Well the 3D Downloads idea won't work. The ftp access is offline tonight, as it likes to do once in a while.
I have another idea. I'll upload the files to the same place the big file went to, and create a web page with a big pile of links on it. That will be quicker and easier to download individual ships than 3D anyway..
Stay Tuned.
Great screenie, KF. Moonraker's base? That baby is a classic. Moon's hanging around BC now.
Can you write up a little FASA history for the site as well. I'd like it in your own words, signed by you. The Mod Directory uses URLs for supporting documentation for thier hosted mods.
I'm going to create a spot on my Frost-Works site for the web page with the links to the individual ships, and the Federation, Klingon, and Romulan FASA manuals.
My page with links will be here:
http://www.frost-works.com/cjmods/fasatosfc.htmStay Tuned