Topic: Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"  (Read 2536 times)

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Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"
« on: April 16, 2004, 10:54:57 pm »
Ok, I've been watching DS9 lately since it has been on Spike TV and having a blast watching the series.  a couple of nights ago, I watched the episode called "Crossover" where Julian and Kira where transported over too the "Mirror Universe" via the Wormhole on their Runabout.  I wanted too ask people about this theory of the Mirror Universe and how it relates too the Star Trek Universe and the Prophets (Wormhole Aliens).  

I was thinking, the Prophets are Non-coprorial beings and they don't exist in one point in time.  They seem too be very influential in the Star Trek universe as we see how they have effected the Bajorian people for thousands of years and they even effected Siskos own birth.  Their Advesaries are the Pa'Rahs <sp> who exist in the Star Trek universe in the Firecaves in Bajor (at least... I think that is where they are based).  When I watched the episode of Crossover, I noticed that their was some sort of problem due too their warp feild in the runabout that caused the crossover too begin with.  When Julian and Kira arived in the other universe, the Bajorians in this universe seemed too still have a religion very similar too the Bajorians in the Star Trek universe but it was never very clear if they beleived in the Prophets or even a celestrial tempol like their counterparts.  What I'm suggesting might sound radical, but could the "religion" that the Bajorians beleived in the Mirrior Universe was actually where the Pa'Rahs dwelled?  Maybe Firecavs in the Star Trek Universe was the only way for the Pa'Rahs able too influence things in the Star Trek universe and that their real "realm" was in the Mirror Universe.  And maybe what actually caused such a huge conflct between the Pa'Rahs versus the Profits was when Kira and Julian Crossed over via the Worm Hole, it was the epicenter of the Entire Pa'Rah/Prophet Conflict.  Kira and Julians' crossover might have been the beginnings of each beings knowlege of the other and ongoing struggle.  As we know from the first episode, the Prophets where not even aware they where in a Worm hole and that time was beyond their comprehension until Sisko explained it too them.  All of the Prophets Coporal understanding is based on when Sisko made first contact with them.  Since Time is of no meaning too the Pa'Rahs and Prophets, 10,000 years ago is the same as it is today, which means that even though the Star Trek Bajorians think the struggle between the Prophets and the Pa'Rahs has been extremely long, 10,000 yeas ago is no big deal too them.  

Anyway, what do you guys think of my theory of the Pa'Rahs dwealling in the Mirror Universe?  Any opinioins?


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Re: Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2004, 02:47:09 am »
    I guess everybody kind of bored that RDSL is down so they are using the energy in another form.I did read your post Magnum357 but it was interesting in the series though and has connction to TOS actually there two Trouble with Tribbles and the Crossover.The others TNG or Voyager made none what so ever.It just goes to show you the writers talents on DS9.  


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Re: Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2004, 12:57:53 pm »
Soooo... does that mean you think the theory is bogus or does it have some possible truth too it?


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Re: Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2004, 01:49:45 pm »
     I din't say it was bogus I just said that I didn't read it yet just glanced at it.I forot to put didn't in that posting.I will read it going from post to post in hear but from what i see it might have some merit to it.I will read it for Magnum357.You Know Magnum always used a 44 not a 357 this is of course Magnum PI just thought I'd let you know.  


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Re: Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2004, 04:09:00 pm »
I didn't use the name Magnum357 because of the Magnum PI show, I just like too shoot Magnum357 guns and bullets more then 44's.


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Re: Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2004, 04:19:43 pm »
I think it is a sound theory...

But I also think you have too much time on yer hands  


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Re: Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2004, 04:48:46 pm »
Its "Pa Wraiths"

The Prophets were very aware they lived in a "wormhole" as they created it. They merely asked Sisko to clarify the term to them as they did not call it that. IIRC they simply called it "the passage".

If you recall the last episodes of DS9 we found out that Sisko's life was orchestrated by the Prophets as they knew all of those events were going to happen, time being irrelevant to them, and made sure he was born so that it all would come to pass as we saw it happen. The first episode's "explanation" by Sisko to the Prophets was for his (and our) benefit to get Sisko on the right track, not the Profits.

