Aloha folks!
I know some of you are gamers from way back, and I mean games with many sided dice, paper, pencils and of course books!
The game books I am needing is for Cyberpunk esp. the core book - 2020 2nd ed ver 2.01 (we need at least 2 of those, 3 would be better), another Blackhand's street weapons 2020, a Chrome 3 and possibly any other CP books you might have (send me a list please). I am willing to pay acording to condition (mint, cherry, fine, ect.) or whatever you set as the price within reason.

I have looked at a couple of the local game stores and they don't have it not even in their used and abused bins!

Also be-aware that we will USE these books! Ferret is running a long term 'Punk game on most saturdays with about 6 or 7 of us. We have been trying to play with only one core book to pass around.

Mahalo Nui Loa for stopping by and reading this!