As usual, Nanner, you look facts right in the teeth and say the sky is green.
Nemesis TANKED, MASSIVELY, worse Trek film TO DATE.
SFC3 is already being reduced on the shelves and the copies arent moving. Granted, this IS a niche market, and we all agree on that, however, the move to TNG and the Nemesis Tie-in were supposed to generate HUGE new audiences, remember? Eh? Remember?
Demo? Who cares about a demo for a game that is going on FOUR MONTHS OLD and has yet to recieve one offical patch. Would you care to see the OH so important "REVIEWS" that PC Gamer or CGW might put out now? I bet you wouldnt. They reviewed SFC3 PRIOR to release, whereas they reviewed prior SFC's AFTER release, so they factored IN the bugs and even commented that without the bugs, the game(s) would have gotten higher reviews.
So Nanner, since I am "wrong again" PLEASE enlighten me as to how SFC3 and Nemesis can be seen as ANYTHING but a HORRIBLE flop. Erik has already said that SFC:TNG "did ok", not great, but not terrible.
The move to TNG, where there are OH so many NEW fans, who have never HEARD of SFB, PLUS a nice, juicy movie tie-in, AND moving to Activision were all supposed to combine into MASSIVE sales for SFC3, far outstripping ANYTHING the SFC series had seen before. You yourself assured us many times that once SFC3 came out the prior, SFB based SFC titles would soon be forgotten...
Now, nearly 4 months after release, I see a poll (yes, unscientific as are all polls) showing MASSIVE support for prior SFB/SFC and little support for SFC:TNG.
Granted, many who come here are fans of the prior series, and that does skew the poll, but as you well know, all that "new blood" you have been telling us about ARE here on this board, I see new registrants every time I log on.
And yet the poll still shows an SFB/SFC landslide.
Erik himself said that if there WERE to be another SFC, he wanted to do GaW, but of course, due to the lackluster sales of SFC3 there will BE no more SFC anytime soon, if EVER.
AND, anyone who might be interested in buying SFC3 once a demo comes out will simply come to these boards if they are at all interested in reviews, etc and read how we are only getting a partial beta patch after 4 months, and how it (as usual) has apparently caused more problems while not fixing anywhere near all the original ones.
So go ahead there Nanner, instead of simply saying "YOUR WRONG" and spouting Taldren propoganda and telling us how "WHEN X happens, THEN YOU'LL SEE" or "When Y happens, THEN YOU'LL see" or even better "You SFB/SFC types are telling the truth about the game on the boards and its running off new customers". <(I really like that one)
Lay it out, dont just say were wrong, and mention various and sundry factors that have to date held down the sales of SFC3, give us YOUR facts.
MY facts are that SFC3 has had merely break-even sales and that the movie it is based on TANKED, as Star Trek in general has TANKED since TNG went off the air and DS9 took over. (I bought a TV guide last night with the headline "Can Star Trek be saved?" but I have yet to read it yet. Since when is THAT a question that has to be asked?!?! "CAN STAR TREK BE SAVED"?!??! That hasnt been asked in about 3 decades.) Oh, and that the poll that started this thread shows that of the people who frequent this board, the SFB/SFC types outnumber you about 75 to 1.
Do you actually have the quevos to try to make some points nanner, or are ya simply gonna respond with vauge references to SFC3's future greatness, and do so with all the clarity and voodoo like nature of the SFC3 game itself?
BTW, did ya read the post above mine, nanner? NEW people are seeing what you post and easily deciphering that you are 1)PRO TALDREN/PRO SFC3 100% of the time, and 2)ANTI-SFB/ANTI-TOS/ANTI-ANYONE WHO DOESNT AGREE WITH YOU 110% of the time, so its not just US die-hard, grog-nard, SFB old-farts who see it anymore.
Have a super dooper outstanding TNG killed SFC kinda day!