Topic: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!  (Read 13689 times)

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Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« on: April 11, 2004, 07:36:13 pm »
Ben Sisko is the man!  He is the greatest captain of all Trek!  

Yeah Kirk rocked to, but Shatner is too old and fat and that toupe has got to go!  Sisko is the bad MoFo who comes through 10 time out of 10.

Heck, at least bring back the DS9 writers.   maybe they could make Enterprise into the Trek that it could be and not rape and pillage the timeline.  


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2004, 07:51:40 pm »
Here's some advice: read a book!  


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2004, 08:01:55 pm »
Books?   Weren't those the things people used to read before the internet?    


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2004, 08:18:56 pm »
  That sounds like a good Idea about the writers doing Enterprise    


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2004, 09:24:36 pm »
Sisko sounds good, kirk is great but I will settle for Sisko, has anyone thought about the titan maybe, the continuation of Riker

adam out


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2004, 12:48:50 am »

Here's some advice: read a book!    

Heck Yea. I have to admit, I've enjoyed the ST Books more then any series, with the exception of a very few movies.

that's not saying I don't like the series, But...



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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2004, 01:45:07 am »
   I don't want another 24C. TV series only 23C. series to fill th Gaps and Holes left in by TOS and the TMP.I do like Sisko aprouch when he encounters an enemy ship compared to Picards.  


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2004, 10:22:37 am »
Sisko = teh suXXors!


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2004, 12:41:08 pm »

Sisko = teh suXXors!  

??????I don't know  


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2004, 04:43:18 pm »
Hey! Sisko weren't the best captain, but he def. didn't suxXXorz and stop typing like a script-kiddy.


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2004, 04:49:46 pm »
Sisko, the best series captain imo...

Avery Brooks in general is just cool...

But I dun want him to take Bakula's role...

DS9 was the best series et all, mostly because it wasnt mostly individual episodes, it was the Babylon 5 of Trek...

Lord Schtupp

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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2004, 06:05:34 pm »
Forget Sisko, bring back ATRAHASIS!!!!


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2004, 06:17:14 pm »
Ben SIsko would be a good choice but I think that Avery Brooks does not even like to do star trek conventions.  Not sure he would like to come back to his old role.  


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2004, 07:39:40 pm »
Better ship builder than captain...


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2004, 08:26:59 pm »
Keep Archer/Bakula.  Archer is a prime example of a cool, collected starship commander pushed too far and venting it on the people who it should be vented at.  I can't wait to see how next week turns out.


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2004, 10:15:36 am »
in order of coolness

1) kirk
2) sisco
3) archer
4) picard
5) janeway

sorry, i just do not like picard that well. his character is very, very flat. data has more personality than most of the next gen crew. hehe.


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2004, 11:23:52 am »
 Kirk is the man, no other Captain ever came close. The third season of ToS and some of the movies hurt the Kirk Character, but he's still the best.

Picard is still my number two guy, Stewart did wonders with him, at first he sucked, but as time went by, he became complex and interesting, as well as being compitent.

Sisko comes in a strong third, Brooks was superb, I loved the way DS9 stressed the father/son thing with him, and he was as good a war commander as trek has had.

Archer is next, Bakula has the potential to be the best, only the horrible writying prevents it.

Janeway makes me puke.


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2004, 12:49:54 pm »
What in the hells is your problem with Janeway? She had 10x more character than Sisko or Picard in the series, not to mention she actually went a whole episode without making a dive for the nearest temple to ask for guidance...

Janeway will always be my favorite, tied with Kirk. Archer has a LOT of good things for him, they just need to get him out of this Xindi rut.



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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2004, 01:14:47 pm »
 Outside of her being whiny, preachy, or annoying?

It's called my opinion, and like a lot of people, I loathed Janewway and Voyager.


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2004, 01:43:06 pm »
      Right on Bro. but I would go harsh on Janeway after all they are just folling a Script and what the Directors telling them what to do and she is a good actress.I do agreee with you on Kirk though no arguement there.  


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #20 on: April 16, 2004, 02:09:28 pm »

What in the hells is your problem with Janeway?  

Starship captains should not be seen with tears streaming down their cheeks because their first officer has hurt her feelings by disobeying her orders.

Starship captains should not offer "food and medical supplies" to an alien race in exchange for help.  The aliens live on a freaking planet(s), for crying out loud, they already grow food to feed millions of people.  How much food were you thinking to beam over from your little light cruiser?  About the only things you could possibly trade that would be of any use to an alien empire are advanced tech, rare minerals found at distant systems, or your services as a mercenary.  Since you aren't willing to trade two of those things than I suggest you start filling your hold with local gemstones as you travel from system to system or else solve your own problems.

(OK, actually that latter incident meant the the writing sucked, not that Janeway sucked.  But I lost all interest in her as a commanding officer after that former incident.)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scipio_66 »


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #21 on: April 16, 2004, 03:01:20 pm »


What in the hells is your problem with Janeway?  

Starship captains should not be seen with tears streaming down their cheeks because their first officer has hurt her feelings by disobeying her orders.

Starship captains should not offer "food and medical supplies" to an alien race in exchange for help.  The aliens live on a freaking planet(s), for crying out loud, they already grow food to feed millions of people.  How much food were you thinking to beam over from your little light cruiser?  About the only things you could possibly trade that would be of any use to an alien empire are advanced tech, rare minerals found at distant systems, or your services as a mercenary.  Since you aren't willing to trade two of those things than I suggest you start filling your hold with local gemstones as you travel from system to system or else solve your own problems.

(OK, actually that latter incident meant the the writing sucked, not that Janeway sucked.  But I lost all interest in her as a commanding officer after that former incident.)


Right. I forgot the part in the Starfleet Rulebook saying that people can't have feelings. Take Picard, for example. "No, I'm fine. I was assimilated, killed 1/2 of starfleet, and was 1/2 an inch away from totaling the Federation, but I'm A'OK because I've got my Earl Grey Hot!" It wasn't until First Contact that he showed any backbone. And if you look at the episode your reffering to, the aliens they were trading for were on a DESERT PLANET!

Get it? Nothing grows?

Now, there were some serious problems with Voyager. Neelix and Kes. I can't stand them. When I got the Elite Force demo I spent the first couple days doing nothing but fragging Neelix in a holomatch. But there were some very good points about it.

Don't take me too seriously, I just *really* didn't like sisko. Odo, Quark, and Garrick were the only people I liked.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2004, 03:02:47 pm by Merlinfmct87 »


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #22 on: April 16, 2004, 03:22:45 pm »
bring sulu and riker back.

i have see a few episode of enterprise and it was bad, the timeline is mixt, the enconter the borg before picard encounter them, dahm whos the moron who hired the scrip guy, read the books and manual, watch theepisode of startrek, the tng, ds9 and voyager, get the 8 movies (the rest was also a bad script) so the will not badly make the next statrek serie (if the do make new one) if the do one before kirk but after the enterprise, like the daedalus class could be interesting if the dont mess it up like enconter with secies 8472, the planet killer, the probe from st4, or anithing that will append in the 23th and 24 century.

we should do script ourself since we know more that them.  


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #23 on: April 16, 2004, 04:01:14 pm »
do the scripts ourselves....

Thats Brilliant!!!!  Maybe we can save Star Trek by submitting scripts for Enterprise...Most of us here could come up with better stuff than they put on UPN now anyway...I'd get started on that Idea, but I currently have other engagements.  Maybe tommorow or Sunday, after I put up the next chapter of my story/script for ST:XI    


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #24 on: April 16, 2004, 07:54:09 pm »

What in the hells is your problem with Janeway? She had 10x more character than Sisko or Picard in the series, not to mention she actually went a whole episode without making a dive for the nearest temple to ask for guidance...

Janeway will always be my favorite, tied with Kirk. Archer has a LOT of good things for him, they just need to get him out of this Xindi rut.


Sisko rarely aked for the Prophets' help, they usually forced it on him through visions.

As for Janeway, I don't really mind her being emotional, but, perhaps due to Kate Mulgrew's performance, I didn't really buy any of her "emotions", she just didn't convince me.

Plus, she lost her ship to the friggin' Kazon!  


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #25 on: April 16, 2004, 09:46:23 pm »

in order of coolness

1) kirk
2) sisco
3) archer
4) picard
5) janeway

sorry, i just do not like picard that well. his character is very, very flat. data has more personality than most of the next gen crew. hehe.  

I guess it is obligatory to start with Kirk but I am going to leave him out as the rest are not exactly comparable.  Not that KIrk is great.  He is great in earlier stuff, towards the end you can see that Shatner is not into it anymore, although I was impressed of late with some of his performances in early stuff.

1.  Picard - He is the quintessential explorer/diplomat/commander.  I don't think there has ever been more dignity and intelligence brought to a popular Sci-Fi role than with Patrick Stewart.  He is polar opposite of Kirk.  He isn't flat at all.  He is deep and reserved from the school af acting where less is more, not a cartoon caricature like most of the TNG crew.

2.  Archer - Again a scholar/diplomat/commander.  Bakula can be quiet and intense.  He is doing a great job,but it may be too early to tell as the show is very young and may never get older at this point.  His character is handling very difficult moral issues and Bakula is dealing with it in a competent manner.

3.  Janeway - This is more of a familiarity vote.  Janeway is mother/commander/lover/destroyer.  Definitely one of the most charismatic people to hold the role of starship captain, although they made her say and do some stupid things on that show.  Comic, sexual, stern, compassionate- great role for a women.  She can be a bit over the top in her acting, but that is countered by her good use of relative flamboyance to spice things up.

