A little pronunciation guide, for those of you not in the GDA. (You poor bastards.)
The man's name is Warlock. But he sticks the first letter of whatever race he's flying at the start
of his name so he shows up with the rest of the race in the player list. So:
Gwarlock = /Gee War lok/
Kwarlock = /Kay War lok/
Rwarlock = /Arrrrrr.... War lok/, matey.
AND THE GRANDE PRIZE WINNER:Fwarlock = /Ef War lok/.
Can't you just imagine a server with everyone going around saying "Hey, man,
*F* Warlock!"
<snicker> Hey, Walter old buddy, what's it going to take to get you into that blue spandex?
These ships are new, still rolling off of the assembly line, and there is plenty of time for me to
create one that you would find irresistable. Come on, buddy. Talk to Unca S'Cippy.
We can make this happen!

-S'Cipio the Slanderer