Topic: What's going on with Activision,Paramount,and the Official S.F.C.III Patch?  (Read 6322 times)

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The patch will come out the day Osama Bin Laden is elected president of the US.  

Hmmm, Didn't see him on the ballot. Do we have to wait till Novemeber or can we release it or woud you mind terribly if we released it sooner than that??

Gosh darn it where is that drum kit....


You didn't say anything about me sounding like you or quote me.I guess it is cool.We can have our election any time we want to but I think it'll be in the fall.I Know our southern cousins don't follow or know to much of thier northern cousins do you.It is becuause you don't get our TV stations down there and we get yours and know a lot about you.  


  • Guest are torturing these poor souls...and I like it...hehehe

David Ferrell

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The patch will come out the day Osama Bin Laden is elected president of the US.  

Hmmm, Didn't see him on the ballot. Do we have to wait till Novemeber or can we release it or woud you mind terribly if we released it sooner than that??

Gosh darn it where is that drum kit....


Well we better hurry up and ammend the Constitution to allow a foreigner to become
president.  Arnie will be pleased. (OK Arnie will argue that all he wants is for someone
who is not a "natural born citizen" but still a citzen to be electable is enough for him).


« Last Edit: April 23, 2004, 08:55:40 am by David Ferrell »


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Do you think you could hold off giving these people the patch untill the path is clear for Arnie to be president? I mean that should only take several years and a miracle right?



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Do you think you could hold off giving these people the patch untill the path is clear for Arnie to be president? I mean that should only take several years and a miracle right?



Oh man ... <wipes tears from eyes> ... so many should just put their order for crow in now ...



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Do you think you could hold off giving these people the patch untill the path is clear for Arnie to be president? I mean that should only take several years and a miracle right?



Oh man ... <wipes tears from eyes> ... so many should just put their order for crow in now ...




David Ferrell

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I hope this answers your question:

URL Editied Temoroarialy



Edited by Pestalence until Ann reposts.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2004, 02:07:07 pm by Pestalence »


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*snicker snicker*


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lets make it official.

hell has frozen over.


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NOOOOOOO! That means I'll have to do all of those things that I never thought I'd have to do.

On the positive side, I'll finally get that date with the cheerleader from way back in High school. Hope she's kept herself up.  


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What's going on with Activision,Paramount,and the Official S.F.C.III Patch?
« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2004, 07:45:22 pm »
Ladies and Gentle Gamers,I know that in my Last Post on this subject,I said I wouldn't bring up this particular subject,again. However,I've spent all day(4-18-2004)going from this Website to Activision's Website to Paramount's Website to without being able to find out the current status of the Lawsuit between Activision and Paramount. So,If anyone can find out this information and report it to this August Forum,I for one,would be extremely greatful. And,While I'm on the subject,How's S.F.C.III's Official Patch doing? Is it finished,yet? I know I said I won't ask that question again in my Last Post,as well. But,The frustration of not having any current information about either of these subjects is driving me slightly crazy. For which I crave and beg the indulgence and forgiveness of this August Forum and Taldren Inc. Thank You,very much,one and all,for your time. Joseph L. Rand.(  


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    I have no Idea how it is going and I don't think anyone else does either we talked about it a lot.  


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Wouldn't it be more appropriate to ask one of the lawyers working on the matter?  


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Wouldn't it be more appropriate to ask one of the lawyers working on the matter?  

Yeah it would, but why cloud the internet transom with facts?  


  • Guest
Oh, yeah, the first place that I go for factual, unbiased information is a lawyer!    


  • Guest
I really wish both parties could come too some sort of agreement.  SFC3 is not a bad game, but it desperately needs a patch and some balancing (hopefully, Taldren is doing that right now as we speak).


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Folks, it's time to face it.   The real patch is never going to see the light of day.


  • Guest

Folks, it's time to face it.   The real patch is never going to see the light of day.  

Intellectual Honesty? Sorry your name Just had me craking up with that post. No offence meant.  



  • Guest

Folks, it's time to face it.   The real patch is never going to see the light of day.  

When that day shines upon us there is always hope under the sun.I feel as if I sound like Ann no offence Ann you come up with some smart quotes.    


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The patch will come out...and that's the last I'm going to say on this subject.