4.  Sisco - I never connected with this captain or this show really.  I missed most of the Dominion War and have been trying to see it ever since, but they keep skipping over it in syndication.  He seems like a complainer to me and I never hooked up with Avery Brooks' acting style.  Reminded me too much of his role on Spencer for Hire, although I suppose Samuel L Jackson is similar in his roles as well, so are all actors in general.  That I had never seen Stewart or Mulgrew in anything else makes them seem fresh, but Bakula familiar yet different than he was in Quantum Leap.  Kira was the most engaging character on DS9 except for all the silly romance stuff with the vedic and Odo.  I could do without that.


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #26 on: April 16, 2004, 10:19:11 pm »

Right. I forgot the part in the Starfleet Rulebook saying that people can't have feelings. Take Picard, for example. "No, I'm fine. I was assimilated, killed 1/2 of starfleet, and was 1/2 an inch away from totaling the Federation, but I'm A'OK because I've got my Earl Grey Hot!" It wasn't until First Contact that he showed any backbone.

Who says you can't have feelings?  Kirk had a lot of feelings (cue cheesey soft porn music.)  Picard had a lot of feelings he had to deal with after the event you mention.  As to the latter, taking leave to go home and visit your family -- put yourself back together, out of view, after wrecking starfleet -- is perfectly acceptable in a commander.  But tears streaming down your cheeks because one of your senior officers disobeyed you?  Put him in the brig for a few days if he's been insubordinate, but don't cry about it.  What kind of command authority do tears over hurt feelings breed?


And if you look at the episode your reffering to, the aliens they were trading for were on a DESERT PLANET!

Get it? Nothing grows?

I remember aliens on starships, I don't recall a desert planet.  I wouldn't be surprised if we are remembering different episodes.  "Aliens wanting advanced tech we can't give them" seemed to happen a lot on Voyager.  But let us say you are right and it was a population with a desert homeworld.  The planet obviously grew enough food to produce a star-faring race.  Even if that population is hungry now, how can one little light cruiser -- with Neelix minding the stove -- beam down enough foodstuffs to make a difference?

I can see the negotiations now............

TUVAK:  Captain, I have established communications with  the alien ambassador.

JANEWAY:  Excellent!  Put him onscreen.  <image appears>  Greetings, Ambassador.  I am Captain Janeway, of the United Federation ship Voyager.

ALIEN:  Greetings, captain.  You are matronly but I find you strangely attractive.  I am Alien236, ambassador for 147 hundred million people that live on a planet that cannot grow anything.  Thus we are starving.  How may I help you?

JANEWAY:  We wish to pass through your space without conflict.  We are willing to negotiate for permission.

ALIEN236:  Why would you need to ask for our permission?  I've already told you we are 147 hundred million people with no food.  Why don't you just wait two days?  We'll all be dead and you can pass without conflict.

JANEWAY:  We are a long way from home, ambassador, and cannot spare even two days.  However, perhaps there is some way in which we can help you.  Then we could pay for our passage through your space and suffer no delay.

ALIEN236:  Now there is an idea.  We'd be very interested in some of your advanced weaponry.

JANEWAY:  Weapons?  Why would you want those?

ALIEN236:  Well, see, there is this planet right next door that is capable of growing a lot of things, but they won't give us any food.  They say they don't have enough to share with 147 hundred million people.  So if you give us weapons, we'll go over and take what we need by force.

JANEWAY:  <shocked>  Did you people just evolve yesterday??!!  We are not going to give you weapons to start a war!

ALIEN236 <surprised she would ask such an obvious question>:  Why of course we just evolved yesterday.  Didn't you hear me say we were 147 hundred million people on a planet that couldn't grow anything?  If we had evolved before yesterday then we'd have already starved before today.  If you won't give us weapons, perhaps you could just go kill all our neighbors for us.  Then we could go live on their planet and survive.

JANEWAY:  <tears streaming down her cheeks>  Whaaaaahhhh!!!!! Tuvok, help me!  The ambassador is being unreasonable!  And that hurts my feelings!

TUVOK:  Perhaps we could find a way for them to reverse the polarity of their planet's magnetic field.  Then we could bombard their planet with a whozitsflotsit beam.  Their soil might become fertile and they could grow their own food. It would take months, and they would starve to death long before we were done, but this delay of months would save us the delay of days.

JANEWAY:  <confused>  What?  That doesn't make sense.  But it does give me an idea!  <turns back to screen>  Ambassador!  I have an idea!  We will pay you with food instead of weapons!

ALIEN236:  Excellent!  Have your chef beam down bacon and eggs for 147 hundred million starving people; at once, please!  We are already hungry from a day spent with no food.  Later we'll discuss breakfast for tomorrow.  Does you chef have a menu we can pick from?

NELIX:  <runs screaming onto the bridge; he knows he's been mentioned>  Captain!  147 hundred million?  You can't be serious!  I can whip up enough oozy, dripping goo to feed another three families of six.  But that's it!  I only have so many hours in the day!

JANEWAY:  Start cooking, Nelix.  It's going to be a long night.  And no one on that world is going to bed without a meal.  We've the ideals of the Federation to think of.

-S'Cipio the scribe  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scipio_66 »


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #27 on: April 16, 2004, 10:30:09 pm »
Guys... why the hell do I always hear a lot of bickering about "whos the best Captain" all the time?  I think they are all awsome Captains, even Janeway or Sulu.  If I was in Starfleet I would be honored too serve under them.

I thought Janeway was an interesting character actually.  Their where a few incidents in Voyager where I think the had more Balls then Kirk in certain situations.  And I must add that i enjoyed Seasons 4 through 7 much more then 1 through 3.  Far better stories for the most part and the Voyager story actually had a little more Arc too it.  the only bad thing I thought they really did was make the Borg a little easy too kill, but they still were scary in some situations during the series.  

As for Archer, I think Bakula is not doing too badly as a Starfleet Captain, but as many people have pointed out, the story writing for the show is lackluster so it might be affecting the potential of the Archer Character.  I also think Bakula, kinda over acts a tad too much like Kirk, but its just superfical at most and not really relevent.  

As for Sisko, I know Brooks is not a great Star Trek fan (I can't blaim the guy, Star Trek actors usually have a hard time getting roles after Star Trek) but I thought he was one of the best Actors of all the series.  His acting in some of the DS9 episodes almost made me cry (Gasp!)  The guy has a lot of potential.


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #28 on: April 16, 2004, 10:42:24 pm »
i am dying here from laughter scippy. that is the best voyager impression i have seen yet. HA!


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #29 on: April 17, 2004, 02:50:29 am »
The thing you gotta keep in mind about Archer is that he's not a Federation Starfleet captain, but an Earth Starfleet captain.  We all know how the Earth military takes to being attacked, and there are only two crew members that are from different worlds on Enterprise, so Archer's attitude isn't tempered by the thoughts and feelings of 150 races of people.  He takes Vulcan and Denobulan advice at times, but Enterprise is a HUMAN ship on a mission for EARTH with nothing else in mind besides retaliation for the Xindi attack.

Now, as Federation captains go, I think Picard has the attitude down cold, with Janeway a close second in that regard.  Consider, Voyager is a light cruiser, and she was only supposed to be there 6 weeks, not 7 years.  In that respect, Janeway made the best of the situation, but I think Picard or Riker would've handled things a bit differently.  Kirk would've gone out of his cotton-pickin mind!

I just don't see a reason for Kirk, why he's so popular.  And who's this Sisko guy?


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #30 on: April 17, 2004, 03:14:49 am »
     I am not going to Entertain this one but I will agree with you Maxillius but I like it when Kirk goes out of his mind.I liked it in the Wrath of Kahn when he scream up at him from the planet down below.I want to see Kirk when he loses some lbs that is you see what not doing Star Trek has Done these people J Doohan has gianed waight to.It will be intesting to see the TNG crew in 10 years.

     I am sometimes out of my mine d to that is why run into them with my ship off course. not head

  Sisko can be seen on DS9 on Spike @7PM pacific    
« Last Edit: April 17, 2004, 01:54:03 pm by Age »


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #31 on: April 17, 2004, 04:23:52 am »
I liked DS9 and Avery Brooks, but no one can chew lines like Bill Shatner - as proof watch him devour the Preamble in "The Omega Glory"    


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #32 on: April 17, 2004, 01:17:03 pm »


Right. I forgot the part in the Starfleet Rulebook saying that people can't have feelings. Take Picard, for example. "No, I'm fine. I was assimilated, killed 1/2 of starfleet, and was 1/2 an inch away from totaling the Federation, but I'm A'OK because I've got my Earl Grey Hot!" It wasn't until First Contact that he showed any backbone.

Who says you can't have feelings?  Kirk had a lot of feelings (cue cheesey soft porn music.)  Picard had a lot of feelings he had to deal with after the event you mention.

Right. He just never showed it to the audiance.


 As to the latter, taking leave to go home and visit your family -- put yourself back together, out of view, after wrecking starfleet -- is perfectly acceptable in a commander.  But tears streaming down your cheeks because one of your senior officers disobeyed you?  Put him in the brig for a few days if he's been insubordinate, but don't cry about it.  What kind of command authority do tears over hurt feelings breed?

It's a character building moment. You know, those moments in between Riker Chicks and Photon-Eating Romulans?



And if you look at the episode your reffering to, the aliens they were trading for were on a DESERT PLANET!

Get it? Nothing grows?

I remember aliens on starships, I don't recall a desert planet.  I wouldn't be surprised if we are remembering different episodes.  "Aliens wanting advanced tech we can't give them" seemed to happen a lot on Voyager.  But let us say you are right and it was a population with a desert homeworld.  The planet obviously grew enough food to produce a star-faring race.  Even if that population is hungry now, how can one little light cruiser -- with Neelix minding the stove -- beam down enough foodstuffs to make a difference?

One little light cruiser with a nifty little piece of technology called a replicator. Yes, they can make more that tea. AND, your not feeding the planet, just a token gesture. Your also providing the methods to grow more. See, plants have seeds. Seeds Grow. Seeds feed planet.


