Ladies and Gentle Gamers,I know that in my Last Post on this subject,I said I wouldn't bring up this particular subject,again. However,I've spent all day(4-18-2004)going from this Website to Activision's Website to Paramount's Website to without being able to find out the current status of the Lawsuit between Activision and Paramount. So,If anyone can find out this information and report it to this August Forum,I for one,would be extremely greatful. And,While I'm on the subject,How's S.F.C.III's Official Patch doing? Is it finished,yet? I know I said I won't ask that question again in my Last Post,as well. But,The frustration of not having any current information about either of these subjects is driving me slightly crazy. For which I crave and beg the indulgence and forgiveness of this August Forum and Taldren Inc. Thank You,very much,one and all,for your time. Joseph L. Rand.(