I commented a few weeks ago that they would find a a way to make the ship opperational again, and they did.
As usual, the show was frought with stupid mistakes (but it was nice to see the guy that played Legit DeMar show up as the vitimized captain), such as, the totally unnessisary attack on the other ship. The argument was, the other ship would take years to get home. Could not archer have said he would go get these guys after the current crisis? Does that planet only have one warpship? These are GIANT plot holes.
BTW, Archer was released because three of the council ordered it, and showed up in the Fish pod, this was shown (him leaving the pod, and the council meeting). They also showed why the reptiles stopped attacking, the council was against it.
The T'Pol drug thing is typical B&B throw stuff out there, they needed the quick fix (pardon the pun) for why a Vulcan could not control herself, and, as usual, they took the easiet way out.
Once Archer had decided on the pirate attack, the stuff about not hurting them was stupid, Enterprise was nearly crippled, showing extremly bad judgement by Archer.
This show seems doomed.