I can see the negotiations now............

TUVAK:  Captain, I have established communications with  the alien ambassador.

JANEWAY:  Excellent!  Put him onscreen.  <image appears>  Greetings, Ambassador.  I am Captain Janeway, of the United Federation ship Voyager.

ALIEN:  Greetings, captain.  You are matronly but I find you strangely attractive.  I am Alien236, ambassador for 147 hundred million people that live on a planet that cannot grow anything.  Thus we are starving.  How may I help you?

JANEWAY:  We wish to pass through your space without conflict.  We are willing to negotiate for permission.

ALIEN236:  Why would you need to ask for our permission?  I've already told you we are 147 hundred million people with no food.  Why don't you just wait two days?  We'll all be dead and you can pass without conflict.

JANEWAY:  We are a long way from home, ambassador, and cannot spare even two days.  However, perhaps there is some way in which we can help you.  Then we could pay for our passage through your space and suffer no delay.

ALIEN236:  Now there is an idea.  We'd be very interested in some of your advanced weaponry.

JANEWAY:  Weapons?  Why would you want those?

ALIEN236:  Well, see, there is this planet right next door that is capable of growing a lot of things, but they won't give us any food.  They say they don't have enough to share with 147 hundred million people.  So if you give us weapons, we'll go over and take what we need by force.

JANEWAY:  <shocked>  Did you people just evolve yesterday??!!  We are not going to give you weapons to start a war!

ALIEN236 <surprised she would ask such an obvious question>:  Why of course we just evolved yesterday.  Didn't you hear me say we were 147 hundred million people on a planet that couldn't grow anything?  If we had evolved before yesterday then we'd have already starved before today.  If you won't give us weapons, perhaps you could just go kill all our neighbors for us.  Then we could go live on their planet and survive.

JANEWAY:  <tears streaming down her cheeks>  Whaaaaahhhh!!!!! Tuvok, help me!  The ambassador is being unreasonable!  And that hurts my feelings!

TUVOK:  Perhaps we could find a way for them to reverse the polarity of their planet's magnetic field.  Then we could bombard their planet with a whozitsflotsit beam.  Their soil might become fertile and they could grow their own food. It would take months, and they would starve to death long before we were done, but this delay of months would save us the delay of days.

JANEWAY:  <confused>  What?  That doesn't make sense.  But it does give me an idea!  <turns back to screen>  Ambassador!  I have an idea!  We will pay you with food instead of weapons!

ALIEN236:  Excellent!  Have your chef beam down bacon and eggs for 147 hundred million starving people; at once, please!  We are already hungry from a day spent with no food.  Later we'll discuss breakfast for tomorrow.  Does you chef have a menu we can pick from?

NELIX:  <runs screaming onto the room; he knows he's been mentioned>  Captain!  147 hundred million?  You can't be serious!  I can whip up enough oozy, dripping goo to feed another three families of six.  But that's it!  I only have so many hours in the day!

JANEWAY:  Start cooking, Nelix.  It's going to be a long night.  And no one on that world is going to bed without a meal.  We've the ideals of the Federation to think of.

-S'Cipio the scribe    

Now that is just too inane for comment    


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #33 on: April 17, 2004, 01:19:17 pm »

The thing you gotta keep in mind about Archer is that he's not a Federation Starfleet captain, but an Earth Starfleet captain.  We all know how the Earth military takes to being attacked, and there are only two crew members that are from different worlds on Enterprise, so Archer's attitude isn't tempered by the thoughts and feelings of 150 races of people.  He takes Vulcan and Denobulan advice at times, but Enterprise is a HUMAN ship on a mission for EARTH with nothing else in mind besides retaliation for the Xindi attack.

Now, as Federation captains go, I think Picard has the attitude down cold, with Janeway a close second in that regard.  Consider, Voyager is a light cruiser, and she was only supposed to be there 6 weeks, not 7 years.  In that respect, Janeway made the best of the situation, but I think Picard or Riker would've handled things a bit differently.  Kirk would've gone out of his cotton-pickin mind!

I just don't see a reason for Kirk, why he's so popular.  And who's this Sisko guy?  

Bingo Bango Bongo. Right on target mister  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #34 on: April 18, 2004, 09:00:16 am »
   Janeway's eneptness caused the mission to be 7 years, Kirk would have found a better way staight away.

BTW, Kirk NEVER lost it in tough spots.

He's simply the best, the others are just pale reflections.


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #35 on: April 18, 2004, 12:07:41 pm »
    I could of agree with you more if he were out there he would of gotten Scotty to develope a cloaking Devece for the Enterprise.They are not in Ferertion space so why stick to those rules just shove them out an air lock.He did things his way anyway or sometimes.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #36 on: April 18, 2004, 04:22:08 pm »
You guys do have a point, a Cloaking device could have helped a lot for some of the situations that Voyager went through.  And since they were not suppose too be in the Delta quadrant anyways, who is going too know that the Feds are not suppose too use cloaks.


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #37 on: April 18, 2004, 04:36:18 pm »
I think what it comes down to is we each have our Captains, the ones we would be if we could...

They are as different as we are...


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #38 on: April 18, 2004, 05:41:34 pm »
 Brooks is not coming back to Star Trek. He's been blacklisted. Sniff about and your find several comments that state to the effect "We would welcome every actor of DS9 back, except him"

Somewhat of a pity. Sisko is the only captain that ever showed some piss and vinegar. Archer has some potential. Picard, well, sometimes I swear I see him wear skirts. Kirk? Couldn't say, before my time, but seems to be too much of a playboy.

Janeway? I hope whoever put that whiney pissy soccer mom in charge of a ship dies and spends a horrible eternity burning in Hell. I hope my feelings in regard to her are clear.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Tremok »


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #39 on: April 19, 2004, 12:17:06 am »

   Janeway's eneptness caused the mission to be 7 years, Kirk would have found a better way staight away.

BTW, Kirk NEVER lost it in tough spots.

He's simply the best, the others are just pale reflections.


And does anyone remember the episode "Equinox"?  That's where Voyager comes across another Federation ship that seems to have made a bad name for the Federation by its captain's "by any means necessary" approach to getting home.  Granted his ship was in shambles and it was only a Nova-class FF to start with, but still, is that what you were thinking of when you said Kirk would've got them home sooner?  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #40 on: April 19, 2004, 01:14:14 am »
    Tremok. I can't see your writing or your post what colour are you useing can anybody else.You might want to switch font coluors.This is the secound time Tremok I can't see your post or reply.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #41 on: April 19, 2004, 09:47:46 am »
  I remember the episode.

I also know the Kirk character would never kill inocents for any reason, more then once he was prepared to let himself be killed rather then do it.

Also, you ever see Kirk lose disapline of his crew?

That example doesn't fit, however, the post above yours, about the soccer mom does fit Voyager to a 't'


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #42 on: April 19, 2004, 01:28:32 pm »


    Tremok. I can't see your writing or your post what colour are you useing can anybody else.You might want to switch font coluors.This is the secound time Tremok I can't see your post or reply.  

White. You might wish to quote my post to see what I said if the font colors are giving you trouble.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Tremok »


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #43 on: April 19, 2004, 01:37:38 pm »


    Tremok. I can't see your writing or your post what colour are you useing can anybody else.You might want to switch font coluors.This is the secound time Tremok I can't see your post or reply.  

White. You might wish to quote my post to see what I said if the font colors are giving you trouble.


That is a little better but I see what you said at the bottom.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #44 on: April 19, 2004, 01:39:04 pm »



    Tremok. I can't see your writing or your post what colour are you useing can anybody else.You might want to switch font coluors.This is the secound time Tremok I can't see your post or reply.  

White. You might wish to quote my post to see what I said if the font colors are giving you trouble.


That is a little better but I see what you said at the bottom.  

I hope you can see why.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #45 on: April 19, 2004, 01:40:36 pm »




    Tremok. I can't see your writing or your post what colour are you useing can anybody else.You might want to switch font coluors.This is the secound time Tremok I can't see your post or reply.  

White. You might wish to quote my post to see what I said if the font colors are giving you trouble.


That is a little better but I see what you said at the bottom.  

I hope you can see why.  

This so the rest of us can see what you are saying  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #46 on: April 19, 2004, 10:47:04 pm »
Maybe the reason you all react to this so strongly is Janeway tried to overcome her flaws. The other captains you could feel superior to. Sisko was very similar to you, (think Q-Less) Picard you could just write off as an acedemic wuss, and Kirk was just a lucky womanizer. But Janeway...she actually tried to rise above her circumstances.

My mother had a saying: "People's greatest fear is an accurate mirror."

So go on chanting the american chant of the comforts of the damned. You've shown your character, and I can honestly say I'm not threatened or intimidated in the slightest. Go back to your Sisko, your prophets, your bible, your blue pill, your mask.

I'd say don't get in my way, but we tread entierly different paths.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #47 on: April 20, 2004, 10:53:50 am »
 I'd say your rather a small person to try and insult someone because they don't agree with you on what makes a good fictional captain.

Go back to your PC world dude, I won't miss you.

Trek is about heroic fiction, not the 'soccer moms in space' that you prefer.


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #48 on: April 20, 2004, 12:41:53 pm »

It's a character building moment. You know, those moments in between Riker Chicks and Photon-Eating Romulans?

Ah, yes, that is the first thing they teach promising young ensigns at Annapolis.  "Whenever someone becomes insubordinate, cry in front of your officers!  Nothing instills the crew with proper military discipline quite like the sight of their commander in tears.  Besides, tears build character."  


One little light cruiser with a nifty little piece of technology called a replicator. Yes, they can make more that tea. AND, your not feeding the planet, just a token gesture. Your also providing the methods to grow more. See, plants have seeds. Seeds Grow. Seeds feed planet.

Go ahead, replicate all the food your system can handle.  How much can you beam down at a time?  How long are you going to stick around and keep it up?

