Topic: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!  (Read 8767 times)

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Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« on: April 24, 2004, 11:29:22 pm »
I have been a fan of Enterprise and watched every week, but this week's episode really pissed me off. Every Star Trek show has had good shows and bad shows but this one rivals "Spock's Brain". For those of you that watched it, or were forced to watch it, in "Damaged",

1. Archer is able to escape from the Zindi without even trying
2. The Vulcan chick gets all emotional and decides to try drugs, drugs that she knows will kill her
3. The Enterprise attacks and steals a warp core from a helpless alien race like some kind of pirate ship.

This is about as far away from Star Trek as I can imagine. Kirk would NEVER attack a defenseless ship to fix his ship. THAT"S the whole point about Star Trek guys! Are they TRYING to kill the show? Don't the writers know about the Star Trek universe and do they care? I have a little bit of patience for bad writing, but this is practically sabotage. Whoever wrote and directed this episode should never be allowed to work on anything related to Star Trek again.

B&B need to go and go now! I hope Paramount THROWS them out on the street!



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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2004, 11:35:32 pm »
It happens, in TNG, the Phoenix Captain was attacking freighters with out orders, in Voyager the Equinox was way out of control, but I do understand what your saying, the writers are nutz, esp in Enterprise, they really went to far with the Vulcan IMHO, but what can we do, I wish there was something we could do....

adam out


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2004, 11:54:34 pm »
I've been saying for a while that Enterprise must be an Alternate Timeline/Universe, but this episode didn't make sense in a few things.  They still didn't make it clear why the Xindi didn't destroy the Enterprise, and why did they just leave it their?  Should they consider boarding it?  Or did they need a special boarding Party ship too do that?  ya, ya... the Council was deciding this issue, but come on!  Why wouldn't you not board the Enterprise?  Its in your territory.  

And how the heck did Archer get back too the Enterprise?  Obviously the Fish Xindi (forgot their name) let him go, but why?  They were pretty vage on this and I suppose we might see later why.  Things are getting interesting for the story line of this, but the editing needs improvement.  Its kinda confusing at times too figure out what the heck is going on.  

I don't see why Archer keeps trying too destroy this weapon now.  The Enterprise looks like its in no shape too mount any type of attack, espeically if their are a ton of Xindi vessels guarding the weapon.  

I still have the beleif that this is an Alternate universe, but the story needs work.  

<sigh>  I'm starting too miss the good old 24th century Star Trek.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Magnum357 »


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2004, 01:31:21 am »
 I guess you will have to keep watching and have a little faith B&B are trying to save the franchise i read that in the commincator.
 I really miss the 23 Century Star Trek I was hoping to see more of it who nows what Fed. FF and DD look like aswell as Roms we all know what Klinks look like.I want to see more of it more ships like 1701A  


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2004, 06:34:04 am »
Hmm, me and my brother were fans of every other incarnation of Star Trek apart from this one. It's just very....not right. Hmm, why are they hinging so much on this series? Why cancel the 'big guns'?  


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2004, 09:57:16 am »
I lost interest, so I flipped to Stargate SG1 on the other channel.  I might not like all the actors on SG1, but at least the writers know how to put a twist in an episode.  I don't need 100% continuity in a series, but something bad happened to ST after TOS.  I think that there is too much money involved, and the owners are too afraid of the fans taking control.  ST TNG and DS9 had their virtues, Voyager simply sucked, and Enterprize wasted its potential.  For me, the only future in ST is in gaming.  Unfortunately, there is too much money involved, and the owners are afraid on the fans taking control.  


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2004, 10:31:25 am »
I was never a big fan of Deep SPace Nine, but I purchased two of the seasson on DVD and I enjoy watching them without commercials.

I heard that ST XI is supposed to be a prequel. I guess that ST Enterprise has been such a huge success, they want to try a movie version? It sounds to me like they are trying to kill the TV and Movie franchise all at once.

Dash Jones

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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2004, 01:25:06 pm »
Just a thought, how do you know it's the real Archer?

