Topic: Which SFC game is your favorite?  (Read 33129 times)

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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #40 on: March 02, 2003, 12:41:57 am »
Two points.  

1.  SFC as a series is now dead.  Erik Bethke has as much as said so.  Taldren wants to do something non-Trek in the future.  Hence B-9.

2.  As per Nanner's point about Trek games needing to grow, I give you Bridge Commander, DS9:Dominion War, etc. < Insert the sound of a plane crashing and burning or alternatively the whistle of a bomb dropping and exploding>.  The "Public"  doesn't give a rat's behind about Trek and Trek games.  This will always be the province of the odd and obsessive as is most Sci-Fi.  The most popular online games seem to be those that frankly plug into the worst in people.  I will take my SFB oddness any day over the least common denominator of Half-Life and Unreal, blah, blah, blah.  The further they attempt to expand the market for Trek , the more likely it is to bite the big one.


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #41 on: March 02, 2003, 01:56:29 am »
op the bastard step child of sfc is number one in my book then sfc1 as far as sfc3 well the cloak is nice  


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #42 on: March 02, 2003, 02:35:41 am »
This is actually the most open minded I have ever seen Nanner post, and I welcome it.  No longer does the mear mention of SFB turn him into a ranting lunatic, but rather he admits that there are good elements to it, even some that he would like in the game.

As for the community dooming OP.  What place does this make sense?  I mean we have the statement:


op was what the community made it. there were by far more bugs with eaw than when op came out. this was a conscience decision by many in the eaw community to snub op.

First off, why on earth, if the EAW community snubbed Taldren's new design, would taldren then turn around and say "alright, we won't bother fixing OP then" when there were in fact people trying desperately to make the best of it, and garnering a decent following.  


there might be a bug or two left in op, but nothing that could be over come if people wanted to embrace it and use - but they decided not to.

A bug or two?  Nothing major?  I call some of the D2 bugs remaining fairly major.  The fact that you can't coop in neutral space and have it count?  It's supposed to be multi-player, but to make it work you have to play alone.  Nice little "minor" bug there.  The fact that almost none of the missions produce reliable DV outcomes depending on the hex they are in?  Yep, minor one there too.  The next one is finally being fixed, but the speed bug?  Yep, minor little bug introduced in a patch.

As for "deciding not to", well people did decide to, but after repeated promises, and no materialization of said promises, many finally gave up.  That's the pure and simple problem.  Those who were making an effort felt shunned and like second class citizens even to Taldren.

I just don't see how the "community" can be blamed for the physical state of OP.  Why didn't Taldren choose to support the people who were willing to go the extra step with them, instead of making sure the older product, with all the people who shunned thier new effort, got continued work done to it?  It's a slap in the face to those who took what they could get and tried to work with it, and a congratulatory handshake to those who stood against evolution of the game.  

Now, on the "immersiveness" of SFB vs. Trek, the books don't mean anything really.  As any canon hound will tell you, the books are as much Trek as SFB is, they exist outside of canon, which is what appears only on the television screen and in the movie theatre.  In this regard, SFB does have Trek beat as far as an overall storyline.  


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #43 on: March 02, 2003, 06:07:20 am »
How this if it was fixed how big would the fan base be now and would a large segment of people moved from eaw to op and would most of the people with a working op d2 moved to sfc3 or even support it on these forums at all .This is just my opinion


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #44 on: March 02, 2003, 10:22:26 am »
Nannerslug, I apologize for my comment about you making one post and then leaving. You have proven me wrong.
Now on to my comments...
I think the reason EAW is so popular (as compared to OP) is that it has been patched as far as Taldren is willing to go with a 2 year old game. Various people saw the potential in the game and continued the process- Magnum Man, Nuclear Wessels, Arctic Fire, the whole team... Dark Elf, Karnak.... and there are more that I cannot remember and wish I could. It isn't just patching the game or making new missions that keep it interesting (but it is a big part!) but bringing out innovative campaigns that get the blood flowing, get a team spirit alive!
Dizzy is bringing out a Slave Girls server for OP, a testament to a great game even though it isn't patched to the level of eaw yet.
KOTH Fluf is starting the litterbox 2 campaign soon, with some innovative rules, victory conditions and ship modifications. (sfc3 campaign, if you haven't heard of it)
The community isn't dead yet, let's not write a post-mortem for Star Trek ship combat simulators before the last server is down!
Nannerslug, I still do not understand you.


