Topic: LogViewer not working on server kit...  (Read 2972 times)

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  • Guest
Re: LogViewer not working on server kit...
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2004, 11:21:33 pm »
Yes, the .NET framework IS required if you are going to use the log viewer. I'm not certain if it's required for the kit it's self (been a while since I've tried it) but I'd recommend you install .NET framework even if you don't plan on using the log viewer.




  • Guest
Re: LogViewer not working on server kit...
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2004, 11:29:57 pm »
TY Castrin, you're a genius.

Any clue what to do now?

From beginning to end...

Info: Server platform started
Info: ServerManager started
Info:  *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS is temporarily under T0:3
Info:  *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS assigned under 0:2
Info:  *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS is made public under 0:2
Info:  *~Server~* tClockRelayS is temporarily under T0:5
Info:  *~Server~* tClockRelayS assigned under 0:4
Info:  *~Server~* tClockRelayS is made public under 0:4
Info:  *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS is temporarily under T0:7
Info:  *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS assigned under 0:6
Info:  *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS is made public under 0:6
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@ is temporarily under T0:9
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@ assigned under 0:8
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@ is made public under 0:8
Info: servers=4GetServersToWaitForCount()=11
Info: servers=4GetServersToWaitForCount()=11
Info:  *~Server~* tShipRelayS is temporarily under T0:12
Info:  *~Server~* tShipRelayS assigned under 0:11
Info:  *~Server~* tShipRelayS is made public under 0:11
Info:  *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS is temporarily under T0:14
Info:  *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS assigned under 0:13
Info:  *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS is made public under 0:13
Info:  *~Server~* tMapRelayS is temporarily under T0:15
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@ is temporarily under T0:17
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@ assigned under 0:16
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@ is made public under 0:16
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtNotifyRelayS@@ is temporarily under T0:19
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtMessengerRelayS@@ assigned under 0:21
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtMessengerRelayS@@ is made public under 0:21
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtNotifyRelayS@@ assigned under 0:20
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtChatRelayS@@ is temporarily under T0:22
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtNotifyRelayS@@ is made public under 0:20
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtDataValidatorS@@ assigned under 0:24
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtDataValidatorS@@ is made public under 0:24
Info:  *~Server~* tAIRelayS is temporarily under T0:27
Info:  *~Server~* tAIRelayS assigned under 0:26
Info:  *~Server~* tAIRelayS is made public under 0:26
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtInfoRelayS@@ assigned under 0:25
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtInfoRelayS@@ is made public under 0:25
Info:  *~Server~* tGoalRelayS is temporarily under T0:29
Info:  *~Server~* tGoalRelayS assigned under 0:28
Info:  *~Server~* tGoalRelayS is made public under 0:28
Info: servers=10GetServersToWaitForCount()=11
Info: Turn 4 (120000 ms/T) 1.01 started 2004-4-25 21:26:49 Users: 0 of 0 as of 2004-4-25 21:26:51
Info: GS: Simulation start (4)
Info: GS: None to simulate
Info: GS: Simulation end (4)
Info: GS: Generator start (4)
Info: GS: None to generate
Info: GS: Generator end (4)
Exception: Validate in

encodedBlobSize > 0 failed the validate in C:\Projects\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\Meta\Servers\Database\Multi\ADOManager.cpp(337)
Error!: Exception caught in main(), shutting down
Exception: Out of bounds in

