I just think they have no idea what they are writing anymore, and may not even care.  The excuse from day one for Vulcans in Enterprise acting far more emotional was that Vulcans have the full range of emotions, they just suppress them.  Now we have T'Pol doing "drugs" in order to experiment with new emotions, and even delivers a line like "Vulcans don't experience fear".  What?!?!? I thought they experienced them but suppressed, according to B&B.  In addition, they now say that due to damage and alteration to her nervous system she may have these emotions with her permanently.  Ugh!  The funny thing is that none of this explains why any of the other Vulcans on the series have behaved so emotionally.  Shouting, storming out of the room, etc.  There have been quite a few comments from people about the ambassador at the very least.  Perhaps he's a Trellium junky too.  He probably sent the ship that got twisted around in there to get some to support his habit, right?

So, B&B are working on a non-trek sci-fi series eh?  Well, that's hopefully telling.  Hopefully it's a way for them to make a "graceful" exit.  You know, the kind of "I wasn't fired, I left on my own to pursue new creative ventures" type of thing, when everyone knows that they were two steps from gettin' axed.  They clearly have no clue.

Yeah, they should have asked the other captain for a ride to the location.  Would have solved a number of problems.  Not the least of which would be that when the reptillians showed up, they wouldn't have seen the Xindi ship docked with Enterprise.  Hmmm.  Anyhow...  


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #82 on: May 01, 2004, 11:09:02 am »
Now remember, the ever emotional Soval is a Romulan.    The rest of the Vulcans, the few that we've seen, are quite reasonable.

And it has been established in earlier TOS, TNG episodes that Vulcans have the same emoitions, its just a misconception, spread by the Vulcans, lying about their emotions.  How about that, they lie too.  

The blatent disregard for the "Timeline" with this Temporal Cold War is really getting out of hand.  The Federation, or whatever organization exists in the future, needs to arrest these people for violating the most sacred rule in the Federation Rule books.  The Temporal Prime Directive.  What ever happened to that rule anyway?  Oh yeah, B&B decided to throw it out the air lock in Broken Bow.    


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #83 on: May 02, 2004, 11:56:40 am »
  There is a possible 'out,' a typical B&B solution.

It is possible that when the Xindi thing is settled, the timeline interferance is reversed, and in effect, none of it happened, including the future with the time travel boy. The resolution could be worked out in a way that erases the transdimentional aliens, which in turn eliminates Future-boy's interference, which in turn eliminates the temporal cold war.

Once all of that happenes, the regular Kirk-picard timeline is restored.

I'm not saying it will go down that way, but it would solve a number of problems, and B&B are known for taking the stupidest way out of problems.


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #84 on: May 02, 2004, 12:50:17 pm »

The Federation, or whatever organization exists in the future, needs to arrest these people for violating the most sacred rule in the Federation Rule books.  The Temporal Prime Directive.  What ever happened to that rule anyway?  Oh yeah, B&B decided to throw it out the air lock in Broken Bow.    

You can't try them for that.  There is no Federation, and that law hasn't been written yet.  Unless the Federation makes the Temporal Directive an ex post facto law, which would sort of violate their principles.

Is this the most sacred rule?  I thought the most sacred rule was General Order 12:  Federation personel should not go to Talos IV or they will be exterrrrrrrrminated."



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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #85 on: May 02, 2004, 01:08:14 pm »

Is this the most sacred rule? I thought the most sacred rule was General Order 12: Federation personel should not go to Talos IV or they will be exterrrrrrrrminated."

That's General Order 7.

General Order 12 states that all contact with the Gorn is to be initiated with mortar fire lest you end up like this fellow  



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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #86 on: May 02, 2004, 01:26:08 pm »

 You can't try them for that. There is no Federation, and that law hasn't been written yet. Unless the Federation makes the Temporal Directive an ex post facto law, which would sort of violate their principles.

There is where Daniels and Furture Guy are coming from, so both of them are violating it, Starfleet's destroyed whole starships to prevent that rule from being broken.

With regards to General Order 7, by the 29th Century the Talosians better be dead, so General Order 7 would no longer be in effect.  

IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #87 on: May 02, 2004, 01:29:44 pm »

The blatent disregard for the "Timeline" with this Temporal Cold War is really getting out of hand.  The Federation, or whatever organization exists in the future, needs to arrest these people for violating the most sacred rule in the Federation Rule books.  The Temporal Prime Directive.  What ever happened to that rule anyway?  Oh yeah, B&B decided to throw it out the air lock in Broken Bow.    

"Temporal Cold War" thats soooo last season.  

Didn't you notice B&B dropped that.  Now it is an invasion from another dimension.   Daniels is violating the Temporal Prime Directive by trying to defeat the invaders in his past.   At this point there is no indication that the Sphere builders are from Enterprise's future.  Even Daniels seems to be indicating that they are using tech that allows them to test alternate futures to get the one they want, which seems to indicate that they are in and of Archer's time.  


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #88 on: May 02, 2004, 02:00:18 pm »


Is this the most sacred rule? I thought the most sacred rule was General Order 12: Federation personel should not go to Talos IV or they will be exterrrrrrrrminated."

That's General Order 7.  

Whoops!  Right you are.  I knew I shouldn't have tried to count while typing; fingers can only do (well) one task at a time.



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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #89 on: May 02, 2004, 02:07:40 pm »
   Hey Corbomite you are going to scare off those Extras in a red shirt by showing this.We don't want to scare them off do we or not.