Topic: TMP P81-like SFB-based F-DWs and F-HDW models  (Read 1145 times)

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TMP P81-like SFB-based F-DWs and F-HDW models
« on: April 30, 2004, 01:57:34 am »
You guys ready? I have a lot to show...

1- FDW - NCC-700, USS Ortega
Federation War Destroyer :

This ship is the basic War Destroyer. It was designed to replace casualties of the aging DD class of ships during the General War. It sports 3 FF warps of 6 points of power each, and 3 photon tubes.


2- FDWD - NCC-831, USS Massoud
Federation War Drone Destroyer :

This variant replaces the 3 photons with 3 droneracks.


3- FDWS - NCC-881, USS Donahue
Federation War Destroyer Scout :

This ship has no forward-facing weapons.


4- FDWV - NCC-821, USS Cosic
Federation Mobile Carrier :

"Mobile Carrier" is the same as saying "War Destroyer Carrier". The fighterbays are in the saucer itself. The main weapons remove a forward photon and replaces it with a drone rack. Why? The other dronerack was removed to make room for the figtherbays, I guess.


5- FHDW -  NCC-791, Grenadier Guards
Federation Heavy War Destroyer :

Ahh.. a cheezy jewel. This ship has 4 6-point warps with a move cost of 2/3. This modified War Destroyer sports an extended rear hull where the components are removable and replaceable options. In addition to the 3 forward-facing photons, it can have 2 rear facing weapons of optional choice.

The ship also has 2 fighters, standard, housed in the saucer of the ship. The rear hull also has a shuttlebay which can be enlarged by some of the options chosen. A favorite configuration of mine is the expansion to the maximum number of fighters without affecting the available power of the ship. The "Casual Carrier".




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Re: TMP P81-like SFB-based F-DWs and F-HDW models
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2004, 04:07:58 am »



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Re: TMP P81-like SFB-based F-DWs and F-HDW models
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2004, 07:02:53 am »
Beautiful work   I should have asked you to do the original chicago along with these variants, they are much improved and look great.


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Re: TMP P81-like SFB-based F-DWs and F-HDW models
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2004, 07:26:04 am »

Beautiful work   I should have asked you to do the original chicago along with these variants, they are much improved and look great.  

Nah.. I don't find they're improved in any way..  Also, I needed something of a base to work from, so you did very good there.

Captain Ron

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Re: TMP P81-like SFB-based F-DWs and F-HDW models
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2004, 09:01:14 am »




So these are going into a mod or something I think you said in another thread?
If so I can not wait to see the Mod (please say it is for EAW, or OP and not SFC3)


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Re: TMP P81-like SFB-based F-DWs and F-HDW models
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2004, 09:02:19 am »





So these are going into a mod or something I think you said in another thread?
If so I can not wait to see the Mod (please say it is for EAW, or OP and not SFC3)  

You.. don't know what Mod I authored?

Captain Ron

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Re: TMP P81-like SFB-based F-DWs and F-HDW models
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2004, 09:18:36 am »






So these are going into a mod or something I think you said in another thread?
If so I can not wait to see the Mod (please say it is for EAW, or OP and not SFC3)  

You.. don't know what Mod I authored?  

Not if it came out in the last few months. I have not been paying much attention to these forums much in that time, just looking for and at models. I have the OP+ 3.2 one and EEK mission package.


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Re: TMP P81-like SFB-based F-DWs and F-HDW models
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2004, 09:47:39 am »







So these are going into a mod or something I think you said in another thread?
If so I can not wait to see the Mod (please say it is for EAW, or OP and not SFC3)  

You.. don't know what Mod I authored?  

Not if it came out in the last few months. I have not been paying much attention to these forums much in that time, just looking for and at models. I have the OP+ 3.2 one and EEK mission package.  

It'll be in the next rev of OP+, of which I am the author.


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Re: TMP P81-like SFB-based F-DWs and F-HDW models
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2004, 11:59:53 am »
yeah baby!!!!!

Bring on OP+ 3.3!!!!!  


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Re: TMP P81-like SFB-based F-DWs and F-HDW models
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2004, 03:34:17 pm »
Oooo.. pretty. I have the CL issue where the Fed DWs were first introduced back at home, alongside the revised FFB.  And is it just me or does the HDW remind anyone else of Picard's old USS Stargazer?

And this also brings to mind another question... I noticed while the Kzin DX hull looks very much like other Kzin ships, the CX  hull  looks almost too streamlined.  Not to mention those weird nacelle-like extensions on the forward hull where the hull usually spreads outward.  Maybe someone could modify it to resemble the XDD hull more like the normal CA does the DD?  Or at least have the forward hull extend out to encompass the "nacelles" so it looks more Kzin, for the next release?  Eh, if no one does it that's fine, considering the Gorn still don't have their proper ship hulls, but since all the other Kzin hulls look proper now, as does the DX hull(apart from the flatness of the bottom, but then that's just saving typically uneeded polys), it just looks a little odd.  The sleek look is good, like a swift hunter, just that it seems to need some sort of hull flare in front like the others to really match the same design schema as the other hulls.