Info: Shutting down  *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS
Info:  *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS received packet 66 while waiting to be deleted
Info:  *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS is temporarily under T0:2
Info:  *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS closed
Info: Shutdown complete  *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS
Info: Shutting down  *~Server~* tClockRelayS
Info:  *~Server~* tClockRelayS is temporarily under T0:4
Info:  *~Server~* tClockRelayS closed
Info: Shutdown complete  *~Server~* tClockRelayS
Info: Shutting down  *~Server~* .?AVtDataValidatorS@@
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtDataValidatorS@@ is temporarily under T0:24
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtDataValidatorS@@ closed
Info: Shutdown complete  *~Server~* .?AVtDataValidatorS@@
Info: Shutting down  *~Server~* tShipRelayS
Info:  *~Server~* tShipRelayS is temporarily under T0:11
Info:  *~Server~* tShipRelayS closed
Info: Shutdown complete  *~Server~* tShipRelayS
Info: Shutting down  *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@ is temporarily under T0:8
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@ closed
Info: Shutdown complete  *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@
Info: Shutting down  *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@ is temporarily under T0:16
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@ closed
Info: Shutdown complete  *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@
Info: Shutting down  *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS
Info:  *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS is temporarily under T0:13
Info:  *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS closed
Info: Shutdown complete  *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS
Info: Shutting down  *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS
Info:  *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS is temporarily under T0:6
Info:  *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS closed
Info: Shutdown complete  *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS
Info: Shutting down  *~Server~* .?AVtChatRelayS@@
Info: Chat relay CONNECTED to IRC Server with object: 02917D48
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_F@Dynaverse3
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_K@Dynaverse3
Info: SecS: VALIDATING for these files:
Info: SecS: || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: defaultcore.txt || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: defaultloadout.txt || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: meta_casino.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_distresscall.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_hail.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_hail_base.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_hail_convoy.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_hail_homeworld.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_hail_planet.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_hail_shipyard.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_monster.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_scan.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_supriser.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: sfc3.exe || CRC Count:1
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_R@Dynaverse3
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtSecurityRelayS@@ assigned under 0:23
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtSecurityRelayS@@ is made public under 0:23
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_B@Dynaverse3
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_SystemBroadcast
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_SB@Dynaverse3
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_G@Dynaverse3
Error!: tThread::Work() unhandled exception, closing down

How do I fix tThread?


  • Guest
Re: LogViewer not working on server kit...
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2004, 11:59:13 pm »
Info: Server platform started
Info: ServerManager started
Info:  *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS is temporarily under T0:3
Info:  *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS assigned under 0:2
Info:  *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS is made public under 0:2
Info:  *~Server~* tClockRelayS is temporarily under T0:5
Info:  *~Server~* tClockRelayS assigned under 0:4
Info:  *~Server~* tClockRelayS is made public under 0:4
Info:  *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS is temporarily under T0:7
Info:  *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS assigned under 0:6
Info:  *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS is made public under 0:6
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@ is temporarily under T0:9
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@ assigned under 0:8
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@ is made public under 0:8
Info: servers=4GetServersToWaitForCount()=11
Info:  *~Server~* tShipRelayS is temporarily under T0:12
Info:  *~Server~* tShipRelayS assigned under 0:11
Info:  *~Server~* tShipRelayS is made public under 0:11
Info:  *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS is temporarily under T0:14
Info:  *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS assigned under 0:13
Info:  *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS is made public under 0:13
Info:  *~Server~* tMapRelayS is temporarily under T0:15
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@ is temporarily under T0:17
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@ assigned under 0:16
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@ is made public under 0:16
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtNotifyRelayS@@ is temporarily under T0:19
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtNotifyRelayS@@ assigned under 0:20
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtNotifyRelayS@@ is made public under 0:20
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtMessengerRelayS@@ assigned under 0:21
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtMessengerRelayS@@ is made public under 0:21
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtChatRelayS@@ is temporarily under T0:24
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtDataValidatorS@@ assigned under 0:23
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtDataValidatorS@@ is made public under 0:23
Info:  *~Server~* tAIRelayS is temporarily under T0:27
Info:  *~Server~* tAIRelayS assigned under 0:26
Info:  *~Server~* tAIRelayS is made public under 0:26
Info:  *~Server~* tGoalRelayS is temporarily under T0:29
Info:  *~Server~* tGoalRelayS assigned under 0:28
Info:  *~Server~* tGoalRelayS is made public under 0:28
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtInfoRelayS@@ assigned under 0:25
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtInfoRelayS@@ is made public under 0:25
Info: servers=10GetServersToWaitForCount()=11
Info: Turn 1 (120000 ms/T) 1.01 started 2004-4-25 23:55:10 Users: 0 of 0 as of 2004-4-25 23:55:13
Info: Chat relay CONNECTED to IRC Server with object: 0248F1E8
Info: SecS: VALIDATING for these files:
Info: SecS: || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: defaultcore.txt || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: meta_casino.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_distresscall.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_hail.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_hail_base.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_hail_convoy.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_hail_homeworld.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_hail_planet.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_hail_shipyard.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_monster.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_scan.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_supriser.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: sfc3.exe || CRC Count:1
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtSecurityRelayS@@ assigned under 0:22
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtSecurityRelayS@@ is made public under 0:22
Exception: Validate in

encodedBlobSize > 0 failed the validate in C:\Projects\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\Meta\Servers\Database\Multi\ADOManager.cpp(337)
Error!: Exception caught in main(), shutting down
Exception: Out of bounds in