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #45 on: March 02, 2003, 11:53:31 am »

Kieran, op was what the community made it. there were by far more bugs with eaw than when op came out. this was a conscience decision by many in the eaw community to snub op.  there might be a bug or two left in op, but nothing that could be over come if people wanted to embrace it and use it - but they decided not to. the decision to dump op was purely political. of course what i find funny to some degree is that op is more sfb like than eaw ranging from maulers to k-fx arcs. <shrug>


I would be curious to see how you think people can overcome the DV interaction issues caused by the cartel map and some of the other critical issues with the OP D2.  There was a decent size following that played OP D2 that enjoyed it very much, but were and are continually frustrated by the bugs that have not been fixed.



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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #46 on: March 02, 2003, 12:53:58 pm »
Nannerslug: /quote "The sky is green." /end quote


Have a nice day!



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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #47 on: March 02, 2003, 01:42:33 pm »
Well I voted for OP
But in another thread it seems that even to there will be a new pacth for op(after the long wait) it will not fix the D2 problems
Frankly I think this stinks op was never given a chance and now due to its age its not going to get one
I liked sfc3 but apart from the cloak and how the D3 works  its nothing new if any thing its less
Having just 4 races in it was a bad idea (imho) if they relese an add on for sfc3 I hope its going to add more races and weapons
Playing op online (D2 ) is pointless till its fixed its a shame as rooks3 was the best campaine I ever played in


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #48 on: March 02, 2003, 02:50:11 pm »
If you remove the online gameplay context, OP is a superior game all the way to EAW. There is NOTHING to recommend EAW over OP. OP has absolutely everything EAW does and more. If you don't like Advanced era, you need not play with them.

Its only the popularity of the EAW online that made it a more attractive game, and we all know why that is, but its not the fault of the game itself, only the politics surrounding it.


Kieran Forester

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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #49 on: March 02, 2003, 03:09:02 pm »
Of course there's more mainstream Trek than there is SFB. Trek is a cultural phenomenon. SFB is a wargame, and wargames don't appeal to nearly as many people as does mainstream Trek.  However, the ruleset has been tried and true for about 20 or 30 years, which gives it an advantage over the made from scratch mechanics of other Trek games. I simply think that SFB is the right way to go for the SFC series.

As for EAW vs OP, I honestly am not sure what you're talking about. I never 'snubbed' OP, nor did anyone that I know. It was more a decision of necessity than of politics, due to the fact that EAW was always patched and fixed up before OP. There may have been fewer overall bugs in OP at release time than in EAW, but as far as I remember, OP's D2 was the same piece of software, with the same bugs, as EAW D2.Heck, there are bugs in OP's D2 that were fixed ages ago in EAW's. You could be right, I suppose, but you can't speak for all of the D2 community when you say it.

And sure, a Trek game doesn't need SFB to be good. Look at Elite Force and Bridge Commander. Two great games without a shred of SFB in them anywhere. As I said above, however, I think SFB is the right way to go for SFC. Sales of SFC3 agree with me.

I'm looking at the facts, too, and I know just as well what makes a good game. I'm not sure what you mean, however, by your comment about background and demographics. What does that have to do with anything?



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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #50 on: March 02, 2003, 04:27:24 pm »

If you remove the online gameplay context, OP is a superior game all the way to EAW. There is NOTHING to recommend EAW over OP. OP has absolutely everything EAW does and more. If you don't like Advanced era, you need not play with them.

A functional D2 is why EAW is king of SFC2. And Advanced era(particulary 2X) is Wisconsin's finest.  


Its only the popularity of the EAW online that made it a more attractive game, and we all know why that is, but its not the fault of the game itself, only the politics surrounding it.


I'm curious, how would politics have anything to do with the fact that the OP Dynaverse doesn't work? I think I can safely say that the majority of D2 pilots would move to OP if they ever fix it, simply because of the possibilities it offers.  


