Drum roll please....
.....SFC3 Patch 1.01 Beta 2 Build v531 : .....Thank you DAVID FERRELL for all of your hard work !!!Beta Release 22 April, 2004
Install Instructions :(Thanks Pestalence for creating the instructions and 3dot14 for cleaning them up.)
1. Use Add/Remove Programs panel in your MS Windows Operation System to
remove Starfleet Command 3 from you computer.
2. Delete the SFC 3 game folder off your system.
Default Install location is C:\Program Files\Activision\SFC3
3. Install Starfleet Command 3 from original game CD. (note: will need the CD key again when you reinstall,
it's printed on the CD casing)
.....a) Do not install Direct X 8.1 or Gamespy Arcade from game CD
.....b) Make sure your Direct X version is Direct x 9.0b. Reinstalling Direct X 9.0b is
.....recommended. You can DL Direct X 9.0b from Microsoft
HERE 4. Install the correct version of SFC 3 Patch 1.01 Beta 2 Build v500
to your game.
..... a) Do not install SFC 3 Direct X 9 Fix.
.....It will cause game to corrupt.
.....b) Do not install Borg Mini Campaign.
.....It will cause game to corrupt.
.....c) Do not install Nemisis Add on Pack.
.....It will cause game to corrupt.
.....d)v500 Download Locations :
.....US v500 patch :
.....SFC 3 Patch 1.01 Beta 2 v500 - US .....UK / Rest of World v500 patch :
.....SFC 3 Patch 1.01 Beta 2 v500 - UK .....German v500 patch :
.....SFC 3 Patch 1.01 Beta 2 v500 - GER 5. Windows XP Users - Right click the SFC 3 desktop shortcut, select properties. In the pop up properties
window, click the compatibility tab. Put a check mark in the box besides "Disable Visual Themes" then click OK.
6. Make sure your drivers are up to date from the manufacturer of your video card.
Do not use drivers released by Microsoft.
7. Use the SFC3_Patch_1.01_Beta_2_Build_v531_Full.exe
(installer made by Pestalence, Taldren Beta Test team)
.....a) v531 Download Locations :
.....US / UK v531: .....Client Mirrors:
.....File Size: 28.8 MB
.....SFC3_Patch_1.01_Beta_2_Build_v531_Full.exe .....XenoCorp:
.....SFC3_Patch_1.01_Beta_2_Build_v531_Full.exe .....BattleClinic:
.....SFC3_Patch_1.01_Beta_2_Build_v531_Full.exe .....Day Web Hosting:
.....SFC3_Patch_1.01_Beta_2_Build_v531_Full.exe .....Server Kits (needed only if you are a sever admin):
.....File Size: 10.5 MB
.....SFC3_Server_Kit_Beta_v531_Full.exe .....XenoCorp:
.....SFC3_Server_Kit_Beta_v531_Full.exe .....BattleClinic:
.....SFC3_Server_Kit_Beta_v531_Full.exe .....Day Web Hosting:
.....SFC3_Server_Kit_Beta_v531_Full.exe .....Deutsche Version v531: .....Klient Spiegel:
.....Akte Größe: 28.8 MB
.....SFC3_Patch_1.01_Beta_2_Build_v531_Ger_Full.exe .....XenoCorp:
.....SFC3_Patch_1.01_Beta_2_Build_v531_Ger_Full.exe .....SFCx:
.....SFC3_Patch_1.01_Beta_2_Build_v531_Ger_Full.exe .....Bediener-Installationssätze (benötigt, nur wenn Sie trennen admin) sind:
.....Akte Größe: 10.5 MB
.....SFC3_Server_Kit_Beta_v531_Ger_Full.exe .....XenoCorp:
.....SFC3_Server_Kit_Beta_v531_Ger_Full.exe .....SFCx:
.....SFC3_Server_Kit_Beta_v531_Ger_Full.exe 8. Go into C:\Program Files\Activision\SFC3\Assets\Scripts folder and delete the AllScripts.cache and CampaignScripts.cache files. If those files are not listed then continue on to next step.
