Topic: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?  (Read 12261 times)

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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2004, 10:58:56 pm »
Just to bump it up..,
The Perimeter DEMO is ready for download.. If you are interested in RTS its a must check out. THis game  features some unique stuff and is addicting to play.. atleast from my point of view.
 Here comes some background info...

Perimeter is a ground breaking real-time strategy game which brings, a range of fresh ideas to  the RTS genre. Use strategic Terraforming to acquire resources, project a impenetrable perimeter force shield to protect from attack and marshal your forces though manipulation of nano-technology.

These key gameplay elements deliver a new challenging and rewarding experience for single and multiplayer.

Perimeter is set in a universe where the earth has been abandoned and multiple civilisations are in a race across a newly discovered galaxy to colonise the only suitable planet. This epic journey will involve exploring many new worlds, battling against other civilisations and indigenous species, all to acquire energy to continue the search for a new home.

For the first time in RTS history the player by strategically manipulating the environment can extract energy, expand their base, increase their territory and limit their opponents options. The condition of the landscape can be changed completely by a number of influences including special units, explosions and natural geological processes.

A impenetrable force shield can be raised once the necessary buildings have been constructed, and will stay active as long as the players energy reserves last. The force shield protects the player from virtually all attack, and allows for a number of defensive and offensive strategies to be executed.

Units can be transformed into different units on the battlefield, giving the player powerful tactical opportunities to adapt combat units to a particular situation. Not all unit?s will be effective in all situations and base unit?s must be built tactically, either to focus on a sole function or to be adaptable.

Energy extracted from the terraformed planets surface constantly powers the players units, buildings and force shield. Thus even squads operating far from the players base depend on their energy network. Without power buildings and bases are susceptible to capture which can turn a game in seconds. Constant energy management is vital to success.

Control troops via command groups, up to 500 individual units can be managed on a higher strategic level.

27 scenario driven missions, 28 morph-able units, 24 structure types, 30 single player maps, 6 multiplayer maps, 3 unique factions

Engine capable of manipulating over 1 million polys per second.  


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #21 on: April 23, 2004, 11:56:15 pm »
I don't mean to rain on your parade...

But "Rome TW" is being streamlined as well to make the TW series more approachable... (At least that's what I read some months ago.)

So, I am even sceptical about Rome TW now. (Don't get me wrong, I love MedievalTW but maybe because I love TW series, I am having doubts.)

Homeworld 2 looks excellent, I still haven't gotten my hands on it, but I really look forward to it.

War for the Ring (the LoTR RTS) was a disappointment for me, I guess I was expecting something more like Warcraft...

Really good RTS's are hard to come by now. I find my self going back to some of my old favorites as well. I'm playing "Conquest: Frontier Wars" again right now. I really love that game!
The new Warcraft 3 patch looks interesting too, I might give it a go afterward.

SFC Bennie

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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2004, 01:32:01 am »
I loved KOTOR, but I love good single player RPGs, and was glad to see they hadn't completely vanished from the market.

The only computer game I'm looking forward to at this point is City of Heroes.

Scott Bennie  


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2004, 08:23:42 am »
Conquest Frontier Wars is excellent! It's sitting on my desk right now, thats how often I play it!


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2004, 09:40:39 am »
I have not found a game I really liked since SFC2 (and OP). I enjoyed Neverwinter Nights and Blitzkreig, but I keep coming back to SFC2:OP

I am waiting for SFC4, Adromedian Invasion  

Dash Jones

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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2004, 01:53:41 pm »

Conquest Frontier Wars is excellent! It's sitting on my desk right now, thats how often I play it!  

I'll double that voice.  It is a great RTS.  Haven't played it in around six months, but it is an awesome game with multiple maps with warp points, supply lines, and the strategy that goes with them.


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #26 on: April 24, 2004, 03:40:36 pm »
I'd really like to see more RTS's take advantage of supply corridors, like Homeworld or even a new MechCommander. Think, you've got the forces to punch through the enemies front line, but he is in position to cut off the supplies to those ships once their on the other side. Cool no?


