Topic: I hate to say bad things about buisnesses other than Wall Mart But never order  (Read 1052 times)

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Anything from McDaniels models. I have yet to get what I ordered 7 months ago and he wont return Emails either. And I dought If going to court will help. The only reason I ordered from his site is Because ADB at the time listed him as a Authorised seller of their products and I did get the Fed NCL kit he offerd at that time. But I Have yet to get, or Have any emails retured as to the status of my other orders.

So I say again do not order anything from him.


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Crap man!!!
Hope something works in your favor

and thanks for the heads up  


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Anything from McDaniels models. I have yet to get what I ordered 7 months ago and he wont return Emails either. And I dought If going to court will help. The only reason I ordered from his site is Because ADB at the time listed him as a Authorised seller of their products and I did get the Fed NCL kit he offerd at that time. But I Have yet to get, or Have any emails retured as to the status of my other orders.

So I say again do not order anything from him.  

Seems like there is always some rear-end out there trying to mess people over..  I had a really bad thing happen to me a few years ago that stiffed me for over 12k ..  OUCH !!  

this is never good ..  irreguardless of how much is envolved...  Just plain bad business!!!


I do agree with Azel..  thanks for the heads up bud !!

  edited by slug for language content.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2004, 10:06:27 pm by NannerSlug »


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I should point out that the guy in question (McDaniels models) had some really messed up troubles with money of some sort that I'm not privvy too. In any case this same problem was encountered by a lot of people who ordered from his site just before he temporarily disappeared. He did re-open his business a few months ago and apparently began shipping stuff to all the ppl he had orders from. This guy is not an bottom end, he's just a guy doing that stuff out of his garage in his own time and a lot of the time he's running a deficit. Don't pre-judge these garage-company guys on one bad experience, many ppl on the starship modeler forum have said nothing but praise regarding his service after he sorted out whatever money problems he had.

Not siding with the guy over you Khalee but I'm just giving the other side to the story about McDaniels, I don't know why he wont return emails though he does occasionally posts on the forums so you could try asking for him there.

Oh and he may be 'authorised' by ADB but he's still just an amateur operating out of his garage so don't trust everything you read off of ADB's site, he don't work for them and he ain't a contractor with them or anything.

 edited by slug due to language content.  
« Last Edit: May 02, 2004, 10:05:39 pm by NannerSlug »