DM's Enterprise Nits & Picks
1) Enterprise never seems to even attempt to communicate with Starfleet.
"Ahem, Adm. Forrest sir, we have found the Zindi weapon. A little help please?"
2) One Starfleet vessel in the Expanse. One!?!?!
3) T'Pol: WTF??
B&B "Problem": Must incorporate "7of9 catsuit T&A factor" into Enterprise, but sex-pot was cast as a stoic Vulcan.
B&B "Solutions": Weird mind-meld disease, decontamination gel, Vulcan catsuits, and now drug abuse that left her feeling emotions...
[sarcasm] Brilliant! [/sarcasm]
4) Time Travel
ARRGGHHH! I cannot imagine another writing ploy that can suck the tension out of drama faster than time travel.
Nothing is permanent in the Enterprise universe. Any previous episode or event can be undone at will by B&B.
5) Worn-out "cliffhanger"
Again, no tension. Yawn.
Why setup Enterprise to take a beating, imply she may be lost, when EVERY viewer knows the show must go on.
IF you must do a cliffhanger, do it right
Good: TNG Best of Both Worlds (Picard not rescued until the end of part II)
Bad: Enterprise "Damage" (Zindi attack resolved after first 2 minutes of episode----by Zindi just stopping???)