Topic: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares  (Read 6321 times)

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Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2004, 05:36:31 am »
Well, while I'm at college, I've set this topic up. I was playing my one-player campaign yesterday (before un-installing   ) and I wondered what the worst situations, closest shaves, etc you've had the misfortune of being in. Both negative and positive experiences can be posted. Here's a couple of my most recent:

Mission Type: Deep Space Encounter (My side: Fed) (Enemy: Lyran) (My Ships: Light Carrier (8 fighters), CAI HC and a plasma battlecruiser...which I'd just purchased) (Enemy ships: At least 7 varied light cruisers and heavy cruisers with a frigate carrier with pseudo fighters)

I started this mission as I always do - red alert, scatter pack ,yada, yada and looked at my allies - 1 Mirak LC and a Fed WD.  That made 5 ships, with my fighters. Confident of my success already, I target the 1 ship that appeared - a HC. I was about to engage when his buddies appeared. I started attacking of course, but kept my fighters. 4 ships took on the Mirak, while the others including their fighters took us on. I fought hard for at least 10 minutes, targeting anything that came close enough to use the buzzsaws. We got 2 before WD was downed, and then the other four came into the fray after wiping out the Mirak ship  

6 against 3? Hmm...they destroyed my shuttlebay before I could launch my fighters, and my scatterpack got wiped by the buzzsaws, so they ignored my LC and went for my badly damaged BC, and then the HC and me. I lost non-suprisingly...

Here's the more pleasant mission

Mission Type: Covoy Escort (Me: Fed) (Enemy: Rengade Gorn) Ships: Fed HC and LC (me) and a Gorn Dreadnought...

As soon as I seen Mr.Gorn in the big ship, I considered doing a runner, but then decided to try my luck. I kept close to the flanking freighter, and charged up as many systems as I could, and I let my HC break formation. Gorn arrives, fires at me, but sensor decoy does it's job. Waited untill the DN got behind me, exposing the only weak point on it - the backside. I HETed and gave it everything I had, while the HC did running passes. 5 minutes of chasing the Gorn ship ensued, and while he managed to get one freighter, we disabled him big style after knocking out his foward plasma launchers with hit and run. My fighters gave a hand, and it blew up shortly after.   Not bad I say!
« Last Edit: April 27, 2004, 06:03:24 am by frazzle »


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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2004, 07:23:42 am »
wen i play as a klingon i got a xdd and another x ship, after i blew up the enemy the game hend and my ship explode, must be due to the shickwave that i din't see, so i lost my good ship  

whe should keep the movie of ours battle for op so other can see how the battle when.


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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2004, 09:12:46 am »
My worst was playing on the GFL Dyna recently.  I was flying a San Paulo (a mod ship, CA class, more firepower than most BCH's, very sweet ship, sort of a large black Defiant).

3 of us Feddies were fleeted together, two CA's and a CL.

We got jumped by two Borg in Rippertek DN's (Ripperteks are evil and should be BB's...those things TEAR through small ships).

I knew one of the Borg players (Dartok) and new he would be going after me.  The other Borg player was the Borg Race XO on the forums, and my ally in the CL was the Federation XO, so I knew they would go for each other.

Since we were outgunned we all ran, and I tried to lead Dartok off for my buddies to get away.  He hit me with a Tachyon pulse, was all over me, and SLAMMED me with heavy cutting beams and torpedoes.

Since I was just about to buy a Galaxy, I REALLY didn't want to lose a ship work 60k pp...

Well, I was running full speed with erratics while he slammed me and the tachyon pulse wore off...I managed to get to warp...and I had so little hull life I could not see the bar.  There was NOTHING in my hull meter.  I would be surprised if I had more than 1 point of hull strength left.

Scariest experience on that dyna...I never got closer to death.

Getting hit by a tachyon scares you have to death- being trapped in close quarters with a DN and all...every Borg player had a Cube or Rippertek, everyone had a 360 tachyon.  It was nuts.


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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2004, 11:22:57 pm »
here another one, i play fed in tos, i got 3 ship a xcc+ a xcd and a fcc, i attack a base station and i got close to it after part of the shield where down and the staion was attack by the hydran so i can steal a few spar parts but the staion fire at me and i got heavy damage, i putt all the reapir on the engine but was too slow to move away from the station, i switch to another one of my ship and use a tractor beam to move my criple ship to save it, and the final blow was made to the staion and explode causing more damge to my ship, but my criple ship was spare.


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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #24 on: April 29, 2004, 12:16:55 am »
Worst one that I won was me in a Kzin XDG, backed up by a CM+, I believe it was, vs 2 ISC XDPs and a smaller ship.  I think the third ship was a DDZ or FFG or something along those lines.   Luckily they salvoed their initial plasma at my division mate, who promptly weaseled, and that gave me the chance I needed.