Perhaps, it's another one, or perhaps timelines are merging, or perhaps, just perhaps, it is in the alternate dimension...and something wierd is going to happen.

Keep me posted on what's happening on Enterprise!


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2004, 02:23:49 pm »
Good points Dash, I hadn't considered some of those theories.  But regardless, if this is what B&B are intending, they are just confusing us even more and that can hurt ratings.  It this is true, its a clever way too write a story, but very risky too.

Star Trek 11 as a Pre quel???  If this Series is not doing great, what makes them think this new Star Trek movie would do any better?  Maybe B&B can't get anybody from the old series too make a new Star Trek Movie.  Brent Spiner did say after Nemisis that if Star trek X didn't make at least 100 million that their would not be another Star Trek movie (at least based on the TNG crew).  


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2004, 01:32:13 am »

Star Trek 11 as a Pre quel???  If this Series is not doing great, what makes them think this new Star Trek movie would do any better?  

Maybe they found someone that could write?

<S'Cipio remembers B&B would be the ones looking for the writers, and wanders off mumbling "nevermind" to himself.>

As to Archer's decision........  remember that there is no Federation and no prime directive.  Not yet anyway.  (The writers of the first two seasons kept forgetting this, but we must remember it.)  These are supposed to be the rugged pioneers of space exploration, mentally geared to take risks and ignore the rules of polite society.  The question to ask isn't "would Kirk or Picard have done this", the question to ask is:  "Would a modern day navy captain do this?"  (Actually, a better question is "would a 14th century naval captain do this", but I can't think of a "doomsday scenario" in the 14th century.)

Say the captain of an Ohio class sub breaks down off the coast of Iceland, and then learns that some Ukranian nutso has flipped his lid and is about to nuke the US into the stone age.  He's lost his whozitsflotsit and can't launch his missiles.  His radio is out and he has no way to give warning to the US.  Would he board and steal parts form a Chines sub if that meant he could nuke the Ukranian whack-job first?

Forget the practical impossibilites of the above scenario.  I know you *can't* just steal parts from one sub and stick them in another, and that the oddss of a Chinese sub mysteriously appearing off the coast of Iceland are nil.  But if it did, would he board and steal its whozitsflotsit to save the US from nuclear devastation?  I think he would.

Now, yeah, the attack, the breaking off of the attack, the escape, the council, the time-travel........ they're all dumb.

-S'Cipio the unscrupulous  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scipio_66 »


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2004, 01:55:51 am »
That last episode was not their finest hour to be sure, but I have no expectation at this point. It frankly seemed a bit slapped together. I am guessing that they are trying to wrap up the Xindi storyline way before they intended to as a prelude to the show going off the air this season. Archer's speech about exploration before he left to go to the Xindi weapon is certainly foreshadowing if I read things  right.  The whole of the Xindi business has been off kilter since the Andorian episode which seemed like such an obvious ploy to reintroduce the most popular new characters in the show despite the fact that the writers had decided to take this show in this totally different Xindi direction.  

I frankly think they have fubared this whole XIndi thing.  It was such a cool opportunity to have sentient species from differing evolutionary lines in one society, but they turned it into a hawkish-dovish dichotomy perhaps due to the current political and world climate, i.e. war on terrorism, Iraq, etc.  It would have been really interesting to see the whole issue from their side of things and to see more of their internal strife and dialogue about the weapon.  Be that as it may, I am not going to be pleased to see the show go, but it seems to be heading that way.


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2004, 04:51:43 am »
Kirk bent the rules on a weekly basis - but I don't think he would have attacked and stole from an innocent bystander just so he could fix his ship. Besides, he had the 'miracle worker' Scotty! The crew on the Enterprise need a slap!

This show is (trying) to show how the Federation established itself and how the Prime Directive was set up - through trial and error. Like their meeting with the Klingons (why do they look like the TNG ones?!?!), they'll be setting themselves up for doing things by the book when they realise they need protocols and morals. Or something like that.



