That I am not welcome in this or any forum run by Taldren.
A few days ago I set up a couple of posts asking the question about why I could not access models from Atrahasis' site. I did not know of the situation of his being banished from the forum or the cause of his anger. All I wanted was to download some models and have fun with my game.
Since that time two of my posts have been deleted and the third is "locked" out apparently only accessable by admin. Also an email was sent to my personal email address by someone claiming to represent Taldren admin. It stated in a nutshell that further ponderings on this subject would result in my ousting as well.
If this is the type of atmosphere the admin then so be it. My personal opinions are mine and mine alone.
My right to express them regardless of who agrees or disagress with them is my right as a citizen. As a member of this country's armed forces, the only limitations I have is that my opinions cannot promote acts of treason against the rightfully elected, standing government of this nation and make or imply any dispariging remarks about the elected officials of the government. These are covered by articles 92 and 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart every single one of you who have posted models in this forum. If you don't know who you are just look in the mirror(except you Lestat

). You have made my gaming absolutely enjoyable. To the legitimate Taldren Admin, William Shatner said it best, "You people need to get a life!"
To the Taldren "Admin" that sent me the email, all I have to say is better trained and better armed men tried to kill me in Panama, Iraq, Kuwait, Somalia and Liberia. They failed or as the BeneGesserit Mother said to Paul Atreides. They died.
I, on the otherhand, now live in Kentucky, go to college and get so much freaky, downright nasty sex I should make videos of it. Wait a minute I DO make videos of it!

So what can you do to me?!
In closing I would hope that someday this forum becomes a place where modellers can together like "one big happy fleet." Just like Khan said.

Bye guys be good to each other.