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #51 on: March 02, 2003, 10:17:51 pm »



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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #52 on: March 02, 2003, 10:41:21 pm »

A functional D2 is why EAW is king of SFC2. And Advanced era(particulary 2X) is Wisconsin's finest.  <snip>

I'm curious, how would politics have anything to do with the fact that the OP Dynaverse doesn't work? I think I can safely say that the majority of D2 pilots would move to OP if they ever fix it, simply because of the possibilities it offers.    

simple ted... a) there are ways of removing the x ships without making a downloadable shiplist. simple fix. b) at the time op had a more stable d2 while there are issues with pirates, etc that does not make it perfect. c) politics involved very heavily with op regarding d2 campaigns, black balling due to said x ships (which could have been removed), "magic photons" or what ever excuse..  in addition to the e word (effort). As with any game OP was (or was not) what we made it.

just ask some of the d2 server ops running campaigns at the height of op/eaw.


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #53 on: March 02, 2003, 11:17:22 pm »

simple ted... a) there are ways of removing the x ships without making a downloadable shiplist. simple fix.

Removing x-ships accomplishes nothing. You can take out all the x ships you want and the OP dynaverse still simply does not work.  The cartel map interaction bugs kill it cold.  If Articfire patches the dynaverse then maybe something can be made of it.  Until then........




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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #54 on: March 02, 2003, 11:27:29 pm »

Removing x-ships accomplishes nothing. You can take out all the x ships you want and the OP dynaverse still simply does not work.  The cartel map interaction bugs kill it cold.  If Articfire patches the dynaverse then maybe something can be made of it.  Until then........

Should this poll be re-posted once OP D2 fixes are public?
-- Luc


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #55 on: March 03, 2003, 01:05:42 am »
look Scipi.. the point is simple.. if you want make somthing work bad enough you over look all the pimples and make it work. such is the case for *anything*.

back when OP was released, or shortly thereafter, things could have been done to resolve situations. look at sfcx and how they have advanced OP (or all the other servers ranging from the triangle to slave girls to rook's tavern). so to say that the OP dyanverse is unplayable is not true at all. the truth is - it just was not politically correct in some circles for what ever reason and never recieved the full support from the community which it deserved.

of course what made me laugh is how many of people who wanted to play *only* eaw and not buy op wanted all the toys of OP patched into EAW (minus the x ships in most cases).

so, in short.. if people really wanted to support OP - instead of finding reasons why it didnt work - they would have made it work - just like it is in EAW (still).

for what its worth - that does not take away from the issues/ problems which do exsist. it does, however, reflect the nature of a deeper problem.


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #56 on: March 03, 2003, 01:52:30 am »
Who cares about the X-ships? I don't go near them in GSA and once a working D2 is available you can bet the first thing some of the admins with EAW experience would do is moderate them a tad, but to say

"there are issues with pirates, etc that does not make it perfect."

is a bit of an understatement.

And I keep forgetting about that Fed speed bug thing too. Now that was a political stick of dynamite I must admit. No level of D2 map interaction fixing could have saved the outcome of that either.

So it's still down to OP being a game which is 98% good (excellent even) except for the 2% bit which is essential to D2 and which is currently floating in the fish tank with it's ventral fins in the air.  


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #57 on: March 03, 2003, 07:10:58 am »


Removing x-ships accomplishes nothing. You can take out all the x ships you want and the OP dynaverse still simply does not work.  The cartel map interaction bugs kill it cold.  If Articfire patches the dynaverse then maybe something can be made of it.  Until then........

Should this poll be re-posted once OP D2 fixes are public?
-- Luc  

I'm not sure. I think to comment now would possibly invoke the Hiesenburg(sp--I know I mangled that one) effect.



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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #58 on: March 03, 2003, 07:40:26 am »

I'm not sure. I think to comment now would possibly invoke the Hiesenburg(sp--I know I mangled that one) effect.

Explain? I am not familiar with that name.

-- Luc


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #59 on: March 03, 2003, 08:24:07 am »
Heissenberg Uncertainty is a product of quantum theory and essentially states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of an atomic particle, because the act of observing one changes the other.      
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