I posted this elsewhere in response to something Nanner mentioned regarding OP. I think it has some weight in this thread, as well.
OP's status is not solely due to "politics." If the D2 had gotten reasonable patches (show of progress, not full-fledged perfection), people would likely have stuck with it. At one point, there were 3 "major" servers trying to share players and schedule around each other: The Triangle, Slave Girls, and Rook's Tavern. The admins were making headway, but most of the time the campaigns would degenerate into flamefests because of the speed bug and the inability to reliably take and defend territory. This has not changed one bit in a year.
Off topic: why is it apparently such a sore spot with Taldren when OP's D2 comes up (or an ignored topic, at least)? Is it that they feel unjustly ridiculed for the lack of D2 fixes? Is it that some of the criticisms, though harsh, are spot-on about Taldren dropping the ball and failing to keep a promise? Is it that they just don't want to discuss a dead project? Let's get to the heart of this ugly thing. If there were progress being made on OP D2, people wouldn't feel the need to bring it up. Can we at least agree that more could have been done? Is there any hope more WILL be done?
"Politics" aren't the real problem with OP. X-ships can't be blamed for everything, though they were certainly a lighting rod. People bashed SFC3 much the same as they did OP, yet people are enjoying it. OP has a set of major flaws that need to be addressed. Until then, it can't be fairly judged as a success or failure. I, for one, am convinced it has a dedicated following based on the reactions to the OP+ shiplist and Evil Dave missions, yet almost universally everyone says they don't play it because of the D2 bugs. There's more potential there if only the D2 got some decent attention.
That said, I think OP would have sold more copies if its D2 had been fixed inside of a year. I am certain a number of people who adopted a "wait and see" attitude about it, much as they have with SFC3, would have ended up buying OP if its D2 could support the sorts of campaigns people want to play. That's one thing I think Taldren and/or their publishers have failed miserably at: looking at what is popular in D2 campaigns and enhancing those aspects for OP and SFC3. In many ways, D3 is a step back in that respect, even while it steps forward in others.