Info: Shutting down  *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS
Info:  *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS is temporarily under T0:2
Info:  *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS closed
Info: Shutdown complete  *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS
Info: Shutting down  *~Server~* tClockRelayS
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_F@GFLBETATEST
Info:  *~Server~* tClockRelayS is temporarily under T0:4
Info:  *~Server~* tClockRelayS closed
Info: Shutdown complete  *~Server~* tClockRelayS
Info: Shutting down  *~Server~* .?AVtDataValidatorS@@
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtDataValidatorS@@ is temporarily under T0:23
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtDataValidatorS@@ closed
Info: Shutdown complete  *~Server~* .?AVtDataValidatorS@@
Info: Shutting down  *~Server~* tShipRelayS
Info:  *~Server~* tShipRelayS is temporarily under T0:11
Info:  *~Server~* tShipRelayS closed
Info: Shutdown complete  *~Server~* tShipRelayS
Info: Shutting down  *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@ is temporarily under T0:8
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@ closed
Info: Shutdown complete  *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@
Info: Shutting down  *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@ is temporarily under T0:16
Info:  *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@ closed
Info: Shutdown complete  *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@
Info: Shutting down  *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS
Info:  *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS is temporarily under T0:13
Info:  *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS closed
Info: Shutdown complete  *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS
Info: Shutting down  *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS
Info:  *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS is temporarily under T0:6
Info:  *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS closed
Info: Shutdown complete  *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS
Info: Shutting down  *~Server~* .?AVtChatRelayS@@
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_K@GFLBETATEST
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_R@GFLBETATEST
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_B@GFLBETATEST
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_SystemBroadcast
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_SB@GFLBETATEST
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_G@GFLBETATEST
Error!: tThread::Work() unhandled exception, closing down

Getting same error on startup  


  • Guest
Re: LogViewer not working on server kit...
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2004, 12:26:48 am »
Need a bit more data to troubleshoot this.

I did a quick test (cause honestly I had not run this kit recently) and it started up fine for me in a totally stock setup.

If you would tell me what OS your using, if this is a stock sever or what you have changed, and any other info that might apply and I'll try and see if anything occurs to me.

Wish I had a quick answer for you.



  • Guest
Re: LogViewer not working on server kit...
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2004, 01:09:07 am »
Stock Server build 531.
OS Windows XP Pro
Processor XP 3200+
1 GB System Ram(DDR)
MySql 4.0.18
MySql ODBC 3.51

Only things changed are name of the server in campaign1.mct , a different non stock map.....and movement rate.

But everything loads just fine under the Flatfile DB just doesn't load under SQL



  • Guest
Re: LogViewer not working on server kit...
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2004, 09:23:47 am »

Need a bit more data to troubleshoot this.

I did a quick test (cause honestly I had not run this kit recently) and it started up fine for me in a totally stock setup.

If you would tell me what OS your using, if this is a stock sever or what you have changed, and any other info that might apply and I'll try and see if anything occurs to me.

Wish I had a quick answer for you.


Windows XP Home edition, Pentium 4 2.6 GHz w/HT and 800 mhz bus, 512 MB RAM.

It's a stock setup- only thing I changed was (UseSQL = 1) and Campaign1.mct (changed the name).

Both me and Taz are trying SQL.  We're both running MySQL and MyODBC.

I'm running MySQL 4.0.18 and MyODBC 3.51.

I've installed .NET framework v1.1.


  • Guest
Re: LogViewer not working on server kit...
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2004, 10:51:14 am »
My advice - don't use the LogViewer - it is the cause of more crashes than anything else.


  • Guest
Re: LogViewer not working on server kit...
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2004, 11:37:53 am »
Well it was crashing without the LogViewer, I needed LogViewer to see what was going on.