Now as to your "theory" - The inhabitants of the Mirror Universe were not even aware there was a wormhole out there so I can't believe that the Pa Wraiths were living in that side's wormhole. I saw no evidence of those Bajorans looking for their "Celestial Temple".

The Mirror Universe is not an exact opposite of ours, otherwise the Klingons and Cardassians would be peace loving explorers  trying to talk their way out of every conflict. They looked and acted the same way they did on "this side".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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Re: Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2004, 09:16:06 pm »
Corbomite, I realize that the Bajorians and others in the Mirror universe where not aware of any "Celestial Temple" (aka, Wormhole or Passage) but it seems that the Bajorians in this universe did have a religious belief system very similar too the Bajorians of the Star Trek Universe.  I'm just saying that couldn't it be possible that "Pa Wraiths" are actually based in the Mirror Universe and that both became aware of one another after Kira and Bashire crossed over too the other universe.  Then, it became a huge conflict between the two and since time has no meaning for the Prophets or  "Pa Wraiths" that 10000 years ago is no big deal too them (in either universe).  

And I do realize that the Mirror Universe is not an exact opposite of the Star Trek universe.  I never said they where exactly opposite from one another.

Oh, and thanks for giving me the correct spelling for "Pa Wraiths".  I've been wondering for years how too spell it right.


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Re: Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2004, 09:41:57 pm »
If I'm not mistaken, the Pah Wraiths had been part of the Star Trek Universe Bajoran religion for centuries. They were called "False Prophets" and were said to have been expelled from the "Cellestial Temple" long ago. There were even Bajorans who worshipped them, which is an integral part of the series finale.

The larger question is "Who were/are/will be the Prophets?" My personal opinion is that they are the last survivors of Bajor from the end of time, when they've evolved into non-corporeal, non-temporal beings. They always told Sisko that they were "...of Bajor."  


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Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2004, 10:54:57 pm »
Ok, I've been watching DS9 lately since it has been on Spike TV and having a blast watching the series.  a couple of nights ago, I watched the episode called "Crossover" where Julian and Kira where transported over too the "Mirror Universe" via the Wormhole on their Runabout.  I wanted too ask people about this theory of the Mirror Universe and how it relates too the Star Trek Universe and the Prophets (Wormhole Aliens).  

I was thinking, the Prophets are Non-coprorial beings and they don't exist in one point in time.  They seem too be very influential in the Star Trek universe as we see how they have effected the Bajorian people for thousands of years and they even effected Siskos own birth.  Their Advesaries are the Pa'Rahs <sp> who exist in the Star Trek universe in the Firecaves in Bajor (at least... I think that is where they are based).  When I watched the episode of Crossover, I noticed that their was some sort of problem due too their warp feild in the runabout that caused the crossover too begin with.  When Julian and Kira arived in the other universe, the Bajorians in this universe seemed too still have a religion very similar too the Bajorians in the Star Trek universe but it was never very clear if they beleived in the Prophets or even a celestrial tempol like their counterparts.  What I'm suggesting might sound radical, but could the "religion" that the Bajorians beleived in the Mirrior Universe was actually where the Pa'Rahs dwelled?  Maybe Firecavs in the Star Trek Universe was the only way for the Pa'Rahs able too influence things in the Star Trek universe and that their real "realm" was in the Mirror Universe.  And maybe what actually caused such a huge conflct between the Pa'Rahs versus the Profits was when Kira and Julian Crossed over via the Worm Hole, it was the epicenter of the Entire Pa'Rah/Prophet Conflict.  Kira and Julians' crossover might have been the beginnings of each beings knowlege of the other and ongoing struggle.  As we know from the first episode, the Prophets where not even aware they where in a Worm hole and that time was beyond their comprehension until Sisko explained it too them.  All of the Prophets Coporal understanding is based on when Sisko made first contact with them.  Since Time is of no meaning too the Pa'Rahs and Prophets, 10,000 years ago is the same as it is today, which means that even though the Star Trek Bajorians think the struggle between the Prophets and the Pa'Rahs has been extremely long, 10,000 yeas ago is no big deal too them.  