The worst one though was my first mission on GravWell.  I had a Kzin HDW1 and a new DWDm I'd just picked up with starting prestige, and selected my first mission, homeworld defense.  And what did I pull?  A Hydran XCF leading 4 or 5 other large ships.  I ended up loosing not only both my ships, but all my other ally ships got taken out as well.


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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #25 on: April 29, 2004, 11:11:22 am »
F-DNH verus G-DNP (With 4 G-PFDL) and a Z-CVD (16 Mastiff IIIs) . .

Oh wait, I won that fight!    

IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #26 on: April 29, 2004, 08:48:48 pm »
Flying a squadron on the D2.  Get drafted into a patrol.  Then find its an ambush.  Not good with a K-F5C and 2 K-F5B.  Scan the ambushers.  Mirak player in a frinking Z-DN, AI in multiple ships and one is a BATTLESHIP.  Run screaming for the border.

In SFC1 a friend challenged me to win the Kobyashi Maru scenario.  I had already played it once.  He did not like my solution.

Charge in overloading photons one bank at a time.   Try to tractor the K. Maru (knowing tractor will fail).  Beam over repair bolts (again knowing it won't help).  Lure D7s away.  One by one do limited damage to the D7s to slow them down and split them up.  When K. Maru explodes hit fastest D7 one last time to slow it down more, turn off photons, reinforce #4 shield and head for the border to disengage.  

Did I win or not?  I'll let the forum decide.  How would you as Starfleet Academy instructors evaluate a cadet who performed that way on the second attempt at the no win scenario?

Did I beat the Kobyashi Maru scenario?
A draw
You deserve a commendation
Cheating bostich, I'd kick you out of Starfleet



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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #27 on: April 30, 2004, 07:30:40 am »
Cheating monkey!  

What did you do? Change the program?  

I play stuff by the book, no messing about, get it done professionally.

I would have contacted Starfleet and got some other mug to do it  


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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #28 on: April 30, 2004, 10:19:46 am »
Hm, well, most people don't even survive the Kobayashi Maru Scenario.  The fact that you delt out quite a bit of damage (more than they did to you), *almost* saved the ship, and escaped ALIVE...I'll give it a draw.


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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #29 on: April 30, 2004, 11:58:57 am »
    I tried this scenerio I used F-CA up agiast 3 KD7T and the first tinga did start doing some damage to me aswell as I was doing some damage to it but the other 2 just got me.I always wondered how did Captian Kirk cheat the no win scenerio that has never been explained. I know he reprogramed the computer but my question is how?I would like to know how he did this.This is why they need a nother movie with him in it or guest starrring on a TV show.  


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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #30 on: April 30, 2004, 12:07:17 pm »
I don't think anyone has ever said exactly HOW he reprogrammed the simulator.  I think one of the Comic Books that did his Maru test actually had the Klingon thinking that Kirk was some kind of Uber Captain.  Kind of a nice touch considering his ego.  He and Carol had a fight afterwards because she thought that it was her fault that he was going to get thrown out of the academy.  Only to find out that hes not in trouble at all.  


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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #31 on: April 30, 2004, 12:16:59 pm »
The game Starfleet Academy, which used the movie clips with William Shatner, showed the players the Kobyashi Marou senario. You reprogrammed the computer to where the enemy recognized who you were from previous training senarios, and due to the respect, they allow you to complete the mission unhindered... immediatly thereafter you go to the Admiral's office, where you get a dressing downl, but at the same time, you get a special assignment by Checkov and Sulu...

Great game.. like a mini movie.. 6 disks.. but all the combat was like flying a fighter looking from the captains chair.... I didn't like the ship controlls in it, but the storyline movies and your choices in it were nice.


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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #32 on: April 30, 2004, 12:28:56 pm »
     There are six disks to this game mine came with one and I went into the game to see how many missions there are and there are three.I got mine in special four set caseing that contiant SFC1.New Worlds and StarFleet Academy.I can not seem to get past the mine mission although warping back and fireing on your own starbase is fun and to get balled out at.I did not have Kobyashi Maru in mine.  


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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #33 on: April 30, 2004, 12:42:15 pm »
There is a hard to find patch for Starfleet Academy that fixes certain missions that tend to break the game... I can't remember the name of it .. but I know the patch was on File Planet.


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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #34 on: April 30, 2004, 12:55:47 pm »
    The only patch is at Fileplanet not at Interplay and this game is soley thiers.I tried some of the patches but they aren't working and I can't figure New Worlds out what are you supposed to do in game.I have considered mailing back thses two titles for Interplay to personally and they see the problems themselves.I know the best place to get support for SFC1 is right here but I can not uninstall the game of of C: drive.When I go into control add/remove pragrams it says this program is corrupt.How do i remove a corupt program of my C: drive.  