And I have no clue how to fix it


  • Guest
Re: LogViewer not working on server kit...
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2004, 06:29:12 pm »
Ok, now we're cooking ... your using mySQL. It looked like it but I wasn't sure ...

Let me check my notes ...

In the meantime, verify your client settings and version vs the "howto" file in the docs folder. Also make sure your version of MDAC is up to date. I'll get back here with more notes when I get home.



  • Guest
Re: LogViewer not working on server kit...
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2004, 08:43:03 pm »

Ok, now we're cooking ... your using mySQL. It looked like it but I wasn't sure ...

Let me check my notes ...

In the meantime, verify your client settings and version vs the "howto" file in the docs folder. Also make sure your version of MDAC is up to date. I'll get back here with more notes when I get home.


Downloaded MDAC 2.8...

I followed the Howto files when installing, plus my experiences from the previous build.


  • Guest
Re: LogViewer not working on server kit...
« Reply #30 on: April 26, 2004, 09:28:52 pm »
Ran a test and used my copied server build 500 from the other comp.

Interestingly worked.

So the previous server kit works on MySQL immediately...the new one does not.

Taz ran MS-SQL with the new server kit.  It worked too.  Unfortunately MS-SQL demands 100% of his CPU when he's running the server, making the computer useless, so he can't use it.

Apparently its something in the connection between the new server kit and MySQL.  No problem with the new serverkit and MS-SQL, and no problem with the old serverkit and MySQL.


  • Guest
Re: LogViewer not working on server kit...
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2004, 12:43:31 am »
Hmmm, ok ... I have it working on my system, totally stock.

Check your table scripts. I tried using an old one but it freaked the kit out completely. Also you might want to check the ODBC settings for the ADO connection. You should have all options unchecked. Very often when you first make a new connection configuration the default setup will have 3 of the first boxes checked.

That's all I have for right now. Let me know if any of that helped.



  • Guest
Re: LogViewer not working on server kit...
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2004, 12:50:57 am »
Whoo! That actually worked!  Unchecking the stuff in ODBC fixed it! It actually works!!!

TY Castrin!


  • Guest
Re: LogViewer not working on server kit...
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2004, 10:47:15 am »

Hmmm, ok ... I have it working on my system, totally stock.

Check your table scripts. I tried using an old one but it freaked the kit out completely. Also you might want to check the ODBC settings for the ADO connection. You should have all options unchecked. Very often when you first make a new connection configuration the default setup will have 3 of the first boxes checked.

That's all I have for right now. Let me know if any of that helped.


Thanks Castrin that fixed it for me also.

Now another question since that is probably the problem with MS SQL 2000 SP3a Server running at 100% CPU Speed.

What do you recommend MySQL or MS SQL for running a SFC3 server?



  • Guest
Re: LogViewer not working on server kit...
« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2004, 10:48:42 am »
MySQL is recommended.. too many issues occur in MS SQL..


  • Guest
Re: LogViewer not working on server kit...
« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2004, 11:01:22 am »

MySQL is recommended.. too many issues occur in MS SQL..

There's probably more security vulnerabilities in MS SQL too, knowing Microsoft products

j/k before people kill me...


  • Guest
Re: LogViewer not working on server kit...
« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2004, 11:04:47 am »
And I reccomend using neither!!! As they will both send your server crashing as often as they possibly can!! Player Limit with MySQL is 5. Any more and the probability of a crash increases exponentially.


  • Guest
Re: LogViewer not working on server kit...
« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2004, 11:12:27 am »
Maybe they can provide logs and error reports and such from SQL that were never reported back to the testers group????

ALL aspects of the game needs to be looked at...  if they want to get SQL going.. there feedback is invaluable to the Testers group..

heck a Single Player bug has occurred so far that I have turned in... and it is from Stock version.. Overlooked in the Mods since they were designed for only D3...

Guys.. keep working with SQL.. it may be some obserd overlooked setting in the server kit or in MySQL that may be hurting the D3 for SQL servers... Taldren could really use the feedback and data that you could provide from your log files..

Try your server with complete stock settings... and also remove the DefaultLoadOut file from the Validate Client Files.. that was a mistake on my part.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »