Topic: I have come to the conclusion....  (Read 2005 times)

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I have come to the conclusion....
« on: April 19, 2004, 09:18:03 am »
That I am not welcome in this or any forum run by Taldren.
A few days ago I set up a couple of posts asking the question about why I could not access models from Atrahasis' site.  I did not know of the situation of his being banished from the forum or the cause of his anger.  All I wanted was to download some models and have fun with my game.

Since that time two of my posts have been deleted and the third is "locked" out apparently only accessable by admin.  Also an email was sent to my personal email address by someone claiming to represent Taldren admin.  It stated in a nutshell that further ponderings on this subject would result in my ousting as well.

If this is the type of atmosphere the admin then so be it.  My personal opinions are mine and mine alone.  
My right to express them regardless of who agrees or disagress with them is my right as a citizen.  As a member of this country's armed forces, the only limitations I have is that  my opinions cannot promote acts of treason against the rightfully elected, standing government of this nation and make or imply any dispariging remarks about the elected officials of the government.  These are covered by articles 92 and 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart every single one of you who have posted models in this forum.  If you don't know who you are just look in the mirror(except you Lestat ).  You have made my gaming absolutely enjoyable.  To the legitimate Taldren Admin, William Shatner said it best, "You people need to get a life!"
To the Taldren "Admin" that sent me the email, all I have to say is better trained and better armed men tried to kill me in Panama, Iraq, Kuwait, Somalia and Liberia.  They failed or as the BeneGesserit Mother said to Paul Atreides. They died.  
I, on the otherhand, now live in Kentucky, go to college and get so much freaky, downright nasty sex I should make videos of it.  Wait a minute I DO make videos of it!
So what can you do to me?!

In closing I would hope that someday this forum becomes a place where modellers can together like "one big happy fleet."  Just like Khan said.

Bye guys be good to each other.    


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Re: I have come to the conclusion....
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2004, 09:45:56 am »
I said it once Ill say it again, locking threads, deleting posts and preventing ppl from discussing how they feel will lead to pent up anger and rebellion.

 I hear there is already a movement afoot that is gaining serious momentum toward the kind of censorship going on here in these boards. Im telling the admins what I know cuz I think they are making things worse. Some of the postd that have been deleted have already been copied from some peeps so there are records of what has been going on.

Moderators, just let these peeps post how they feel and STOP deleting everything and threatening ppl with banning for wanting to express themselves.

How many ppl are u gonna ban?

SHEESH! wtf is the matter with you all? Im kinda getting sick of it myself. You guys need to lay OFF a bit.

This is how it is:

    "I mean, u start speaking out against them and they close the thread down,
    make it disappear then they make u disappear."

That kinda atmosphere suks.

Look, I have a lot of other things Im into here than to deal with this crap. But this type of stuff has to stop. STOP STOP STOP!

Have I expressed myself? No, actually I have not. These words have been said by other members of the community and do not exactly reflect how I would put it. I dont have the time to get into it right now, but go ahead and lock this thread. Just adds fuel to the fire.



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Re: I have come to the conclusion....
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2004, 10:38:06 am »
I await locking and deletion.  Amen.

Rod O'neal

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Re: I have come to the conclusion....
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2004, 10:55:17 am »
That won't happen until after the moderators post their opinions on the subject, then tell us if we post ours that the thread will be locked.  

Captain Ron

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Re: I have come to the conclusion....
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2004, 11:21:02 am »
More than likily this one will get the boot as well, I agree there.

I did not want to see things get out of hand in this section of the forums as much as you all didn't. The OT forum and all of its different names has driven off more members then I can count (even with out some of them having multiple accounts). There have only been two wars in the models forums and it pretty much ended quite a few modellers make them for this game. They will not be coming back and quite a few of the new ones I have also seen driven off by this stuff happening.

Our opinions got supressed even when we were being civil about it, you say it was done out of fear but to us it looked more like malice. If this is what I am to see and start to expect to see I will also leave again, there are plenty of forums and games out there to be played with. I enjoyed this game and all the mods and changes to it (1 thru OP) well I will hate to see it die it has always been a matter of time until it does.


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Re: I have come to the conclusion....
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2004, 11:27:08 am »
Neither I, nor anyone representing me sent you an email.

Your stating your opinion wasn't an issue. You are doing it now and if the admins were on a rampage to get rid of views that disagree with them nobody would have ever had a chance to post replies to this thread or any of the others.
The threads were locked or moved because people wanted more than to express their opinion they wanted to harp and bash, regurgitating the situation over and over. Only one side of the story has, and can be told and it seems that some want to believe the worst about the motivations of the people who administrate these forums. This seems funny since there is no 'right' to post here and yet posts have been allowed and even responded to that are clearly derisive toward the people who volunteer their time to keep these forums open.

If you feel that your ability to state your opinion has been quashed then I can understand your frustration. I would hope that you would take a moment and recognize that that ability does not translate into continuous harping on the same issue with insulting remarks, and derogatory comments. The purpose for doing so is only to inflame everyone and that is neither your right nor any privilege we are willing to grant.

I do however have a solution. Maybe all of the people who volunteer their time and efforts towards keeping these forums alive should pay attention to the bashing they are getting and put no more effort into them. Of course that would mean that the entire forum would shut down but hey, so what right?



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Re: I have come to the conclusion....
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2004, 11:33:19 am »

 you say it was done out of fear but to us it looked more like malice.  