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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #35 on: April 30, 2004, 01:00:33 pm »
Easiest way to remove SFC 1 is to delete the game folder.. Add / Remove programs may not work on a title that old...

once you delete the SFC game folder and empty recycle bin.. thenSFC 1 is no longer installed.. you can then reinstall SFC 1 and patch according to my web site...

when you patch according to my web site, you need to patch step by step, otherwise the game may corrupt.. you can not skip steps when patching...

hope that this helps.

IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #36 on: April 30, 2004, 06:40:15 pm »

Cheating monkey!  

What did you do? Change the program?  

I play stuff by the book, no messing about, get it done professionally.

I would have contacted Starfleet and got some other mug to do it    

Didn't need to change anything.  The SFC1 Kobyashi Maru scenario attacked you with 3 ships at a time.  So long as you didn't destroy any of the 3 no new ones arrived.   I merely did enough damage to make them too slow to keep up after luring them away from the K. Maru.  

In theory I was in an unauthorized violation of the neutral zone treaty.  Destroying the attacking vessels would definitely be an act of war.  Doing the minimum damage to allow the K. Maru rescue attempt while preserving my own ship would be less actionable and more in keeping with my purpose for being in the neutral zone.  

Current poll results:

Did I beat the Kobyashi Maru scenario?  (Total Votes: 8)
Yes            1 12%
No               3 37%
A draw          3 37%
You deserve a commendation           0 0%
Cheating bostich, I'd kick you out of Starfleet         1 12%

For those who might wonder, I did not vote.  So something less than a draw but more than a failure is the average result.  


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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #37 on: May 01, 2004, 09:08:05 pm »
The oddest battle I have had is with a F-DDG vs a Klingon AI controlled D5 carrier variant;  Both of us have full engines, but he only has two ph2's working, and I only have 1 ph 1 working.  No repairs.

Closest shave in single player is a DDG + CC vs a D7C + D5 battle that I tried in the combat simulator.  All ships fully loaded, slow drones.

Most recent enjoyable battle i've had was a co-op with some Hydran I can't remember, with the lyran dreadnought oddity still in place;  I was in a Hydran helbore light cruiser (with both fusions and hellbores, no fighters) and my erstwhile ally was in some sort of fusion frigate;  We drew a Lyran dreadnought during an asteroid base assault mission which turned out to be quite entertaining.  

Dash Jones

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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #38 on: May 02, 2004, 02:24:36 am »

I don't think anyone has ever said exactly HOW he reprogrammed the simulator.  I think one of the Comic Books that did his Maru test actually had the Klingon thinking that Kirk was some kind of Uber Captain.  Kind of a nice touch considering his ego.  He and Carol had a fight afterwards because she thought that it was her fault that he was going to get thrown out of the academy.  Only to find out that hes not in trouble at all.    

I believe in StarTrek 2: WoK he states, whilst in the caves that he reprogrammed the mission so that the Kobayashi Maru could be saved.

Which means he could locate it, and then either tractor, or something to get that ship, and then get out of there.


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Re: Your Kobyashi Marou Nightmares
« Reply #39 on: May 02, 2004, 03:30:25 am »
My worst case scenario was playing the Generations At War mod.

My Galaxy class U.S.S. Blue Tip was lost along with to other ships in my battle group, the U.S.S. Del Oren, Intrepid class and the U.S.S. Tempest, Miranda class.

We were on normal patrol duties when a DomBB and two Cardassian Keldons appeared on sensors. I had given the order to attack and the Tempest foolishly warped to closed to the enemy and was pounded on by all three ships and had her shields wiped out and hull integrity beaten down to about 30% as she tried helplessly to at least chisel some of the DomBB's shields away. The Del Oren quickly came to the aid firing all she had at one of the two Keldons that the Tempest now focused her attention to. But now the enemy focused on the Del Oren and pounded her forward and port shields down. Now this all took place in a matter of seconds and I was like, "damn". So I had screamed towards battle to help my comrades, firing in all directions to get the enemies attention and boy did it work. By this time the Tempest was breaking up from running into a mine. I had happened to get the Tempest into view when she ran into the mine and I was like, "damn" again. The two Keldons managed to drag the Del Oren away from me and was just whooping her arse and the DomBB was schooling me.....hard. Well I was doing ok after a little while until a crapload of torpedoes came from behind, where I had no shielding bringing my hull down to about 40%. In a desperate attempt I kept dropping mines and firing in all directions but to no avail, I just kept getting hit nonstop and thus ending the service of the Galaxy class U.S.S. Blue Tip. So in light of the serious beating I received, I have commissioned the Sovereign class U.S.S. Blue Tip-A. May her crew get revenge! Mmwahahahaha!  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Capt_Spade »