Topic: Klingon Acadamy  (Read 1207 times)

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Klingon Acadamy
« on: April 17, 2004, 06:32:18 pm »
     The more I see of this game the more I want to play it, especially with all the good KA models at the STARYARDS.  But I find that the romulans are rather unrepresented at this site.  So if anybody can point me in the direction of a good KA model site I would appreciate it.  


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Re: Klingon Acadamy
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2004, 09:40:24 am »
The best way to obtain links for Klingon Academy is to surf the modder forum at  Just look at any topic that interests you, and the key modders will have links built into their signatures.  Since the peak of activity passed years ago, many of the links that you might find around (including those in my favorites directory) are now extinct.  All of the active sites can be found on the KA boards.


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Re: Klingon Acadamy
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2004, 01:48:00 pm »
     Well I just tried the Klingon Academy and Bridge Commanders demos.  I don't care much for the unwieldy nature of the KA interface but the Bridge Commander demo rocked.  Excellent controll, realistic phaser strip arcs, and well done default models(though the demo only let you play as the Galaxy, Warbird, and Bird of Prey).  If they were to add the customizable nature of SFCIII,  the MMORPG-style play and real-time faster-than-light travel of EVE Online it would make a perfect successor to Dynaverse III.  


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Re: Klingon Acadamy
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2004, 06:00:21 pm »
Bridge Commander IMHO is only good for renders, there's not a whole lot of challenge, not a whole lot of diversity of ships (excluding the mods for a moment)... And most of the time all you can do is sit back and watch the action giving orders rather than really challenging yourself.  It's not bad but I'd rather seek out a challenge, fight in an asteroid belt or nebula, black hole or planetary ring, some more realistic combat.


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Re: Klingon Acadamy
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2004, 11:34:34 pm »
jeah. bridge commander looks great but it is kinda boring. ka is older but the gameplay rocks! you got a lot of environment to play in and u need alot of tactical awerness to be succesfull + it has one of the best single player campaigns.
dan i loved the klingon ships. especialy the insurection class dd and the emperor bc.
thee weak points of the game are the kinda oldfahioned grafics and the fact that u wont find the canon armament on the ships (for example the mirinda only has its phaser canons on the rollbar and the akula dd doesnt have side mounted phasers) but still klingon academy is the better game.




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Re: Klingon Acadamy
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2004, 07:03:18 am »

Bridge Commander IMHO is only good for renders, there's not a whole lot of challenge, not a whole lot of diversity of ships (excluding the mods for a moment)... And most of the time all you can do is sit back and watch the action giving orders rather than really challenging yourself.  It's not bad but I'd rather seek out a challenge, fight in an asteroid belt or nebula, black hole or planetary ring, some more realistic combat.  

the manual flight mode (exterior view) can be a bit of a challenge...which is why I got the game...I can't  fly worth crap so KA and SFC for  me are next to impossible to play.