This was a space-faring, interplanetary race with extensive enough territory that going around wasn't a good option.  Their planet(s) let their population grow into that size.  Thus they had seeds.  If their  people were hungry, it must have been because they planets couldn't grow enough, not because they didn't have seeds to plant.  How is one lost and lonely little ship going to make a difference to a population of that size?

If you invite the Imperious Leader over and give him a nice state dinner, maybe you can butter him up and show him what peacable people you are, and he'll let your ship pass thorugh his empire.  If as an author you are going to use "food" to let your characters pay for their passage, that would have been the better way to go about it.

The problem here was that the Voyager writers were stuck in their PC mindset.   "These are good guys.  Good guys with a prime directive don't offer advanced tech, and they certainly don't offer money-the-root-of-all-evil.  No, good guys offer only food and medical supplies."  I don't think the writers ever stopped to consider that one small ship feeding an interplanetary population with a lump-sum payment was a dumb idea.  They never stepped back to consider the context of their situation.

And again, this was a fault of the writers, not the Janeway character.  The setup of the series put Captain Janeway in a position to do a lot of interesting and heroic things.  If she had had better writers I might have liked her better.  (Though I can't imagine ever likeing that ultra-PC cast of characters.  But tastes differ.)

Currently I'm having the same problem with Enterprise.  The show has absolutely everything it needs to be a huge success........... except competent writers.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scipio_66 »


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #49 on: April 20, 2004, 12:46:52 pm »

 Brooks is not coming back to Star Trek. He's been blacklisted. Sniff about and your find several comments that state to the effect "We would welcome every actor of DS9 back, except him"  

I'm curious.  What did Brooks do to get blacklisted?

Oh, yeah, and back on-topic, I agree with Nanner's rankings of the captains.



  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #50 on: April 20, 2004, 02:52:23 pm »
yeah, how do you know that brooks has been black listed? i would find it hard to believe that one of the best captains/ fleshed out characters and actors would be black listed.


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #51 on: April 20, 2004, 03:26:46 pm »
  I'm not sure Avery Brooks is blacklisted, but I do know he doesn't want to be a part of Trek anymore, and this isn't uncommon.

Leonard Nimoy said the same thing in 1969, he hated Spock for years, before realizing that Spock was his best meal-ticket.

Maybe brooks will one day see that also.


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #52 on: April 20, 2004, 04:08:52 pm »


 Brooks is not coming back to Star Trek. He's been blacklisted. Sniff about and your find several comments that state to the effect "We would welcome every actor of DS9 back, except him"  

I'm curious.  What did Brooks do to get blacklisted?

Oh, yeah, and back on-topic, I agree with Nanner's rankings of the captains.


Couldn't say for sure. Behind-the-scene politics, probably. I've heard that in the last episode of DS9 Sisko was suppose to die, but he complained about racial sterotypes about the black man always dying, so it got changed to were he went off with the prophets promising to return. Also read a comment from him about how he would like to lecture at a university because he would enjoy the freedom of it, "telling the truth how it is without worrying about producers and directors" and such.    


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #53 on: April 20, 2004, 06:27:07 pm »



 Brooks is not coming back to Star Trek. He's been blacklisted. Sniff about and your find several comments that state to the effect "We would welcome every actor of DS9 back, except him"  

I'm curious.  What did Brooks do to get blacklisted?

Oh, yeah, and back on-topic, I agree with Nanner's rankings of the captains.


Couldn't say for sure. Behind-the-scene politics, probably. I've heard that in the last episode of DS9 Sisko was suppose to die, but he complained about racial sterotypes about the black man always dying, so it got changed to were he went off with the prophets promising to return. Also read a comment from him about how he would like to lecture at a university because he would enjoy the freedom of it, "telling the truth how it is without worrying about producers and directors" and such.    

I see what you are doing Tremok aha that old ghost ink trick.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #54 on: April 24, 2004, 08:46:38 am »



 Brooks is not coming back to Star Trek. He's been blacklisted. Sniff about and your find several comments that state to the effect "We would welcome every actor of DS9 back, except him"  

I'm curious.  What did Brooks do to get blacklisted?

Oh, yeah, and back on-topic, I agree with Nanner's rankings of the captains.


Couldn't say for sure. Behind-the-scene politics, probably. I've heard that in the last episode of DS9 Sisko was suppose to die, but he complained about racial sterotypes about the black man always dying, so it got changed to were he went off with the prophets promising to return. Also read a comment from him about how he would like to lecture at a university because he would enjoy the freedom of it, "telling the truth how it is without worrying about producers and directors" and such.    

Doesnt sound like blacklistment anymore than Stewart wanting more Shakepearan roles...

Star Trek actors/actresses tend to be labeled that indefinately, people who never even seen the episodes know who they are, much like Mark/Luke Skywalker. I've seen Brooks and Stewart in other movies and they are fine actors out of Trek, but its hard to think of them that way. It's easy to see Sisko riding the horse in the western or Picard with the peg leg shouting to the saltcrusted crew.

I can totally understand why someone would want to forget to put Trek on their resume...


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #55 on: April 24, 2004, 11:41:02 pm »



 Brooks is not coming back to Star Trek. He's been blacklisted. Sniff about and your find several comments that state to the effect "We would welcome every actor of DS9 back, except him"  

I'm curious.  What did Brooks do to get blacklisted?

Oh, yeah, and back on-topic, I agree with Nanner's rankings of the captains.


Couldn't say for sure. Behind-the-scene politics, probably. I've heard that in the last episode of DS9 Sisko was suppose to die, but he complained about racial sterotypes about the black man always dying, so it got changed to were he went off with the prophets promising to return. Also read a comment from him about how he would like to lecture at a university because he would enjoy the freedom of it, "telling the truth how it is without worrying about producers and directors" and such.    

wow I never heard about that, damn wats up wit that, you cant even complain about the finale, i would think he had some right to after 7 seasons, and its better of that way, if he died, we wouldnt be able to speculate and etc... about it, I like some books, when he comes back and etc..., dying would of really sucked, i like it that way better, it ended as it should, now talking about the black thing, that must of really pissed them off, does anyone think that is the main reason why there hasnt been any DS9 movies??????????

adam out


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #56 on: April 25, 2004, 01:36:00 am »




 Brooks is not coming back to Star Trek. He's been blacklisted. Sniff about and your find several comments that state to the effect "We would welcome every actor of DS9 back, except him"  

I'm curious.  What did Brooks do to get blacklisted?

Oh, yeah, and back on-topic, I agree with Nanner's rankings of the captains.


Couldn't say for sure. Behind-the-scene politics, probably. I've heard that in the last episode of DS9 Sisko was suppose to die, but he complained about racial sterotypes about the black man always dying, so it got changed to were he went off with the prophets promising to return. Also read a comment from him about how he would like to lecture at a university because he would enjoy the freedom of it, "telling the truth how it is without worrying about producers and directors" and such.    

wow I never heard about that, damn wats up wit that, you cant even complain about the finale, i would think he had some right to after 7 seasons, and its better of that way, if he died, we wouldnt be able to speculate and etc... about it, I like some books, when he comes back and etc..., dying would of really sucked, i like it that way better, it ended as it should, now talking about the black thing, that must of really pissed them off, does anyone think that is the main reason why there hasnt been any DS9 movies??????????

adam out  

Nah Bring back good ole Kirk .They will have to make reunion TV series for Sisko & co.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #57 on: April 25, 2004, 09:32:56 pm »
I like kirk, but hes kinda old , i mean if he does another movie, hes gonna be in the same type of wheel chair christopher pike was in, the crew of 1701A is done with, but im not saying i wouldnt go to the movies and see it if it did come out lol

adam out


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #58 on: April 26, 2004, 02:24:03 am »

I like kirk, but hes kinda old , i mean if he does another movie, hes gonna be in the same type of wheel chair christopher pike was in, the crew of 1701A is done with, but im not saying i wouldnt go to the movies and see it if it did come out lol

adam out  

Captian Pike was the CO on 1701A .I know what you mean I am just kidding around lol.I would love to see Kirk and CO on the big screen with 1701A my favourite Enterprise minus McCoy of course.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #59 on: April 26, 2004, 11:21:53 am »
Yup, I wonder if other actors can take the roles of Kirk and the TMP crew, is that possible, I have seen in many DS9 episodes that the same actor plays multi roles in Star Trek, different aliens, ohhhh, I just thought of an idea, what about this, forget kirk, and etc..., and do a whole season on either klingons or romulans, weve seen federation already, i would like a huge change, imagine a show just like Klingon Academy, it could take place in the TMP era and everything, but instead of seeing thru the eyes of the feds, we cant have a klingon ship, characters and etc...

just a suggestion, dont kill me on it lol

adam out


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #60 on: April 26, 2004, 02:31:29 pm »
      I have thought of that aswell it would be different I would stat off with the Klinks.There are so many in that would make them happy.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #61 on: April 26, 2004, 02:35:08 pm »
I mean its just kewl, it would be different but the same, and if they want to F up or mess some of he history up, like what theyre doing in enterprise, it would bother mean that much, because i know less about klingons than that of the federation

or even the romulan, they have been such a mystery IMHO, i would love to get to know them better, even in the TMP era

adam out


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #62 on: April 26, 2004, 02:35:09 pm »
Hire Tim Allen to play Kirk!    


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #63 on: April 26, 2004, 02:36:15 pm »
lol i like that one

adam out


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #64 on: April 26, 2004, 03:43:34 pm »

Hire Tim Allen to play Kirk!    

Hire Kevin Pollack!  The man has practically built his entire career upon making fun of Shatner.   Turn about is fair play. M ake him suit up and earn his pay honestly for a change!



  • Guest
Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #65 on: April 11, 2004, 07:36:13 pm »
Ben Sisko is the man!  He is the greatest captain of all Trek!  