9. Start Game.
Notice: Some mouse software may cause game to crash. Go to Start button, click RUN, type in MSCONFIG. In pop up box, click Start-up tab, uncheck any mouse software listed (your mouse will still work fine) and uncheck any other programs that you absolutely do not need when your system starts. Click OK and allow system to restart.SFC3 Patch 1.01 Beta 2 Build v531 Readme.txt :_________________________________________________
..........Fixes included in all builds from SFC3 Patch version 1.01 build 500 up to SFC3 Patch version 1.01 build 531: ..........SFC 3 Patch 1.01 Beta 2 Build v531 Client Fixes 1. De-Borgified 4th race no longer gets free hull repair.
2. Switch put in to enable random missions when enemy is present in hex.
3. 60sec max wait time for mission start (up from 40).
4. only change *should* be the glows being enabled for de-Borgified 4th race.
5. Banking ships for the Borg Slot.
6. New .gf setting which allows turning off of Borg regen armor. This is in the Hullitems.gf file at the bottom listed as:
When this is set to 0, it will essentially turn the Borg into a "normal" race. Their hull will no longer regenerate. Their ships will bank, they will have to pay for repairs and they will have shield glows. This option is for modders who wish to replace the Borg with another race .
7. Officers not recovering from injuries - fixed.
8. Cheat: using universal star base warp engines in starships giving massive amounts of power - fixed.
9. Large number of starships in base and planetary missions cause lag - reduced number of defense ships but made them larger on average.
10. Klingon disruptors will miss a ship going at warp - fixed.
11. Increased proximity torpedo bonus from 20% to 30%.
12. Crash: Klingon first mission crashes when you attack the uninhabited planet - fixed.
13. Allied AI ships are not in a human fleet at the start of a mission - fixed.
14. Warp core too vulnerable - fixed.
15. Triple shot is not happening enough - fixed
16. Plasma Torpedoes do not hit often enough - fixed
17. Romulan medium and heavy plasma torpedoes fire triple too much - fixed
18. Romulan triple shot never hits with all three - fixed
19. Dynaverse - Lieutenant Commander rank needs t be abbreviated to Lt. Cmdr - fixed.
20. Cinematic Campaign End movies do not play - fixed.
21. Dynaverse - Player can get head start on opponent at start of game - fixed.
22. If two allied races had a successful co-op mission with the same Victory result in a neutral hex, the result would be a draw - fixed.
23. Pirate's have the same map color has the Federation - fixed.
24. Downgrading your ship, or removing components from it, while the server setting "CanBenefitFromDowngrade=1" is set in the Economy.gf file causes both your lifetime and current prestige to go up, instead of just your current prestige. This causes the player to stop being promoted if their lifetime prestige exceeds that needed for the next rank - fixed.
25. Star date "Freezes" when restarting using a saved game - fixed.
26. Confusing Text "...ship is of a higher class and can't join your fleet" - fixed.
27. Your AI Fleet-Members can Decline you from Joining in a Battle - fixed.
28. Borg Base Fast Cutting Beams Charging at Slow Rate - fixed.
29. Failing a scan or distress call mission in a neutral hex causes the hex to flip to the player anyway - fixed
30. AI does not repair non-weapon systems - fixed.
31. Planets named U.S.S. or IKV etc. - fixed.
32. Neutral planets in empire hex do not turn to Player's Empire - fixed.
33. Reduced network traffic, improving the overall multiplayer experience. In particular AI constantly throwing out change of direction messages when no change was made.
34. Improved weapon arcs for those wanting to mod SFC 3. The full list of arcs is as follows (Image by NannerSlug):
..........SFC 3 Patch 1.01 Beta 2 Build v500 Client Fixes 1. Follow, Orbit and Match target speed works on undetected cloaked ships - fixed.
