Topic: McKinnley Station seeing a Refit...  (Read 1269 times)

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McKinnley Station seeing a Refit...
« on: May 15, 2004, 06:42:26 pm »
well, i finally bit the bullet and built a new website for McKinnley Station

Everything is brand new, and has a RPG-ish feel to it.

Here is an Introduction for you.
You drop out of warp in the Draconis Sector, right were McKinnley Station is, a subspace relay station uploads navigational data onto your starship. Your navigation screen comes on with a map to the sector....make a selection.

Currently it is under construction, but by the time i am done, you will be able to download just about anything from new planets for SFC to new landscapes to new ships, to new space environment spheres.... i mean everything, you just have to find your way around.

But i will give you one hint...If you want to get a Reman ship, take a look in the shady places of the Romulan know, the downbelow sectors where the scum hang out...the contacts name is Sargon, but he never stays at his table, if you leave a request on his padd, he'll get it to you.


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Re: McKinnley Station seeing a Refit...
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2004, 07:11:06 pm »

 But i will give you one hint...If you want to get a Reman ship, take a look in the shady places of the Romulan know, the downbelow sectors where the scum hang out...the contacts name is Sargon, but he never stays at his table, if you leave a request on his padd, he'll get it to you.  



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Re: McKinnley Station seeing a Refit...
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2004, 07:53:32 pm »
oh, i can now do Dedication Plaques if anyone needs em.

there is one on the Caliburn's Bridge and the Constance, if you want to see what they look like.


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Re: McKinnley Station seeing a Refit...
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2004, 11:00:28 pm »
Incredible site!  I can't wait until it's ALL completely done.

Maybe you can base a game off that concept!

One nitpick- you've got Starfleet guys crawling all over the Romulan, Klingon, and Cardassian embassies!  You'd think they post guards or force fields to keep the Federation spooks out!...

... just kidding!  It's a beautiful site!


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Re: McKinnley Station seeing a Refit...
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2004, 11:02:49 pm »
meh, stuff happens

if you notice i used cardassian stuff for Romulan interiors - there areny any good rommie interiors floating around, so i made do.

As far as a game concept...what i do want to do is start a role-playing forum set in and around McKinnley Station...

Really the last thing i have to do is Olympus, the Museum, the Sensor array and then all the LCARS panels
I also have sepearte LCARS for Romulan, Klngon, the Borg Resistance, Cardassian, and Reman. but there arent any pages up that need to have them, so i havent uploaded them yet.

I think i am going to start my own SFC modded server, and an RPG to go along with it....maybe one day at least.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2004, 11:05:52 pm by Fury_of_a_Seraph »


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Re: McKinnley Station seeing a Refit...
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2004, 11:25:19 pm »
I would have to make it for SFC:OP

Federation - Federation - includes "Home Fleets" of Kzinti and Gorn
Klingon - Klingon
Romulan - Romulan
Lyran - Lyran
Hydran - Hydran
Gorn - Seltorian
Mirak - Cardassian
Orion - Orion / Maquis
Prime - Reman
Korgoth - Tholian
Tigerhearts - LDR
Beastraiders - Dominion / son'a / breen
Syndicate - Hellion
Camboro - Kazon / Vidiian Alliance
Wyldefire - Andromedan
Unplayable Orion - Borg

i will have to scratch species 8472 unless someone has a better idea - besides - i think they are a little too powerful to be played by players.

Tomorow i have practice for the ren-faire, but the way weather is going, it may not go on - so if it doesnt, im gonna start on a shiplist.

Captain Ron

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Re: McKinnley Station seeing a Refit...
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2004, 03:25:12 am »
So you going to upload that that Excelsior Fleet as well in this update?

It is a bit tougher to move around in there now especially if you are going to make it grow. You might want to rethink the first loading screen to help people out. By placing a sector items list there list, so people will know if that is a sector they wish to visit.


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Re: McKinnley Station seeing a Refit...
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2004, 06:04:15 am »
Yes, as soon as i make the Olympus yards, i will start releasing Excelsiors.
I had considered doing that about the sectors, but it got too cluttered...i think it would be oool to leave it as is.


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Re: McKinnley Station seeing a Refit...
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2004, 06:50:12 am »
Absolutely fantastic work !!!! I can't wait to see this site done.

Captain Ron

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Re: McKinnley Station seeing a Refit...
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2004, 11:59:04 am »

Yes, as soon as i make the Olympus yards, i will start releasing Excelsiors.
I had considered doing that about the sectors, but it got too cluttered...i think it would be oool to leave it as is.  

No use a additional screen.
when you click on a sector have it bring up a list of available facalities and a sublist under them to see if it is a place that you may wish to explore. You could do it at least for the federation sections at first and as you expoler the other sections then they getthe list or something. If that is not possible to code then just give less info about the other races in the sector screen so the only way to find out is going in there for them.