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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2004, 12:02:30 pm »
DM's Enterprise Nits & Picks

1) Enterprise never seems to even attempt to communicate with Starfleet.
"Ahem, Adm. Forrest sir, we have found the Zindi weapon. A little help please?"

2) One Starfleet vessel in the Expanse. One!?!?!

3) T'Pol: WTF??
B&B "Problem": Must incorporate "7of9 catsuit T&A factor" into Enterprise, but sex-pot was cast as a stoic Vulcan.
B&B "Solutions": Weird mind-meld disease, decontamination gel, Vulcan catsuits, and now drug abuse that left her feeling emotions...
[sarcasm] Brilliant! [/sarcasm]

4) Time Travel
ARRGGHHH! I cannot imagine another writing ploy that can suck the tension out of drama faster than time travel.
Nothing is permanent in the Enterprise universe. Any previous episode or event can be undone at will by B&B.

5) Worn-out "cliffhanger"
Again, no tension. Yawn.
Why setup Enterprise to take a beating, imply she may be lost, when EVERY viewer knows the show must go on.

IF you must do a cliffhanger, do it right
Good: TNG Best of Both Worlds (Picard not rescued until the end of part II)
Bad: Enterprise "Damage" (Zindi attack resolved after first 2 minutes of episode----by Zindi just stopping???)  


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2004, 12:53:32 pm »

 Good: TNG Best of Both Worlds (Picard not rescued until the end of part II)

This was an even better cliffhanger than some of us realize.  When they first shot the episode, they shot it as the LAST episode.  They had not made any plans to continue STTNG after the BoBW.  Why they changed their minds and continued is something that I don't know but they did it rather well when they did decide to continue.  There was always the possibility that Stewart was ready to sign off the way Crosby did, wouldn't that have changed the series?


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2004, 02:48:06 pm »
   Then don't watch it if you would do a little reading espcially the communicator magazine which I read Rick Berman is trying hard to save the franchise.He doesn't have much to do with Enterprise that is up to the writers and directors.B&B are responsble for the financeing only to keep the show in production that is why they are called producers.I hope you understand all this Motion and TV production and how it works.If Enterpise goes down then don't Expect to see Viacom to put money into another Trek show or movie they just won't.They will veiw it as a money losing project and what would that do to the gaming community.They might be thinking of another TV series set is the 23C. it wasn't covered much.I hope you can understand what I am saying here.    


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2004, 05:04:54 pm »
At least we got to see T'Pol's bum in that one episode.  Other than that I haven't been watching, Trek is dead to me these days...


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2004, 07:44:05 pm »
Damn, I missed that episode!


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2004, 09:17:15 pm »

Like their meeting with the Klingons (why do they look like the TNG ones?!?!)

Because the TNG ones looked like the TMP ones. Roddenberry's own reasoning behind the change was that TOS (some peoples' version of "holy" scripture ) was actually [gasp] wrong about the way that Klingons looked.  


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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2004, 04:57:35 am »
Hmm, when Roddenbery died, some of this went to pot. In DS9, there is a fairly good time travelling epsisode with the Defiant and the crew going back to save the original Enterprise. In that episode, Worf gets all huffy about why the Klingons suddenly became a whole lot uglier.

 Damn it guys, do a epsisode that tells us!

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Damn, Enterprise really ticked me off this week!
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2004, 07:11:52 am »
Well, to be honest they need to get back to the basics and return to the original ideas that Gene had.

His vision was that after humanity nearly destroyed itself during its last world war (ala Khan) the Vulcans happened by and began to menter us, seeing that we needed direction, also seeing that we could become more than we were.

These days it seems cool to the writers to show the seedy under belly of humanity, the very opposite of Genes' concept.

He wanted to tell all of us that there is more good in us than we even consider. That we could hope for something better, and that is core to the ST universe. It was a show that gave us hope for "our" future.

This show refuses to give us that hope.

This last show proves that they don't have a clue what ST is about, and could care less if we like the show or not. It is just a way to make money now.

Not an idea, not a hope for a better future.