Yeah Kirk rocked to, but Shatner is too old and fat and that toupe has got to go!  Sisko is the bad MoFo who comes through 10 time out of 10.

Heck, at least bring back the DS9 writers.   maybe they could make Enterprise into the Trek that it could be and not rape and pillage the timeline.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #66 on: April 11, 2004, 07:51:40 pm »
Here's some advice: read a book!  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #67 on: April 11, 2004, 08:01:55 pm »
Books?   Weren't those the things people used to read before the internet?    


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #68 on: April 11, 2004, 08:18:56 pm »
  That sounds like a good Idea about the writers doing Enterprise    


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #69 on: April 11, 2004, 09:24:36 pm »
Sisko sounds good, kirk is great but I will settle for Sisko, has anyone thought about the titan maybe, the continuation of Riker

adam out


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #70 on: April 12, 2004, 12:48:50 am »

Here's some advice: read a book!    

Heck Yea. I have to admit, I've enjoyed the ST Books more then any series, with the exception of a very few movies.

that's not saying I don't like the series, But...



  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #71 on: April 12, 2004, 01:45:07 am »
   I don't want another 24C. TV series only 23C. series to fill th Gaps and Holes left in by TOS and the TMP.I do like Sisko aprouch when he encounters an enemy ship compared to Picards.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #72 on: April 12, 2004, 10:22:37 am »
Sisko = teh suXXors!


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #73 on: April 12, 2004, 12:41:08 pm »

Sisko = teh suXXors!  

??????I don't know  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #74 on: April 12, 2004, 04:43:18 pm »
Hey! Sisko weren't the best captain, but he def. didn't suxXXorz and stop typing like a script-kiddy.


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #75 on: April 12, 2004, 04:49:46 pm »
Sisko, the best series captain imo...

Avery Brooks in general is just cool...

But I dun want him to take Bakula's role...

DS9 was the best series et all, mostly because it wasnt mostly individual episodes, it was the Babylon 5 of Trek...

Lord Schtupp

  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #76 on: April 15, 2004, 06:05:34 pm »
Forget Sisko, bring back ATRAHASIS!!!!


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #77 on: April 15, 2004, 06:17:14 pm »
Ben SIsko would be a good choice but I think that Avery Brooks does not even like to do star trek conventions.  Not sure he would like to come back to his old role.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #78 on: April 15, 2004, 07:39:40 pm »
Better ship builder than captain...


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #79 on: April 15, 2004, 08:26:59 pm »
Keep Archer/Bakula.  Archer is a prime example of a cool, collected starship commander pushed too far and venting it on the people who it should be vented at.  I can't wait to see how next week turns out.


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #80 on: April 16, 2004, 10:15:36 am »
in order of coolness

1) kirk
2) sisco
3) archer
4) picard
5) janeway

sorry, i just do not like picard that well. his character is very, very flat. data has more personality than most of the next gen crew. hehe.


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #81 on: April 16, 2004, 11:23:52 am »
 Kirk is the man, no other Captain ever came close. The third season of ToS and some of the movies hurt the Kirk Character, but he's still the best.

Picard is still my number two guy, Stewart did wonders with him, at first he sucked, but as time went by, he became complex and interesting, as well as being compitent.

Sisko comes in a strong third, Brooks was superb, I loved the way DS9 stressed the father/son thing with him, and he was as good a war commander as trek has had.

Archer is next, Bakula has the potential to be the best, only the horrible writying prevents it.

Janeway makes me puke.


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #82 on: April 16, 2004, 12:49:54 pm »
What in the hells is your problem with Janeway? She had 10x more character than Sisko or Picard in the series, not to mention she actually went a whole episode without making a dive for the nearest temple to ask for guidance...

Janeway will always be my favorite, tied with Kirk. Archer has a LOT of good things for him, they just need to get him out of this Xindi rut.



  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #83 on: April 16, 2004, 01:14:47 pm »
 Outside of her being whiny, preachy, or annoying?

It's called my opinion, and like a lot of people, I loathed Janewway and Voyager.


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #84 on: April 16, 2004, 01:43:06 pm »
      Right on Bro. but I would go harsh on Janeway after all they are just folling a Script and what the Directors telling them what to do and she is a good actress.I do agreee with you on Kirk though no arguement there.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #85 on: April 16, 2004, 02:09:28 pm »

What in the hells is your problem with Janeway?  

Starship captains should not be seen with tears streaming down their cheeks because their first officer has hurt her feelings by disobeying her orders.

Starship captains should not offer "food and medical supplies" to an alien race in exchange for help.  The aliens live on a freaking planet(s), for crying out loud, they already grow food to feed millions of people.  How much food were you thinking to beam over from your little light cruiser?  About the only things you could possibly trade that would be of any use to an alien empire are advanced tech, rare minerals found at distant systems, or your services as a mercenary.  Since you aren't willing to trade two of those things than I suggest you start filling your hold with local gemstones as you travel from system to system or else solve your own problems.

(OK, actually that latter incident meant the the writing sucked, not that Janeway sucked.  But I lost all interest in her as a commanding officer after that former incident.)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scipio_66 »


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #86 on: April 16, 2004, 03:01:20 pm »


What in the hells is your problem with Janeway?  

Starship captains should not be seen with tears streaming down their cheeks because their first officer has hurt her feelings by disobeying her orders.

Starship captains should not offer "food and medical supplies" to an alien race in exchange for help.  The aliens live on a freaking planet(s), for crying out loud, they already grow food to feed millions of people.  How much food were you thinking to beam over from your little light cruiser?  About the only things you could possibly trade that would be of any use to an alien empire are advanced tech, rare minerals found at distant systems, or your services as a mercenary.  Since you aren't willing to trade two of those things than I suggest you start filling your hold with local gemstones as you travel from system to system or else solve your own problems.

(OK, actually that latter incident meant the the writing sucked, not that Janeway sucked.  But I lost all interest in her as a commanding officer after that former incident.)


Right. I forgot the part in the Starfleet Rulebook saying that people can't have feelings. Take Picard, for example. "No, I'm fine. I was assimilated, killed 1/2 of starfleet, and was 1/2 an inch away from totaling the Federation, but I'm A'OK because I've got my Earl Grey Hot!" It wasn't until First Contact that he showed any backbone. And if you look at the episode your reffering to, the aliens they were trading for were on a DESERT PLANET!

Get it? Nothing grows?

Now, there were some serious problems with Voyager. Neelix and Kes. I can't stand them. When I got the Elite Force demo I spent the first couple days doing nothing but fragging Neelix in a holomatch. But there were some very good points about it.

Don't take me too seriously, I just *really* didn't like sisko. Odo, Quark, and Garrick were the only people I liked.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2004, 03:02:47 pm by Merlinfmct87 »


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #87 on: April 16, 2004, 03:22:45 pm »
bring sulu and riker back.

i have see a few episode of enterprise and it was bad, the timeline is mixt, the enconter the borg before picard encounter them, dahm whos the moron who hired the scrip guy, read the books and manual, watch theepisode of startrek, the tng, ds9 and voyager, get the 8 movies (the rest was also a bad script) so the will not badly make the next statrek serie (if the do make new one) if the do one before kirk but after the enterprise, like the daedalus class could be interesting if the dont mess it up like enconter with secies 8472, the planet killer, the probe from st4, or anithing that will append in the 23th and 24 century.

we should do script ourself since we know more that them.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #88 on: April 16, 2004, 04:01:14 pm »
do the scripts ourselves....

Thats Brilliant!!!!  Maybe we can save Star Trek by submitting scripts for Enterprise...Most of us here could come up with better stuff than they put on UPN now anyway...I'd get started on that Idea, but I currently have other engagements.  Maybe tommorow or Sunday, after I put up the next chapter of my story/script for ST:XI    


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #89 on: April 16, 2004, 07:54:09 pm »

What in the hells is your problem with Janeway? She had 10x more character than Sisko or Picard in the series, not to mention she actually went a whole episode without making a dive for the nearest temple to ask for guidance...

Janeway will always be my favorite, tied with Kirk. Archer has a LOT of good things for him, they just need to get him out of this Xindi rut.


Sisko rarely aked for the Prophets' help, they usually forced it on him through visions.

As for Janeway, I don't really mind her being emotional, but, perhaps due to Kate Mulgrew's performance, I didn't really buy any of her "emotions", she just didn't convince me.

Plus, she lost her ship to the friggin' Kazon!  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #90 on: April 16, 2004, 09:46:23 pm »

in order of coolness

1) kirk
2) sisco
3) archer
4) picard
5) janeway

sorry, i just do not like picard that well. his character is very, very flat. data has more personality than most of the next gen crew. hehe.  

I guess it is obligatory to start with Kirk but I am going to leave him out as the rest are not exactly comparable.  Not that KIrk is great.  He is great in earlier stuff, towards the end you can see that Shatner is not into it anymore, although I was impressed of late with some of his performances in early stuff.

1.  Picard - He is the quintessential explorer/diplomat/commander.  I don't think there has ever been more dignity and intelligence brought to a popular Sci-Fi role than with Patrick Stewart.  He is polar opposite of Kirk.  He isn't flat at all.  He is deep and reserved from the school af acting where less is more, not a cartoon caricature like most of the TNG crew.

2.  Archer - Again a scholar/diplomat/commander.  Bakula can be quiet and intense.  He is doing a great job,but it may be too early to tell as the show is very young and may never get older at this point.  His character is handling very difficult moral issues and Bakula is dealing with it in a competent manner.

3.  Janeway - This is more of a familiarity vote.  Janeway is mother/commander/lover/destroyer.  Definitely one of the most charismatic people to hold the role of starship captain, although they made her say and do some stupid things on that show.  Comic, sexual, stern, compassionate- great role for a women.  She can be a bit over the top in her acting, but that is countered by her good use of relative flamboyance to spice things up.

