Topic: SFC1  (Read 3486 times)

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Dash Jones

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Re: SFC1
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2004, 06:18:10 pm »

In Windows Xp Enviroment, back Dec 2002, microsoft released a Security update that effected games recognizing CD's in people drives even when the game was already in the drive... The trigger is Fast user Switching and Administrative account.. I can't remember the actual circumstance, but the majority of Windows XP users who use Window's updates under default factory install of Windows XP experienced this issue with microsoft released games , SFC 1, and several other games that use Win 98 / ME / 95 for their primary platform...

In Feburary, 2003, microsoft supposedly fixed this issue with another security update.. however, it only fixed Microsoft released games and no one elses.. as such SFC 1 was still effected...

Over the course of March - November, i kept calling Interplay for getting the issue fixed and pleaded with them to contact microsoft for a reliable code base for getting it fixed...

instead, Interplay provided me with an XP CD fix, but stated that using it was not authorized by them nor would they support it or condone it.. and even disavow ever giving it out.. It is a NO CD fix for SFC 1 using v1.03 game patch (a patch which they don't regognize also.. lol)

I was given authorization to distribute it to players who had XP and SFC 1 who claimed to have problems in Single Player game mode.. IE, game disk not recognized.. single player game modes did not work without the XP fix...

In exchange for sending out the CD fix, i requested a Direct X report to show Operating System to verify that indeed they were using XP (I went by XP version number, not the name XP)

In November, Interplay started emailing people for customer support on SFC 1 to go to my web site for the XP fix file (still stating that they did not distribute one, nor did they condone, authorize, or support the use of it) and / or directed them here to Taldren Forums for support on SFC 1... which is still sending them to me since i was the only mirror for the file...

now, i had sojmeone send me a copy of the Email being sent out by Interplay.. i sent it to Ann.. and then i recieved permission to host the file publically, so long as i stated that interplay did not support or condone the use of it..

so to solve the situation, i posted a copy of their Email above the file download on my web site...

if anyone wanted to mirror the file.. it was fine with me.. but they needed to state what Interplay stated about the use of it...

Anyhow.. here we are today.. SFC 1 is in the grave, but not quite dead yet, I have a fix file, but it is not on my system.. it is on Nightsoftware... on my site there.. and until Raven can get back up and running.. I can't access 50% of my SFC resources (mane a SFC game and 50% of my resources are missing)

anyhow.. that is what the situation is...

Interplay Unofficially recognizes that XP has a problem with SFC 1

Interplay Unofficially provided a fix file, though under the table through me

and Interplay Unofficially recognizes that v1.03 is the final patch for SFC 1 as the fix that they sent was for v1.03 game patch.

hope that this helps.

It seems SFC 1 works in XP without a patch (v. 1.01 and v 1.00) to XP and without an added item to SFC 1 outside of the usual game on my computer, with WinXP.

Was it only a few select computers with WinXP that didn't work, or what exactly were the problems?

My uncle just did a reinstall of the WinXP OS on one of the computers (it died a day or so ago) and I promptly put SFC1 on it.  Had to do the Alt-Tab thing to get keyboard commands to work, but other than that, it seems to work fine.


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Re: SFC1
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2004, 06:30:27 pm »
Dash, you are correct in the respect that an Unpatched version of SFC 1 will work on XP.. try patching to 1.021 or to 1.03.. then you will see SFC 1 dies not work on XP without using the SFC 1 fix file... as for SFC 1, I much rather play with the game patched with the fixes than to play unpatched.. but that is me..

anyhow.. just some more FYI.. i believe it is the way XP recognizes the SFC CD vs the game patch...

Dash Jones

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Re: SFC1
« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2004, 02:19:14 am »

Dash, you are correct in the respect that an Unpatched version of SFC 1 will work on XP.. try patching to 1.021 or to 1.03.. then you will see SFC 1 dies not work on XP without using the SFC 1 fix file... as for SFC 1, I much rather play with the game patched with the fixes than to play unpatched.. but that is me..

anyhow.. just some more FYI.. i believe it is the way XP recognizes the SFC CD vs the game patch...

Ah, I understand, that makes sense, since I had just installed it to the Computer right after the initial OS install, I hadn't patched or anything or tried it like that yet.  Interesting how it doesn't recognize the patched version.  I'd bet it boils down to something like one or two lines of code someplace in it!

Hmm, perhaps I don't want to patch SFC1 and play it as is, I never play it online nowdays, just singleplayer campaigns, the only SFC I play online it seems would either be OP or SFC3.  Thanks for the response on the SFC 1 questions.


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Re: SFC1
« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2004, 05:01:21 pm »
just updated my site.. you can obtain the patdches from :


P.S. Only the SFC 1 page is orking correctly at the moment...

other pages are under construction.