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #27 on: April 24, 2004, 03:56:06 pm »
The freeware game Starshatter has been picked up by budget publisher MATRIX games. Starshatter is astounding, VERY moddable and huge in scope. To me it's a cross between the best of Bridge commander and SFC with a dash of homeworld etc. I got the demo of PC Gamer UK the other day, and loved it.
  Also bought BREED and FARCRY the other week and loved them to.
If you play consoles, .Hack infection is pretty good(PS2).
Knights of the old Republic 2 is in development and I think I read that Fallout 3 is being made.
Oh and Nexus the old imperium galactica 3 is now close to a release.
Then there's DOOM 3 and Half life2
SO much to look forward to.  

Mr. Hypergol

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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2004, 10:23:22 am »

 But "Rome TW" is being streamlined as well to make the TW series more approachable...  

I read an article in PC Gamer (I think that's what it was) about RTW.  It looks really great, but I did note the "streamlining" comments in the article.

It remains to be seen if streamlining means "dumbing down" in this case.  It seems that SFC isn't the only game genre that's hurtin' in today's market.

Thanks for the reply "3dot14" (and others).  I'm just glad so many of us are still active in this forum after what happened to the SFC series.  It's a testiment to Taldren's support and the exceptional modding talent around here.  


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2004, 11:24:47 am »

Is it just my tastes or does it seem like good realtime strategy games are in decline.

The only game that is planned that I have any interest in buying is Rome Total War.  It seems that Warcraft 3 and Homeworld 2 are the only good RTS that have come out lately.

I find myself going back and playing my old games like Starfleet Command, Starcraft, Myth1,2, & 3, Mechwarrior 4, Mechcommander 2, etc.  Where are all the games like these?

I remember a few years ago wanting 4 or 5 different when I review upcoming titles at websites like Gamespot, I find myself coming up short.  Rome Total War....that's it!!

Is it just me?  

There generally is a game drought this time of year.  Look for a lot of things in mid summer and fall.

I'm looking forward to Sid Meyer's Pirates out this fall.
I'm also keeping an eye on Battle for Middle Earth.  

It's kind of nice having a breather from a glut of new games.  It gives you time to appreciate the good ones you already have.

SPQR Renegade001

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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2004, 01:50:01 pm »
I hear ya. There's not much out there that's tempting me to open my wallet.

After the death of E&B, I gave Horizons a shot. That wasn't all I had hoped, now I'm looking again. Some friends are trying to talk me into SWG, so I'll propably give that a look, and WoW will get a a good hard look when it comes out.

In the mean time, I've been back to Diablo II and playing with some seriously modified OP, and wasting a lot of processing power on Teragen.

Taldren, PLEASE.... Help us...  

Dash Jones

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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2004, 02:18:14 pm »


Is it just my tastes or does it seem like good realtime strategy games are in decline.

The only game that is planned that I have any interest in buying is Rome Total War.  It seems that Warcraft 3 and Homeworld 2 are the only good RTS that have come out lately.

I find myself going back and playing my old games like Starfleet Command, Starcraft, Myth1,2, & 3, Mechwarrior 4, Mechcommander 2, etc.  Where are all the games like these?

I remember a few years ago wanting 4 or 5 different when I review upcoming titles at websites like Gamespot, I find myself coming up short.  Rome Total War....that's it!!

Is it just me?  

There generally is a game drought this time of year.  Look for a lot of things in mid summer and fall.

I'm looking forward to Sid Meyer's Pirates out this fall.
I'm also keeping an eye on Battle for Middle Earth.  

It's kind of nice having a breather from a glut of new games.  It gives you time to appreciate the good ones you already have.  

You'll be glad to note that with the AI work as well as giving units emotional insets and a little individuality that it MAY or MAY NOT be an awesome RTS...such that it will either be a gamers wet dream...or a flop depending on how the AI acts and is accepted...or it could have no effect...never can tell in the market as B&W was seen to have a similar type of expectation.

Still, I find it impressive concerning unit reactions to events occurring around them as well as morale and anger being infused in them.  May be a good thing, or a bad thing.


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2004, 03:05:20 pm »
I'm waiting for Grigsby's Pacific War, and Flashpoint Germany.  

Grigsby is also doing a WWII game that covers the entire planet.  Matrix is also going to publish a new Napoleonic game: Campaigns on the Danube 1805 & 1809.  I'll probably pass on that one.

Taldren REALLY needs to do Federation & Empire.  