4.  Sisco - I never connected with this captain or this show really.  I missed most of the Dominion War and have been trying to see it ever since, but they keep skipping over it in syndication.  He seems like a complainer to me and I never hooked up with Avery Brooks' acting style.  Reminded me too much of his role on Spencer for Hire, although I suppose Samuel L Jackson is similar in his roles as well, so are all actors in general.  That I had never seen Stewart or Mulgrew in anything else makes them seem fresh, but Bakula familiar yet different than he was in Quantum Leap.  Kira was the most engaging character on DS9 except for all the silly romance stuff with the vedic and Odo.  I could do without that.


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #91 on: April 16, 2004, 10:19:11 pm »

Right. I forgot the part in the Starfleet Rulebook saying that people can't have feelings. Take Picard, for example. "No, I'm fine. I was assimilated, killed 1/2 of starfleet, and was 1/2 an inch away from totaling the Federation, but I'm A'OK because I've got my Earl Grey Hot!" It wasn't until First Contact that he showed any backbone.

Who says you can't have feelings?  Kirk had a lot of feelings (cue cheesey soft porn music.)  Picard had a lot of feelings he had to deal with after the event you mention.  As to the latter, taking leave to go home and visit your family -- put yourself back together, out of view, after wrecking starfleet -- is perfectly acceptable in a commander.  But tears streaming down your cheeks because one of your senior officers disobeyed you?  Put him in the brig for a few days if he's been insubordinate, but don't cry about it.  What kind of command authority do tears over hurt feelings breed?


And if you look at the episode your reffering to, the aliens they were trading for were on a DESERT PLANET!

Get it? Nothing grows?

I remember aliens on starships, I don't recall a desert planet.  I wouldn't be surprised if we are remembering different episodes.  "Aliens wanting advanced tech we can't give them" seemed to happen a lot on Voyager.  But let us say you are right and it was a population with a desert homeworld.  The planet obviously grew enough food to produce a star-faring race.  Even if that population is hungry now, how can one little light cruiser -- with Neelix minding the stove -- beam down enough foodstuffs to make a difference?

I can see the negotiations now............

TUVAK:  Captain, I have established communications with  the alien ambassador.

JANEWAY:  Excellent!  Put him onscreen.  <image appears>  Greetings, Ambassador.  I am Captain Janeway, of the United Federation ship Voyager.

ALIEN:  Greetings, captain.  You are matronly but I find you strangely attractive.  I am Alien236, ambassador for 147 hundred million people that live on a planet that cannot grow anything.  Thus we are starving.  How may I help you?

JANEWAY:  We wish to pass through your space without conflict.  We are willing to negotiate for permission.

ALIEN236:  Why would you need to ask for our permission?  I've already told you we are 147 hundred million people with no food.  Why don't you just wait two days?  We'll all be dead and you can pass without conflict.

JANEWAY:  We are a long way from home, ambassador, and cannot spare even two days.  However, perhaps there is some way in which we can help you.  Then we could pay for our passage through your space and suffer no delay.

ALIEN236:  Now there is an idea.  We'd be very interested in some of your advanced weaponry.

JANEWAY:  Weapons?  Why would you want those?

ALIEN236:  Well, see, there is this planet right next door that is capable of growing a lot of things, but they won't give us any food.  They say they don't have enough to share with 147 hundred million people.  So if you give us weapons, we'll go over and take what we need by force.

JANEWAY:  <shocked>  Did you people just evolve yesterday??!!  We are not going to give you weapons to start a war!

ALIEN236 <surprised she would ask such an obvious question>:  Why of course we just evolved yesterday.  Didn't you hear me say we were 147 hundred million people on a planet that couldn't grow anything?  If we had evolved before yesterday then we'd have already starved before today.  If you won't give us weapons, perhaps you could just go kill all our neighbors for us.  Then we could go live on their planet and survive.

JANEWAY:  <tears streaming down her cheeks>  Whaaaaahhhh!!!!! Tuvok, help me!  The ambassador is being unreasonable!  And that hurts my feelings!

TUVOK:  Perhaps we could find a way for them to reverse the polarity of their planet's magnetic field.  Then we could bombard their planet with a whozitsflotsit beam.  Their soil might become fertile and they could grow their own food. It would take months, and they would starve to death long before we were done, but this delay of months would save us the delay of days.

JANEWAY:  <confused>  What?  That doesn't make sense.  But it does give me an idea!  <turns back to screen>  Ambassador!  I have an idea!  We will pay you with food instead of weapons!

ALIEN236:  Excellent!  Have your chef beam down bacon and eggs for 147 hundred million starving people; at once, please!  We are already hungry from a day spent with no food.  Later we'll discuss breakfast for tomorrow.  Does you chef have a menu we can pick from?

NELIX:  <runs screaming onto the bridge; he knows he's been mentioned>  Captain!  147 hundred million?  You can't be serious!  I can whip up enough oozy, dripping goo to feed another three families of six.  But that's it!  I only have so many hours in the day!

JANEWAY:  Start cooking, Nelix.  It's going to be a long night.  And no one on that world is going to bed without a meal.  We've the ideals of the Federation to think of.

-S'Cipio the scribe  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scipio_66 »


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #92 on: April 16, 2004, 10:30:09 pm »
Guys... why the hell do I always hear a lot of bickering about "whos the best Captain" all the time?  I think they are all awsome Captains, even Janeway or Sulu.  If I was in Starfleet I would be honored too serve under them.

I thought Janeway was an interesting character actually.  Their where a few incidents in Voyager where I think the had more Balls then Kirk in certain situations.  And I must add that i enjoyed Seasons 4 through 7 much more then 1 through 3.  Far better stories for the most part and the Voyager story actually had a little more Arc too it.  the only bad thing I thought they really did was make the Borg a little easy too kill, but they still were scary in some situations during the series.  

As for Archer, I think Bakula is not doing too badly as a Starfleet Captain, but as many people have pointed out, the story writing for the show is lackluster so it might be affecting the potential of the Archer Character.  I also think Bakula, kinda over acts a tad too much like Kirk, but its just superfical at most and not really relevent.  

As for Sisko, I know Brooks is not a great Star Trek fan (I can't blaim the guy, Star Trek actors usually have a hard time getting roles after Star Trek) but I thought he was one of the best Actors of all the series.  His acting in some of the DS9 episodes almost made me cry (Gasp!)  The guy has a lot of potential.


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #93 on: April 16, 2004, 10:42:24 pm »
i am dying here from laughter scippy. that is the best voyager impression i have seen yet. HA!


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #94 on: April 17, 2004, 02:50:29 am »
The thing you gotta keep in mind about Archer is that he's not a Federation Starfleet captain, but an Earth Starfleet captain.  We all know how the Earth military takes to being attacked, and there are only two crew members that are from different worlds on Enterprise, so Archer's attitude isn't tempered by the thoughts and feelings of 150 races of people.  He takes Vulcan and Denobulan advice at times, but Enterprise is a HUMAN ship on a mission for EARTH with nothing else in mind besides retaliation for the Xindi attack.

Now, as Federation captains go, I think Picard has the attitude down cold, with Janeway a close second in that regard.  Consider, Voyager is a light cruiser, and she was only supposed to be there 6 weeks, not 7 years.  In that respect, Janeway made the best of the situation, but I think Picard or Riker would've handled things a bit differently.  Kirk would've gone out of his cotton-pickin mind!

I just don't see a reason for Kirk, why he's so popular.  And who's this Sisko guy?


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #95 on: April 17, 2004, 03:14:49 am »
     I am not going to Entertain this one but I will agree with you Maxillius but I like it when Kirk goes out of his mind.I liked it in the Wrath of Kahn when he scream up at him from the planet down below.I want to see Kirk when he loses some lbs that is you see what not doing Star Trek has Done these people J Doohan has gianed waight to.It will be intesting to see the TNG crew in 10 years.

     I am sometimes out of my mine d to that is why run into them with my ship off course. not head

  Sisko can be seen on DS9 on Spike @7PM pacific    
« Last Edit: April 17, 2004, 01:54:03 pm by Age »


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #96 on: April 17, 2004, 04:23:52 am »
I liked DS9 and Avery Brooks, but no one can chew lines like Bill Shatner - as proof watch him devour the Preamble in "The Omega Glory"    


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #97 on: April 17, 2004, 01:17:03 pm »


Right. I forgot the part in the Starfleet Rulebook saying that people can't have feelings. Take Picard, for example. "No, I'm fine. I was assimilated, killed 1/2 of starfleet, and was 1/2 an inch away from totaling the Federation, but I'm A'OK because I've got my Earl Grey Hot!" It wasn't until First Contact that he showed any backbone.

Who says you can't have feelings?  Kirk had a lot of feelings (cue cheesey soft porn music.)  Picard had a lot of feelings he had to deal with after the event you mention.

Right. He just never showed it to the audiance.


 As to the latter, taking leave to go home and visit your family -- put yourself back together, out of view, after wrecking starfleet -- is perfectly acceptable in a commander.  But tears streaming down your cheeks because one of your senior officers disobeyed you?  Put him in the brig for a few days if he's been insubordinate, but don't cry about it.  What kind of command authority do tears over hurt feelings breed?

It's a character building moment. You know, those moments in between Riker Chicks and Photon-Eating Romulans?



And if you look at the episode your reffering to, the aliens they were trading for were on a DESERT PLANET!

Get it? Nothing grows?

I remember aliens on starships, I don't recall a desert planet.  I wouldn't be surprised if we are remembering different episodes.  "Aliens wanting advanced tech we can't give them" seemed to happen a lot on Voyager.  But let us say you are right and it was a population with a desert homeworld.  The planet obviously grew enough food to produce a star-faring race.  Even if that population is hungry now, how can one little light cruiser -- with Neelix minding the stove -- beam down enough foodstuffs to make a difference?