Anyway, what do you guys think of my theory of the Pa'Rahs dwealling in the Mirror Universe?  Any opinioins?


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Re: Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2004, 02:47:09 am »
    I guess everybody kind of bored that RDSL is down so they are using the energy in another form.I did read your post Magnum357 but it was interesting in the series though and has connction to TOS actually there two Trouble with Tribbles and the Crossover.The others TNG or Voyager made none what so ever.It just goes to show you the writers talents on DS9.  


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Re: Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2004, 12:57:53 pm »
Soooo... does that mean you think the theory is bogus or does it have some possible truth too it?


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Re: Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2004, 01:49:45 pm »
     I din't say it was bogus I just said that I didn't read it yet just glanced at it.I forot to put didn't in that posting.I will read it going from post to post in hear but from what i see it might have some merit to it.I will read it for Magnum357.You Know Magnum always used a 44 not a 357 this is of course Magnum PI just thought I'd let you know.  


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Re: Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2004, 04:09:00 pm »
I didn't use the name Magnum357 because of the Magnum PI show, I just like too shoot Magnum357 guns and bullets more then 44's.


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Re: Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2004, 04:19:43 pm »
I think it is a sound theory...

But I also think you have too much time on yer hands  


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Re: Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2004, 04:48:46 pm »
Its "Pa Wraiths"

The Prophets were very aware they lived in a "wormhole" as they created it. They merely asked Sisko to clarify the term to them as they did not call it that. IIRC they simply called it "the passage".

If you recall the last episodes of DS9 we found out that Sisko's life was orchestrated by the Prophets as they knew all of those events were going to happen, time being irrelevant to them, and made sure he was born so that it all would come to pass as we saw it happen. The first episode's "explanation" by Sisko to the Prophets was for his (and our) benefit to get Sisko on the right track, not the Profits.

Now as to your "theory" - The inhabitants of the Mirror Universe were not even aware there was a wormhole out there so I can't believe that the Pa Wraiths were living in that side's wormhole. I saw no evidence of those Bajorans looking for their "Celestial Temple".

The Mirror Universe is not an exact opposite of ours, otherwise the Klingons and Cardassians would be peace loving explorers  trying to talk their way out of every conflict. They looked and acted the same way they did on "this side".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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Re: Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2004, 09:16:06 pm »
Corbomite, I realize that the Bajorians and others in the Mirror universe where not aware of any "Celestial Temple" (aka, Wormhole or Passage) but it seems that the Bajorians in this universe did have a religious belief system very similar too the Bajorians of the Star Trek Universe.  I'm just saying that couldn't it be possible that "Pa Wraiths" are actually based in the Mirror Universe and that both became aware of one another after Kira and Bashire crossed over too the other universe.  Then, it became a huge conflict between the two and since time has no meaning for the Prophets or  "Pa Wraiths" that 10000 years ago is no big deal too them (in either universe).  

And I do realize that the Mirror Universe is not an exact opposite of the Star Trek universe.  I never said they where exactly opposite from one another.

Oh, and thanks for giving me the correct spelling for "Pa Wraiths".  I've been wondering for years how too spell it right.


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Re: Theories about the DS9 episode "Crossover"
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2004, 09:41:57 pm »
If I'm not mistaken, the Pah Wraiths had been part of the Star Trek Universe Bajoran religion for centuries. They were called "False Prophets" and were said to have been expelled from the "Cellestial Temple" long ago. There were even Bajorans who worshipped them, which is an integral part of the series finale.

The larger question is "Who were/are/will be the Prophets?" My personal opinion is that they are the last survivors of Bajor from the end of time, when they've evolved into non-corporeal, non-temporal beings. They always told Sisko that they were "...of Bajor."