Well from the SP POV answer is clear:
Why?... Because of content... pure and simple... Number of WORKING DIFFERENT MISSIONS... You may think.. but OP has
more missions... But all the bugs just cripple it... I'm making this analysis base on ACTUAL status...not on vague
rumors of new patch or whatever.
From DYNA POV?... To be honest... I'm quite dissapointed with it... It just another way of online matches (with even
additional bugs...) I think that there is little difference with a GSA ladder (unless of course you like painting things

- On the TNG vs ToS issue:
Nanner, It's true that this poll tells: "The ppl who visit this forum prefer SFC2:EAW", but... What do you think that
the "new TNG blood" could think of this new SFC3 game?...
- On the "Demo prior to release could have boosted the sales":
Demo?... The actual SFC3 is a DEMO itself compared to the amount of content of previous SFCs. Again this new title
have a "Let's paint the universe" scheme DYNA with even MUCH LESS mission variety... And SP experience?... The average
player can finish ALL the original missions in about 10 hours (Of course with ADMIRAL difficulty)... Do you still
think that this SFC3 can be EVEN CALLED a FINISHED SFC series game?. What could Taldren show in their DEMO?... A buggy
software... nothing else... Activision couldn't take that risk because they know that pressing a developer with tight
deadlines is the better way to cripple a game with bugs... They thought (Activision) that the NEMESIS film could attract
some trekies into the series... Well I haven't seen the film, I'm a SW fan, but looking at the commentaries... A phrase
that very good friend of mine told me after seeing "Insurrection" (another one that I didn't see) come to my mind: "The next
trek film will be released directly to video"... So the Activision option was like "Docking your boat to the Titanic
looking for a safe place to rest"
- On the review "jugdement":
The only reliable info that you can extract from a review is a fair estimation of the graphical look of a game and
the presence of mayor bugs... The rest?... Just subjective information... To have a good review, the reviewer need to
have some "Game Industry History" knowledge to be able to compare... And seriously... Most of the reviews are HEAVILY
biased toward sponsors because they are a POWERFULL tool to create expectations... and thus increase sales.
Don't be fooled by my commentaries... I like SFC series and I recognize that Taldren is doing a good customer support...
But their released products since EAW are in a descendant quality tendency... And I'm very critic with Taldren to accept
the conditions under they had to develop OP and SFC3 because they were draconian... Maybe they couldn't avoid them
(they had bills to pay) but at the end they agreed to reuse their EAW engine in 2 partial products that, beside the
new graphical content, doesn't contribute with anything new to the series. You can argue that SFC3 included ship
customization to the serie... But what's the point in customization if the role of your ship is always the same because
missions are always reduced to "kill something and survive". The overall customization option is reduced to an optimization
of the loadouts done by the Dyna Aces (in SP with the dumb IA, you don't even need to think which loadout to use) that
get published on a web site for the noobs to use... Coupled with the drastic reduction in tactical options (i.e. Streamlining
Interface concepts... a.k.a. Dumbing the game down) you have the results in the actual D3... Where you can see things
like the "non trek looking" AMM filled MINE BOAT and weirdness like that.
As a conclusion... SFC series with EAW dyna concept is and should be DEAD. If Taldren wants to refloat the series to
turn it again a profitable project, IMHO, they should remade Dyna to a REAL strategic battleground where ships and fleets
need to change based on the STRATEGIC GOAL they want to achieve.
AJTK... You are my man/woman...

It's good to find some1 that has some objective thinking around.
P.S. As usual, excuse me for the length and barbaric english.