One little light cruiser with a nifty little piece of technology called a replicator. Yes, they can make more that tea. AND, your not feeding the planet, just a token gesture. Your also providing the methods to grow more. See, plants have seeds. Seeds Grow. Seeds feed planet.


I can see the negotiations now............

TUVAK:  Captain, I have established communications with  the alien ambassador.

JANEWAY:  Excellent!  Put him onscreen.  <image appears>  Greetings, Ambassador.  I am Captain Janeway, of the United Federation ship Voyager.

ALIEN:  Greetings, captain.  You are matronly but I find you strangely attractive.  I am Alien236, ambassador for 147 hundred million people that live on a planet that cannot grow anything.  Thus we are starving.  How may I help you?

JANEWAY:  We wish to pass through your space without conflict.  We are willing to negotiate for permission.

ALIEN236:  Why would you need to ask for our permission?  I've already told you we are 147 hundred million people with no food.  Why don't you just wait two days?  We'll all be dead and you can pass without conflict.

JANEWAY:  We are a long way from home, ambassador, and cannot spare even two days.  However, perhaps there is some way in which we can help you.  Then we could pay for our passage through your space and suffer no delay.

ALIEN236:  Now there is an idea.  We'd be very interested in some of your advanced weaponry.

JANEWAY:  Weapons?  Why would you want those?

ALIEN236:  Well, see, there is this planet right next door that is capable of growing a lot of things, but they won't give us any food.  They say they don't have enough to share with 147 hundred million people.  So if you give us weapons, we'll go over and take what we need by force.

JANEWAY:  <shocked>  Did you people just evolve yesterday??!!  We are not going to give you weapons to start a war!

ALIEN236 <surprised she would ask such an obvious question>:  Why of course we just evolved yesterday.  Didn't you hear me say we were 147 hundred million people on a planet that couldn't grow anything?  If we had evolved before yesterday then we'd have already starved before today.  If you won't give us weapons, perhaps you could just go kill all our neighbors for us.  Then we could go live on their planet and survive.

JANEWAY:  <tears streaming down her cheeks>  Whaaaaahhhh!!!!! Tuvok, help me!  The ambassador is being unreasonable!  And that hurts my feelings!

TUVOK:  Perhaps we could find a way for them to reverse the polarity of their planet's magnetic field.  Then we could bombard their planet with a whozitsflotsit beam.  Their soil might become fertile and they could grow their own food. It would take months, and they would starve to death long before we were done, but this delay of months would save us the delay of days.

JANEWAY:  <confused>  What?  That doesn't make sense.  But it does give me an idea!  <turns back to screen>  Ambassador!  I have an idea!  We will pay you with food instead of weapons!

ALIEN236:  Excellent!  Have your chef beam down bacon and eggs for 147 hundred million starving people; at once, please!  We are already hungry from a day spent with no food.  Later we'll discuss breakfast for tomorrow.  Does you chef have a menu we can pick from?

NELIX:  <runs screaming onto the room; he knows he's been mentioned>  Captain!  147 hundred million?  You can't be serious!  I can whip up enough oozy, dripping goo to feed another three families of six.  But that's it!  I only have so many hours in the day!

JANEWAY:  Start cooking, Nelix.  It's going to be a long night.  And no one on that world is going to bed without a meal.  We've the ideals of the Federation to think of.

-S'Cipio the scribe    

Now that is just too inane for comment    


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #98 on: April 17, 2004, 01:19:17 pm »

The thing you gotta keep in mind about Archer is that he's not a Federation Starfleet captain, but an Earth Starfleet captain.  We all know how the Earth military takes to being attacked, and there are only two crew members that are from different worlds on Enterprise, so Archer's attitude isn't tempered by the thoughts and feelings of 150 races of people.  He takes Vulcan and Denobulan advice at times, but Enterprise is a HUMAN ship on a mission for EARTH with nothing else in mind besides retaliation for the Xindi attack.

Now, as Federation captains go, I think Picard has the attitude down cold, with Janeway a close second in that regard.  Consider, Voyager is a light cruiser, and she was only supposed to be there 6 weeks, not 7 years.  In that respect, Janeway made the best of the situation, but I think Picard or Riker would've handled things a bit differently.  Kirk would've gone out of his cotton-pickin mind!

I just don't see a reason for Kirk, why he's so popular.  And who's this Sisko guy?  

Bingo Bango Bongo. Right on target mister  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #99 on: April 18, 2004, 09:00:16 am »
   Janeway's eneptness caused the mission to be 7 years, Kirk would have found a better way staight away.

BTW, Kirk NEVER lost it in tough spots.

He's simply the best, the others are just pale reflections.


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #100 on: April 18, 2004, 12:07:41 pm »
    I could of agree with you more if he were out there he would of gotten Scotty to develope a cloaking Devece for the Enterprise.They are not in Ferertion space so why stick to those rules just shove them out an air lock.He did things his way anyway or sometimes.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #101 on: April 18, 2004, 04:22:08 pm »
You guys do have a point, a Cloaking device could have helped a lot for some of the situations that Voyager went through.  And since they were not suppose too be in the Delta quadrant anyways, who is going too know that the Feds are not suppose too use cloaks.


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #102 on: April 18, 2004, 04:36:18 pm »
I think what it comes down to is we each have our Captains, the ones we would be if we could...

They are as different as we are...


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #103 on: April 18, 2004, 05:41:34 pm »
 Brooks is not coming back to Star Trek. He's been blacklisted. Sniff about and your find several comments that state to the effect "We would welcome every actor of DS9 back, except him"

Somewhat of a pity. Sisko is the only captain that ever showed some piss and vinegar. Archer has some potential. Picard, well, sometimes I swear I see him wear skirts. Kirk? Couldn't say, before my time, but seems to be too much of a playboy.

Janeway? I hope whoever put that whiney pissy soccer mom in charge of a ship dies and spends a horrible eternity burning in Hell. I hope my feelings in regard to her are clear.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Tremok »


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #104 on: April 19, 2004, 12:17:06 am »

   Janeway's eneptness caused the mission to be 7 years, Kirk would have found a better way staight away.

BTW, Kirk NEVER lost it in tough spots.

He's simply the best, the others are just pale reflections.


And does anyone remember the episode "Equinox"?  That's where Voyager comes across another Federation ship that seems to have made a bad name for the Federation by its captain's "by any means necessary" approach to getting home.  Granted his ship was in shambles and it was only a Nova-class FF to start with, but still, is that what you were thinking of when you said Kirk would've got them home sooner?  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #105 on: April 19, 2004, 01:14:14 am »
    Tremok. I can't see your writing or your post what colour are you useing can anybody else.You might want to switch font coluors.This is the secound time Tremok I can't see your post or reply.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #106 on: April 19, 2004, 09:47:46 am »
  I remember the episode.

I also know the Kirk character would never kill inocents for any reason, more then once he was prepared to let himself be killed rather then do it.

Also, you ever see Kirk lose disapline of his crew?

That example doesn't fit, however, the post above yours, about the soccer mom does fit Voyager to a 't'


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #107 on: April 19, 2004, 01:28:32 pm »


    Tremok. I can't see your writing or your post what colour are you useing can anybody else.You might want to switch font coluors.This is the secound time Tremok I can't see your post or reply.  

White. You might wish to quote my post to see what I said if the font colors are giving you trouble.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Tremok »


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #108 on: April 19, 2004, 01:37:38 pm »


    Tremok. I can't see your writing or your post what colour are you useing can anybody else.You might want to switch font coluors.This is the secound time Tremok I can't see your post or reply.  

White. You might wish to quote my post to see what I said if the font colors are giving you trouble.


That is a little better but I see what you said at the bottom.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #109 on: April 19, 2004, 01:39:04 pm »



    Tremok. I can't see your writing or your post what colour are you useing can anybody else.You might want to switch font coluors.This is the secound time Tremok I can't see your post or reply.  

White. You might wish to quote my post to see what I said if the font colors are giving you trouble.


That is a little better but I see what you said at the bottom.  

I hope you can see why.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #110 on: April 19, 2004, 01:40:36 pm »




    Tremok. I can't see your writing or your post what colour are you useing can anybody else.You might want to switch font coluors.This is the secound time Tremok I can't see your post or reply.  

White. You might wish to quote my post to see what I said if the font colors are giving you trouble.


That is a little better but I see what you said at the bottom.  

I hope you can see why.  

This so the rest of us can see what you are saying  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #111 on: April 19, 2004, 10:47:04 pm »
Maybe the reason you all react to this so strongly is Janeway tried to overcome her flaws. The other captains you could feel superior to. Sisko was very similar to you, (think Q-Less) Picard you could just write off as an acedemic wuss, and Kirk was just a lucky womanizer. But Janeway...she actually tried to rise above her circumstances.

My mother had a saying: "People's greatest fear is an accurate mirror."

So go on chanting the american chant of the comforts of the damned. You've shown your character, and I can honestly say I'm not threatened or intimidated in the slightest. Go back to your Sisko, your prophets, your bible, your blue pill, your mask.

I'd say don't get in my way, but we tread entierly different paths.  


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #112 on: April 20, 2004, 10:53:50 am »
 I'd say your rather a small person to try and insult someone because they don't agree with you on what makes a good fictional captain.

Go back to your PC world dude, I won't miss you.

Trek is about heroic fiction, not the 'soccer moms in space' that you prefer.


  • Guest
Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #113 on: April 20, 2004, 12:41:53 pm »

It's a character building moment. You know, those moments in between Riker Chicks and Photon-Eating Romulans?

Ah, yes, that is the first thing they teach promising young ensigns at Annapolis.  "Whenever someone becomes insubordinate, cry in front of your officers!  Nothing instills the crew with proper military discipline quite like the sight of their commander in tears.  Besides, tears build character."  


