Topic: FASA to SFC Models are online!  (Read 10984 times)

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Chris Jones

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FASA to SFC Models are online!
« on: April 14, 2004, 09:38:02 pm »
I have received a CD via snail mail that contains a really big collection of FASA to SFC Models. I've put them into a rar file and am now uploading to my personal space on the Star Trek Mod Directory. I've asked to have them placed on the main SFC page of the Mod Directory when the file is fully uploaded.  These models are for all who need them relating to the OP Galaxies at War Mod.  The CD was sent to me by Klingon Fanatic.

I had considered putting them on SFC3 Files. I still may. Uploading big files takes a while, even on DSL. I shall keep you all posted.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »


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Re: FASA to SFC Models getting hosted.
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2004, 09:57:58 pm »

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: FASA to SFC Models getting hosted.
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2004, 10:19:09 pm »
Excellent news indeed.

It took some time to gather all this ships and it could not have been done without the efforts of all the SFC community model makers/kitbashes out there that attempted to make these ships for us over the past three years or so. Its not as complete a collection as I hoped but we have certainly got most of the really cool FASA Trek ships represented.

If I may, please, consider [or have somebody] breaking the files into chunks for us 56kers.

Thank you Chris Jones!

« Last Edit: April 14, 2004, 10:22:37 pm by Klingon Fanatic »

Chris Jones

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15% uploaded as of this post.
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2004, 10:53:57 pm »
Yes -

I am contemplating the best method of breaking them down. I think I know what to do..

Your welcome!


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Re: FASA to SFC Models getting hosted.
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2004, 03:17:22 am »
Thank you both very much.

Chris Jones

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Re: FASA to SFC Models getting hosted.
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2004, 07:11:02 am »
Here the current URL for the BIG Zip File with ALL the models!

Can someone with high speed get this and let me know that the rar file is not corrupt and extracts properly.

The 56K versions may have to go somewhere else. Stay Tuned.


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Re: FASA to SFC Models getting hosted.
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2004, 07:22:48 am »
Give me an hour or so to get it and I'll let you know,  


Update - Everything seems to be working just fine.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2004, 09:31:27 am by MajorRacal »

Davey E

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Re: FASA to SFC Models getting hosted.
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2004, 09:17:48 am »
Hey Chris

Have downloaded all with no problems at all

Now i,m not that good with the PC  
Where do i put em to play em  



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Re: FASA to SFC Models getting hosted.
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2004, 04:16:43 pm »
i try it but it block at the end, will try it again and see if i get the same problem.

Chris Jones

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Re: FASA to SFC Models are online!
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2004, 06:43:01 pm »

I'm going to put this file on this page..

Can you write up a description here, so I have accurate information to post there, and could you also direct me to a screenshot of 1 of the ships to include with the file. We'll make this a real big deal for sure!

For 56K - I'll upload the individual folders to 3D Downloads. That way the ships will all automatically fall into thier proper folders and be organized. I'll do this overnight tonight my time, Eastern, and post a link here when it's ready. It might be good to sticky this thread!

 - Chris

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »

Chris Jones

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Re: FASA to SFC Models getting hosted.
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2004, 06:52:38 pm »

Hey Chris

Have downloaded all with no problems at all

Now i,m not that good with the PC  
Where do i put em to play em  


Davey!!  How ya been? I've been hanging with my brother on his Enemy Territory server. He says its one of the most popular in the world. Are you still in STOC?

You need to use shipedit to add these ships to either EAW or OP, after you unzip them to the assets/models folder of either game. I might create a directory in assets/models called FASA, and put all the ships in there - maybe also create sub categories for the races. -- assets/models/FASA/Fed -    etc..

Thanks for confirming this is OK everyone!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »


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Re: FASA to SFC Models getting hosted.
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2004, 08:34:39 pm »
255MB at 3.5KB/sec = a really freakin long time.  Taldren would make buku bucks if they compiled the collective works of everyone on the forums and sold it along with a gold version of OP

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: FASA to SFC Models are online!
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2004, 09:32:27 pm »


I'm going to put this file on this page..

Can you write up a description here, so I have accurate information to post there, and could you also direct me to a screenshot of 1 of the ships to include with the file. We'll make this a real big deal for sure!

For 56K - I'll upload the individual folders to 3D Downloads. That way the ships will all automatically fall into thier proper folders and be organized. I'll do this overnight tonight my time, Eastern, and post a link here when it's ready. It might be good to sticky this thread!

 - Chris


In my mad rush to get this out the door I never thought of doing that. Doh! I would use Pataflafla's Northamption wall paper to respresent the mod itself but since you want a screenshot try this one:

I think it sums up the FASA flavor very nicely....


Chris Jones

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56K FASA to SFC Files
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2004, 10:59:05 pm »
Well the 3D Downloads idea won't work. The ftp access is offline tonight, as it likes to do once in a while.

I have another idea. I'll upload the files to the same place the big file went to, and create a web page with a big pile of links on it. That will be quicker and easier to download individual ships than 3D anyway..

Stay Tuned.  

Great screenie, KF. Moonraker's base?  That baby is a classic. Moon's hanging around BC now.

Can you write up a little FASA history for the site as well. I'd like it in your own words, signed by you. The Mod Directory uses URLs for supporting documentation for thier hosted mods.
I'm going to create a spot on my Frost-Works site for the web page with the links to the individual ships, and the Federation, Klingon, and Romulan FASA manuals.
My page with links will be here:

Stay Tuned
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »

Davey E

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Re: FASA to SFC Models getting hosted.
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2004, 05:45:04 am »

 Davey!! How ya been? I've been hanging with my brother on his Enemy Territory server. He says its one of the most popular in the world. Are you still in STOC?  

Why aye man - still in STOC  

Were on t 27 in the VG
and up to Move 12 in the War Scenario

Romulans have infiltrated Federation space using there cloak and destroyed several outposts,
(Were using a new tester for "Fog of War")
Feds now however are bringing their heavy guns to bear
Should be kinda interesting v soon


Chris Jones

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Re: 56K FASA to SFC Files
« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2004, 06:29:02 am »
Well that upload failed in the middle of the night..

It may be a while before the 56K Version goes on line..  

I am on the case, lol.  


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Re: 56K FASA to SFC Files
« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2004, 06:52:08 am »
i was wondering why some mod are zip other are rar?.

Chris Jones

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Re: 56K FASA to SFC Files
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2004, 08:46:54 am »
Don -

It depends on how the author wishes to compress the file. rar files compress more efficiently than zip files, and have a smaller file size when completed..



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Re: 56K FASA to SFC Files
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2004, 09:36:27 am »
Chris.. i have to disagree with you on winrar..

winzip 9 can compress to the level of regular installers.. about 1/2 the size of a rar file...

winzip 9 offers a Maximum compression mode called enhanced deflate which acts just like an install creator program's compression level.

you may want to check it out.. i took your TOS Mod for SFC 1 and compressed it to 1/2 the size of the rar file it comes in.

just letting you know.

Chris Jones

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Re: 56K FASA to SFC Files
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2004, 12:17:49 pm »
Well I stand corrected then.   It has been a while since I compared the two. Thanks for that.

Turns out I have limitless space on the Nightsoft server, and they will soon have much better download speeds.

Overnight tonight, Eastern time, I'll upload the individual folders/ships and provide a link to browse the whole lot of 'em!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »