Topic: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?  (Read 12262 times)

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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #40 on: April 21, 2004, 10:55:25 am »
C&C : Generals is pretty good IMHO. It adds replay Value by Having you strive for more and more awards / Medals, And Even the SP game mode Campaigns are impressive the first couple of times through.



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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #41 on: April 21, 2004, 11:41:49 am »
Games I'm looking foward to: Starcraft Ghost, World of Warcraft, Metal Gear Solid 3, Mechassault 2, Halo 2.

Five solid titles. Mostly consol games, though. I haven't been keeping track of the PC games because my computer can't really handle the new stuff coming out. 1400mhz Athlon T-bird, 9000 Radeon Pro, 512Ram. Sigh.

But cheer up. I bet once Blizzard gets done with WoW they'll work on Starcraft 2.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Tremok »

Scott Allen Abfalter

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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #42 on: April 21, 2004, 11:46:02 am »

You are having problems because there is a stagnation of creativity in the computer game market.  

Instead of a new and creative game, publishers are hedging their bets (backing a game is a financial gamble) by backing sequels, games with movie tie-ins, and clone games that follow the same formula as existing, proven games.

I went to the game store recently and didn't find anything I was interested in and eventually re-installed Diablo 2 and have been playing that.  Vrey out-dated graphics but the fun game-play elements are still there.

The only game I'm really interested in that is coming out is World of Warcraft.   I've been mulling over trying Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic because it looks good, even though it's not my usual type of game.   Other than that, I am completely disinterested in this years batch of games.  



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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #43 on: April 21, 2004, 04:32:21 pm »
Rise of Nations is a decent RTS. Has a few new features for that genre.

Empires:Dawn of the Modern World is an ok RTS,but it was done before with Empire Earth. Only difference is every "Empire" has it's own units and buildings.

Looking forward to seeing what Ensemble plans on doing next.


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #44 on: April 21, 2004, 04:50:00 pm »
Knights of the Old Republic is AMAZING! I'm not really known to like RPG style games like that, but I absolutely loved it. So much fun! I've replayed almost 3 times now (40+hours).

I also want to mention Splinter Cell:Pandora Tomorrow. Another excellent release that I picked up a few weeks ago. Very nice single player campaign, amazing multiplayer. If you're getting it for the multi and you have Xbox LIVE! get it on Xbox. If not, the PC version is still excellent, just harder to talk directly.


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #45 on: April 21, 2004, 06:10:47 pm »

Knights of the Old Republic is AMAZING! I'm not really known to like RPG style games like that, but I absolutely loved it. So much fun! I've replayed almost 3 times now (40+hours).

I also want to mention Splinter Cell:Pandora Tomorrow. Another excellent release that I picked up a few weeks ago. Very nice single player campaign, amazing multiplayer. If you're getting it for the multi and you have Xbox LIVE! get it on Xbox. If not, the PC version is still excellent, just harder to talk directly.  

  SW-Kotor is EXCELLENT. Galaxies is like an advanced form of it and even maintains consitantcy with the timeline. The ruins of the Jedi enclave from Kotor is there on Dantooine. There is a dark Jedi there who is begging for an arse whooping.

  Glad to hear Rise of Nations is going good now. I almost got it when it first came out but heard there were numerous problems to be fixed first.

   This is the last chance I will get for a while to have any free time. Soon I will be picking up some courses again and between school, work and family, will not have any time to spare. I am enjoying what I can with SW Galaxies and Doom 3 when it hits the shelves. Then I will be slowing down for a while.  


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #46 on: April 21, 2004, 06:32:14 pm »

Is it just me?  

Nope, me too.

We're just old.
Playing computer games is getting sillier and sillier.....

Now, women & booze?
That's forever!  


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #47 on: April 21, 2004, 08:04:47 pm »
I have to disagree Towelie. I think that while Galaxies is good, neither is superior. They're different classes of RPG. Galaxies is totally free form and online only. KOTOR is the total opposite, scripted and linear. It all depends on what kind of games you like!  


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #48 on: April 21, 2004, 08:13:59 pm »
Hearts of Iron and Europa universalis 1 & 2 are also good ones to play imho  


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #49 on: April 21, 2004, 10:26:12 pm »

I have to disagree Towelie. I think that while Galaxies is good, neither is superior. They're different classes of RPG. Galaxies is totally free form and online only. KOTOR is the total opposite, scripted and linear. It all depends on what kind of games you like!  

  I didn't mean to suggest it was superior, I should of said expanded. I will still play Kotor to explore other options. I was just suggesting that most Kotor player will probably like Galaxies since it doesn't quite end, although it lacks some story plots.


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #50 on: April 22, 2004, 12:57:41 am »
Actually there are some story plots in SWG, you just have to find them which can be a pain with 10 planets to explore and literally hundreds of square km's to explore and thousands of NPC's that you could possibly talk to.


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #51 on: April 22, 2004, 02:29:00 am »
I feel the same too...and in fact have installed the same games you did,to bridge the time until release of Perimeter.

Check it out here.



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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #52 on: April 22, 2004, 09:42:08 am »


I have to disagree Towelie. I think that while Galaxies is good, neither is superior. They're different classes of RPG. Galaxies is totally free form and online only. KOTOR is the total opposite, scripted and linear. It all depends on what kind of games you like!  