Why would I have Malice? That isn't even a fair comment.
If you honestly believe that I have malice in this situation why am not not defending my self against the lies and accusations? Why am I not ripping people I new one and then banning them for pissing me off? Don't you remember that we did have people in here that banned simply because they didn't like someones review of somehting.

Ah give me a break. If I am going to have malice now tacked onto my motivations along with some assumed (and let me tell you completely inaccurate) political affilations and all kinds of other garbage that people use to excuse their behavior by assuming the worst of others...


forget it man.

Rod O'neal

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Re: I have come to the conclusion....
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2004, 11:34:14 am »

 Also an email was sent to my personal email address by someone claiming to represent Taldren admin. It stated in a nutshell that further ponderings on this subject would result in my ousting as well.

You wouldn't happen to have the address that this e-mail was sent from, would you?  


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Re: I have come to the conclusion....
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2004, 11:48:36 am »


 Also an email was sent to my personal email address by someone claiming to represent Taldren admin. It stated in a nutshell that further ponderings on this subject would result in my ousting as well.

You wouldn't happen to have the address that this e-mail was sent from, would you?  

I'm interested to know too...  


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Re: I have come to the conclusion....
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2004, 11:58:34 am »
I don't get what that guy has against me (I'm the Lestat he mentions for those who don't know)

Anyway, the best thing to do right now is either get all angry, post our opinions and have everything locked or just shut our mouths on here and [bleep] in private about them.

I refuse to comment here on these boards as I have no wish to be banned, even if it means I have to censor my own posts for fear of banning

Rod O'neal

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Re: I have come to the conclusion....
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2004, 12:02:36 pm »
I believe that the everyone but you comment was meant as a reference to vampires not casting an image in a mirror rather than anything else.  


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Re: I have come to the conclusion....
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2004, 12:21:05 pm »

That won't happen until after the moderators post their opinions on the subject, then tell us if we post ours that the thread will be locked.  

Too right, too right.   My mistake.  Please see the above for confirmation of the principle.  Sic transit gloria mundae.


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Re: I have come to the conclusion....
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2004, 12:28:04 pm »
C'mon, people, let it go. If you've been a part of these forums for awhile, then you know that "certain" people have been banned, let back, banned again etc., etc., etc. You're all getting your nuts (if you have 'em ) in an uproar, and it really won't do much good. I mean, look at how things are now...last year, the modelling forum was falling to pieces due to flame wars and such, and now we have new releases every day. That is due, in small part, to the Admins and Moderators. Sure, there are going to be cases we don't agree with, but over all they seem to be making an honest effort to keep this place alive. We all just need to take some time, play a few missions with some of the great stuff coming out, and be glad that we even have a forum to go to.

My $.02  

Lord Schtupp

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Re: I have come to the conclusion....
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2004, 12:56:03 pm »

C'mon, people, let it go. If you've been a part of these forums for awhile, then you know that "certain" people have been banned, let back, banned again etc., etc., etc. You're all getting your nuts (if you have 'em ) in an uproar, and it really won't do much good. I mean, look at how things are now...last year, the modelling forum was falling to pieces due to flame wars and such, and now we have new releases every day. That is due, in small part, to the Admins and Moderators. Sure, there are going to be cases we don't agree with, but over all they seem to be making an honest effort to keep this place alive. We all just need to take some time, play a few missions with some of the great stuff coming out, and be glad that we even have a forum to go to.

My $.02  

Ditto. Well said.

It is not the support that we have shown for Atra nor opinions expressed that get threads locked, it is the accusations of who did what etc. that get the threads locked. This is the Modeling Forum, and I am sorry if anybody leaves because of some slight, real or imagined, against them. You are only depriving yourself and your friends here, not the mods/admins.  

Lord Schtupp

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Re: I have come to the conclusion....
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2004, 01:30:50 pm »

In closing I would hope that someday this forum becomes a place where modellers can together like "one big happy fleet."  Just like Khan said.

It did. We are.


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Re: I have come to the conclusion....
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2004, 01:41:21 pm »
   You know WE all do this for the love of the game and to interact with people who do the same no matter what other differences we might have..  People come and go but we all generally get along just fine.
Yeah i know i haven't been around that much lately and rarely ever post or reply but you know i feel confortable here. even being in the fringe........
  It make me sad that sometimes things get a little out of hand but...........

I hope we can all find ways to get over our differences......I'm here to make models and to find inspiratio to make good models... so that my game playing expearience is more fun thats all.....
There are some great people and great artists here. but we ahve to respect each and every one for what they have done on this forum for this game......

If someone needs to quit well that happens....
If someone gets locked out..... well that happens too.....
We have all stated how we feel about it and thats all we can do.....


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Re: I have come to the conclusion....
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2004, 02:12:31 pm »
jayvt3  some of use have mod made by atra and be willing to send them to you, tell us the model your looking for and if i have it i will send it to you.


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Re: I have come to the conclusion....
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2004, 11:27:46 pm »
Funny, but I recall several of those who have been locked out, left, what-have-you, show back up under different names, but similar email addresses, leading me  to believe that Taldren Admin don't totally block those from usage forever, just that name.... I agree, Sandman, Schupp, we must let these things lie...  many others, like me, only attend this particular forum, as it is pretty much only about SFC, and usually calm and focused  .

Dont worry JayVT, no one listens to me either, but I still post here anyhow... your posts were just over a tender subject... use youre imagination and walk in Admin's shoes, maybe it'll sort out for you then a little. If I were them, I'd be jumpy about it too, even if you were just posting your opinions. Don't put logs on an abandoned fire, mate... keep posting, you make new and exciting approaches...