Topic: Another Fun Server?  (Read 1926 times)

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Another Fun Server?
« on: February 20, 2003, 11:20:10 pm »
Herr Burt's doesn't for at least a week, and I think 7.25 should come to a close.

If you have to ask who won, just take a look at the map....

At any rate...I would like to to start a fun server with about a timeline of about a week (it will run until a major campaign starts, like Day of the Eagle)

What alliances would you like?  I need some ideas from everyone.  I will use the most interesting idea.

What kind of map? Details:  Max DV's, (econ will be very high, so we can good ships in the yards), and NO neutral hexes.  I remember the neutral coop bug vividly, and its something I would not like to reexperiece.

Starting PP? (I think it should be a little higher)

Starting BPV?

Im not sure what kind of shiplist I want to use, I want to avoid all the classing problems, and configuration problems I encountered in 7.25.

I may even re-use the AOTK settings if you guys think that is acceptable.
(I really don't want to use the missions, downloads suck, I'd like to keep it at a minimum)

Give me some ideas!