See? I knew you'd understand! lol kidding of course.
  I didn't mean to suggest it was superior, I should of said expanded. I will still play Kotor to explore other options. I was just suggesting that most Kotor player will probably like Galaxies since it doesn't quite end, although it lacks some story plots.  

Raniz Murjuri

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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #53 on: April 22, 2004, 10:40:55 am »
i have to agree with hypergol,

There's nothing intresting coming out in the way of RTS..

everything thats coming out is FPS and .. FPS.

there's MMORPG's coming out.. but compared to FPS... it's a minute class of game.

you can read the rest of my response over in the  RPG general forums.
under the title..
This Years MMO market.  


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #54 on: April 22, 2004, 04:03:12 pm »
Only the followinf games do I find remotely interesting at the moment and two are MMORPGs:

Rise of Nations (sweet RTS esp if you arent a micro freak; It's first expansion is about to release)

Darkfall Online (The only good Fantasy MMORPG out or in the works; Still waiting fer Beta)

And Eve Online (Been out long enough to have major content updates and massive bug fixes, and it you like SciFi, it's a great investment; Has trials that will either hook you or turn you off)

I personally wouldn't waste money on WoW, it has zero innovation and is just a graphics clone of a flawed system...

J. Carney

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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #55 on: April 22, 2004, 09:28:43 pm »

Hearts of Iron and Europa universalis 1 & 2 are also good ones to play imho  

Hearts of Iron? I've seen it, but not enough out there about it.

Any chance for a quick review?


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #56 on: April 23, 2004, 10:28:04 am »
HOI, WW2 Grand campaign game

You can play as allmost any nation from 1936 on, this means even the piss ant ones, like Bulgaria  , or the S. american countries.

A very large tech tree, Ie ya can research the industry techs to gain better production, or more efficent use of oil and other resources. 20,50-150 MM cannons for tanks and filed artillery. Naval techs, air, Intel, computers the list goes on.

Inf units, paratroopers, marines, mtn troops, winter tech, Mech, armour, Strat Bombers, dive bombers, all kinds of fighters.

Think Axis &allis with 500X more stuff.....  


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #57 on: April 23, 2004, 10:58:56 pm »
Just to bump it up..,
The Perimeter DEMO is ready for download.. If you are interested in RTS its a must check out. THis game  features some unique stuff and is addicting to play.. atleast from my point of view.
 Here comes some background info...

Perimeter is a ground breaking real-time strategy game which brings, a range of fresh ideas to  the RTS genre. Use strategic Terraforming to acquire resources, project a impenetrable perimeter force shield to protect from attack and marshal your forces though manipulation of nano-technology.

These key gameplay elements deliver a new challenging and rewarding experience for single and multiplayer.

Perimeter is set in a universe where the earth has been abandoned and multiple civilisations are in a race across a newly discovered galaxy to colonise the only suitable planet. This epic journey will involve exploring many new worlds, battling against other civilisations and indigenous species, all to acquire energy to continue the search for a new home.

For the first time in RTS history the player by strategically manipulating the environment can extract energy, expand their base, increase their territory and limit their opponents options. The condition of the landscape can be changed completely by a number of influences including special units, explosions and natural geological processes.

A impenetrable force shield can be raised once the necessary buildings have been constructed, and will stay active as long as the players energy reserves last. The force shield protects the player from virtually all attack, and allows for a number of defensive and offensive strategies to be executed.

Units can be transformed into different units on the battlefield, giving the player powerful tactical opportunities to adapt combat units to a particular situation. Not all unit?s will be effective in all situations and base unit?s must be built tactically, either to focus on a sole function or to be adaptable.

Energy extracted from the terraformed planets surface constantly powers the players units, buildings and force shield. Thus even squads operating far from the players base depend on their energy network. Without power buildings and bases are susceptible to capture which can turn a game in seconds. Constant energy management is vital to success.

Control troops via command groups, up to 500 individual units can be managed on a higher strategic level.

27 scenario driven missions, 28 morph-able units, 24 structure types, 30 single player maps, 6 multiplayer maps, 3 unique factions

Engine capable of manipulating over 1 million polys per second.  


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #58 on: April 23, 2004, 11:56:15 pm »
I don't mean to rain on your parade...

But "Rome TW" is being streamlined as well to make the TW series more approachable... (At least that's what I read some months ago.)

So, I am even sceptical about Rome TW now. (Don't get me wrong, I love MedievalTW but maybe because I love TW series, I am having doubts.)

Homeworld 2 looks excellent, I still haven't gotten my hands on it, but I really look forward to it.

War for the Ring (the LoTR RTS) was a disappointment for me, I guess I was expecting something more like Warcraft...

Really good RTS's are hard to come by now. I find my self going back to some of my old favorites as well. I'm playing "Conquest: Frontier Wars" again right now. I really love that game!
The new Warcraft 3 patch looks interesting too, I might give it a go afterward.

SFC Bennie

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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #59 on: April 24, 2004, 01:32:01 am »
I loved KOTOR, but I love good single player RPGs, and was glad to see they hadn't completely vanished from the market.

The only computer game I'm looking forward to at this point is City of Heroes.

Scott Bennie