2. Win 9x not displaying "Mission Complete" message - fixed.
3. Looping text at end of Klingon mission 'Obedience' - fixed.
4. Occasionally the Romulan Mission 'Gray Area' cannot be completed - fixed.
5. If a starbase construction fleet lost a freighter, the player would still be able to deliver the starbase - fixed.
6. Owning player would receive prestige if his construction fleet freighter(s) were destroyed - fixed.
7. AI not firing plasmas - fixed.
8. A ship with no primary weapons would not be able to fire - fixed.
9. AI not taking Angular Velocity in to account when firing - fixed.
10. Romulan fast disruptors not doing enough damage - fixed.
11. Empty incoming hail box that can't be cleared - fixed.
12. Turn rate curve is incorrect - fixed.
13. Ships beyond sensor range are given away by a mouse hover - fixed.
14. Romulan Warbird is too weak - fixed, added additional hardpoint to rear (in addition to fixes elsewhere-in Romulan weapons).
15. Reduced the chance of detecting a cloaked ship with probes from 25% to 15%.
16. Pressing the B key or clicking on the Fire Heavy Weapons button drops a nuclear mine - fixed.
17. If a weapon is destroyed, it indicates "cycling" - fixed.
18. Base Assault and Planetary Assault missions are too easy - fixed.
19. Defiant and Scimitar UI less than optimal - fixed.
20. The Defiant hull cost is too low - fixed.
21. The Ion Cannon is not distinctive - fixed.
22. Borg Cube collision causing multiple problems - fixed the cube is now just an ordinary ship - no collision.
23. Reduced strength of the pulse phaser over range and brought the plasma torpedoes in line with the new pulse phaser numbers.
24. Added distinctive beep to incoming meta message.
25. SFC now supports multiple maps of the same type.
26. It will now randomly pick from all available maps of a type (Open space, Asteroids, Nebula and Black Hole) to determine map for tactical.
27. Added new weapons arcs for starbases only.
28. Starbase only weapons increased to max range of 60.
29. Pulse phasers - reduced chance of shield piercing to 1 in 10 from 1 in 6.
30. Special weapons now display damage drop off correctly in the tactical radar.
31. Helm Officers being killed with performing EM does not stop you from stopping EM.
32. Ships explosion damage now based on health of warp core and total warp power output.
33. MP Games update the Player count correctly now.
34. Refit Screen: The purchase list no longer resets to the first item each time you buy our remove a item.
35. A host machine address is now removed correctly. NOTE: saved addresses will have to be re-entered.
36. Mixing of Tech Between races now no longer allowed by default.
37. Fixed Disrepute being counted twice after a battle.
38. Fixed Transporter panel bug where the panel drew over the weapons panel.
39. Fixed Transporter Panel not refreshing the contents of the target ship correctly.
40. Fixed bug in speed bar where the client fails to update the other clients on the change in speed when an impulse engine is repaired.
41. Shields now regenerate faster.
42. Fixed targeting sub system bug that allowed crewmen and officers to be killed before internals were scored.
43. ShuttleBays made tougher.
44. Fixed lockup when AI's try to capture ships under certain circumstances.
45. Fixed bug where the keyboard command could ping turn on Anti-Cloak on ships that did not have anti-cloak.
46. Fixed bug where keyboard command of "steady as she goes" did nothing.
47. Cloak can now be repaired.
48. Amount of random damage going to engines is too high - fixed.
49. Klingon mission 'Obedience' crashes - fixed.
50. Unable to complete Borg mission 'Status Quo' - fixed.
51. Probes cause friendly ships to be detected - fixed.
Additional v500 Features 01. ItemRules.gf can be modified to allow mixing of tech for mods and holds the default ships for skirmish games.
02. When Bidding on a ship, a pop-up panel requests confirmation.
03. The weapons officers weapon Tech skill now decreases the shuttle launch delay. The delay was reduced across the board also.
04. Removed the need to have two teams for a skirmish game.
05. Added Popup to inform players that bids in D3 are final.
06. You can now cancel repairs but you still lose the repair part.
07. Weapons and Sensors degrade in the same increments as their color (Green 100%, Yellow 80%, Red 50%, Black 0%)
08. Warp and Impulse engines degrade gradually but also auto-repair at approx. 3% per turn
ADVANCED USER TIPS To increase the resolution of the weapon arcs on the tactical display you may alter this line in the sfc.ini. The default number is 6. Higher numbers require more CPU power thus reduces framerate. Thus numbers over 10 are not recommended unless you have a high-end system. Numbers over 75 are capped to 75. Numbers under 6 are set to 6.