Scott Allen Abfalter

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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2004, 04:20:33 pm »

Only the followinf games do I find remotely interesting at the moment and two are MMORPGs:

Rise of Nations (sweet RTS esp if you arent a micro freak; It's first expansion is about to release)

Darkfall Online (The only good Fantasy MMORPG out or in the works; Still waiting fer Beta)

And Eve Online (Been out long enough to have major content updates and massive bug fixes, and it you like SciFi, it's a great investment; Has trials that will either hook you or turn you off)

I personally wouldn't waste money on WoW, it has zero innovation and is just a graphics clone of a flawed system...  

I can't disagree more.  Blizzard were the ones who initially put forth the idea of "instanced" areas and now other MMORPG's are jumping on the bandwagon (even DAoC's next expansion will be about them).  So they are already innovators and the game ain't even done yet.

Blizard are the masters of stripping a game down to it's bare fun essentials.  At every turn, Blizzard asks "Is the user having fun?" and corrects the problem if not.   MMORPG's tend to have problems as developers get high-falutin'(tm) ideas about virtual economies and player-driven this-and-that.  And they implement these things forgetting that, hey, sometimes these make for a LESS fun game, even if it is a better simulation environment.  

Forget making my MMORPG a simulation --make it FUN to play!  

I do prefer the look of the upcoming EQ2 vs. WOW --although Blizzard's art style is admittedly, well, _stylish_, it's a little campy for me.  But I have no illusions about it; WOW will be more fun to play than any other MMORPG out there and probably most to come for a while.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scott Allen Abfalter »


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #34 on: April 29, 2004, 06:01:52 am »
Any game that ignores PvP in favor of PvE is lame and underthought...

Scott Allen Abfalter

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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #35 on: April 29, 2004, 08:24:29 am »

Any game that ignores PvP in favor of PvE is lame and underthought...  

Um, no.  That is just a false statement.

Even if it were true, this does not apply to Blizzard.  Blizzard is going to support PvP and PvE both.  In fact, it has some interesting ideas on PvP using the "instanced dungeon" idea.  What they will be doing is having two parties on their own private battlefields, either alone or sometimes in support of ally/foe MOB as part of a larger battle.   This will not be the only method of PvP, just one interesting variant.  (Also, PvP servers, PvP areas, duels, and all sorts of ways for people to vitually kill each other).  And their preview footage showed a huge gladatorial area where people can fight.   So not only will Blizzard do PvP but they are going to do some really interesting things with it.

The game should make both PvE and PvP people happy --except for the small porion of the PvP population who believe that they should be able to attack ANYONE, even players who do not want PvP.  But that small population will be dissatisfied with anything less than fantasy-Halo.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scott Allen Abfalter »


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #36 on: April 29, 2004, 07:58:50 pm »
I think the simple answer to the question posed in the subject line is that you are an intelligent person with a sense of taste... At least that has been my observation so far...

(A lot of the new games don't much appeal to me either).

Mr. Hypergol

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Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #37 on: April 21, 2004, 10:32:00 am »
Is it just my tastes or does it seem like good realtime strategy games are in decline.

The only game that is planned that I have any interest in buying is Rome Total War.  It seems that Warcraft 3 and Homeworld 2 are the only good RTS that have come out lately.

I find myself going back and playing my old games like Starfleet Command, Starcraft, Myth1,2, & 3, Mechwarrior 4, Mechcommander 2, etc.  Where are all the games like these?

I remember a few years ago wanting 4 or 5 different when I review upcoming titles at websites like Gamespot, I find myself coming up short.  Rome Total War....that's it!!

Is it just me?  


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #38 on: April 21, 2004, 10:46:47 am »
 They come and go in waves. I enjoy whatever is out. I am enjoying SW Galaxies since they got most of the bugs worked out. I will be playing some FPS games for a while since alot of good ones are coming out soon such as Doom 3 (oh yes bring on the horror and carnage). Halo 2, and several others. I love all but sports games, with exception of football.

  Doom 3 hasn't had an official date released yet, and I'm late for work, later!


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Re: Why Am I Not Interested in Any of the New Games Coming Out?
« Reply #39 on: April 21, 2004, 10:48:17 am »
No, the RTS genre is struggling.  Wait until Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 come out. THEN they'll really struggle.  You might want to check out Command & Conquer Generals, as I hear it's quite good. ($40 for the game and expansion).