One little light cruiser with a nifty little piece of technology called a replicator. Yes, they can make more that tea. AND, your not feeding the planet, just a token gesture. Your also providing the methods to grow more. See, plants have seeds. Seeds Grow. Seeds feed planet.

Go ahead, replicate all the food your system can handle.  How much can you beam down at a time?  How long are you going to stick around and keep it up?

This was a space-faring, interplanetary race with extensive enough territory that going around wasn't a good option.  Their planet(s) let their population grow into that size.  Thus they had seeds.  If their  people were hungry, it must have been because they planets couldn't grow enough, not because they didn't have seeds to plant.  How is one lost and lonely little ship going to make a difference to a population of that size?

If you invite the Imperious Leader over and give him a nice state dinner, maybe you can butter him up and show him what peacable people you are, and he'll let your ship pass thorugh his empire.  If as an author you are going to use "food" to let your characters pay for their passage, that would have been the better way to go about it.

The problem here was that the Voyager writers were stuck in their PC mindset.   "These are good guys.  Good guys with a prime directive don't offer advanced tech, and they certainly don't offer money-the-root-of-all-evil.  No, good guys offer only food and medical supplies."  I don't think the writers ever stopped to consider that one small ship feeding an interplanetary population with a lump-sum payment was a dumb idea.  They never stepped back to consider the context of their situation.

And again, this was a fault of the writers, not the Janeway character.  The setup of the series put Captain Janeway in a position to do a lot of interesting and heroic things.  If she had had better writers I might have liked her better.  (Though I can't imagine ever likeing that ultra-PC cast of characters.  But tastes differ.)

Currently I'm having the same problem with Enterprise.  The show has absolutely everything it needs to be a huge success........... except competent writers.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scipio_66 »


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #114 on: April 20, 2004, 12:46:52 pm »

 Brooks is not coming back to Star Trek. He's been blacklisted. Sniff about and your find several comments that state to the effect "We would welcome every actor of DS9 back, except him"  

I'm curious.  What did Brooks do to get blacklisted?

Oh, yeah, and back on-topic, I agree with Nanner's rankings of the captains.



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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #115 on: April 20, 2004, 02:52:23 pm »
yeah, how do you know that brooks has been black listed? i would find it hard to believe that one of the best captains/ fleshed out characters and actors would be black listed.


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #116 on: April 20, 2004, 03:26:46 pm »
  I'm not sure Avery Brooks is blacklisted, but I do know he doesn't want to be a part of Trek anymore, and this isn't uncommon.

Leonard Nimoy said the same thing in 1969, he hated Spock for years, before realizing that Spock was his best meal-ticket.

Maybe brooks will one day see that also.


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #117 on: April 20, 2004, 04:08:52 pm »


 Brooks is not coming back to Star Trek. He's been blacklisted. Sniff about and your find several comments that state to the effect "We would welcome every actor of DS9 back, except him"  

I'm curious.  What did Brooks do to get blacklisted?

Oh, yeah, and back on-topic, I agree with Nanner's rankings of the captains.


Couldn't say for sure. Behind-the-scene politics, probably. I've heard that in the last episode of DS9 Sisko was suppose to die, but he complained about racial sterotypes about the black man always dying, so it got changed to were he went off with the prophets promising to return. Also read a comment from him about how he would like to lecture at a university because he would enjoy the freedom of it, "telling the truth how it is without worrying about producers and directors" and such.    


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #118 on: April 20, 2004, 06:27:07 pm »



 Brooks is not coming back to Star Trek. He's been blacklisted. Sniff about and your find several comments that state to the effect "We would welcome every actor of DS9 back, except him"  

I'm curious.  What did Brooks do to get blacklisted?

Oh, yeah, and back on-topic, I agree with Nanner's rankings of the captains.


Couldn't say for sure. Behind-the-scene politics, probably. I've heard that in the last episode of DS9 Sisko was suppose to die, but he complained about racial sterotypes about the black man always dying, so it got changed to were he went off with the prophets promising to return. Also read a comment from him about how he would like to lecture at a university because he would enjoy the freedom of it, "telling the truth how it is without worrying about producers and directors" and such.    

I see what you are doing Tremok aha that old ghost ink trick.  


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #119 on: April 24, 2004, 08:46:38 am »



 Brooks is not coming back to Star Trek. He's been blacklisted. Sniff about and your find several comments that state to the effect "We would welcome every actor of DS9 back, except him"  

I'm curious.  What did Brooks do to get blacklisted?

Oh, yeah, and back on-topic, I agree with Nanner's rankings of the captains.


Couldn't say for sure. Behind-the-scene politics, probably. I've heard that in the last episode of DS9 Sisko was suppose to die, but he complained about racial sterotypes about the black man always dying, so it got changed to were he went off with the prophets promising to return. Also read a comment from him about how he would like to lecture at a university because he would enjoy the freedom of it, "telling the truth how it is without worrying about producers and directors" and such.    

Doesnt sound like blacklistment anymore than Stewart wanting more Shakepearan roles...

Star Trek actors/actresses tend to be labeled that indefinately, people who never even seen the episodes know who they are, much like Mark/Luke Skywalker. I've seen Brooks and Stewart in other movies and they are fine actors out of Trek, but its hard to think of them that way. It's easy to see Sisko riding the horse in the western or Picard with the peg leg shouting to the saltcrusted crew.

I can totally understand why someone would want to forget to put Trek on their resume...


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #120 on: April 24, 2004, 11:41:02 pm »



 Brooks is not coming back to Star Trek. He's been blacklisted. Sniff about and your find several comments that state to the effect "We would welcome every actor of DS9 back, except him"  

I'm curious.  What did Brooks do to get blacklisted?

Oh, yeah, and back on-topic, I agree with Nanner's rankings of the captains.


Couldn't say for sure. Behind-the-scene politics, probably. I've heard that in the last episode of DS9 Sisko was suppose to die, but he complained about racial sterotypes about the black man always dying, so it got changed to were he went off with the prophets promising to return. Also read a comment from him about how he would like to lecture at a university because he would enjoy the freedom of it, "telling the truth how it is without worrying about producers and directors" and such.    

wow I never heard about that, damn wats up wit that, you cant even complain about the finale, i would think he had some right to after 7 seasons, and its better of that way, if he died, we wouldnt be able to speculate and etc... about it, I like some books, when he comes back and etc..., dying would of really sucked, i like it that way better, it ended as it should, now talking about the black thing, that must of really pissed them off, does anyone think that is the main reason why there hasnt been any DS9 movies??????????

adam out


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #121 on: April 25, 2004, 01:36:00 am »




 Brooks is not coming back to Star Trek. He's been blacklisted. Sniff about and your find several comments that state to the effect "We would welcome every actor of DS9 back, except him"  

I'm curious.  What did Brooks do to get blacklisted?

Oh, yeah, and back on-topic, I agree with Nanner's rankings of the captains.


Couldn't say for sure. Behind-the-scene politics, probably. I've heard that in the last episode of DS9 Sisko was suppose to die, but he complained about racial sterotypes about the black man always dying, so it got changed to were he went off with the prophets promising to return. Also read a comment from him about how he would like to lecture at a university because he would enjoy the freedom of it, "telling the truth how it is without worrying about producers and directors" and such.    

wow I never heard about that, damn wats up wit that, you cant even complain about the finale, i would think he had some right to after 7 seasons, and its better of that way, if he died, we wouldnt be able to speculate and etc... about it, I like some books, when he comes back and etc..., dying would of really sucked, i like it that way better, it ended as it should, now talking about the black thing, that must of really pissed them off, does anyone think that is the main reason why there hasnt been any DS9 movies??????????

adam out  

Nah Bring back good ole Kirk .They will have to make reunion TV series for Sisko & co.  


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #122 on: April 25, 2004, 09:32:56 pm »
I like kirk, but hes kinda old , i mean if he does another movie, hes gonna be in the same type of wheel chair christopher pike was in, the crew of 1701A is done with, but im not saying i wouldnt go to the movies and see it if it did come out lol

adam out


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #123 on: April 26, 2004, 02:24:03 am »

I like kirk, but hes kinda old , i mean if he does another movie, hes gonna be in the same type of wheel chair christopher pike was in, the crew of 1701A is done with, but im not saying i wouldnt go to the movies and see it if it did come out lol

adam out  

Captian Pike was the CO on 1701A .I know what you mean I am just kidding around lol.I would love to see Kirk and CO on the big screen with 1701A my favourite Enterprise minus McCoy of course.  


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #124 on: April 26, 2004, 11:21:53 am »
Yup, I wonder if other actors can take the roles of Kirk and the TMP crew, is that possible, I have seen in many DS9 episodes that the same actor plays multi roles in Star Trek, different aliens, ohhhh, I just thought of an idea, what about this, forget kirk, and etc..., and do a whole season on either klingons or romulans, weve seen federation already, i would like a huge change, imagine a show just like Klingon Academy, it could take place in the TMP era and everything, but instead of seeing thru the eyes of the feds, we cant have a klingon ship, characters and etc...

just a suggestion, dont kill me on it lol

adam out


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #125 on: April 26, 2004, 02:31:29 pm »
      I have thought of that aswell it would be different I would stat off with the Klinks.There are so many in that would make them happy.  


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #126 on: April 26, 2004, 02:35:08 pm »
I mean its just kewl, it would be different but the same, and if they want to F up or mess some of he history up, like what theyre doing in enterprise, it would bother mean that much, because i know less about klingons than that of the federation

or even the romulan, they have been such a mystery IMHO, i would love to get to know them better, even in the TMP era

adam out


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #127 on: April 26, 2004, 02:35:09 pm »
Hire Tim Allen to play Kirk!    


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #128 on: April 26, 2004, 02:36:15 pm »
lol i like that one

adam out


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Re: Forget Kirk, bring back Sisko!
« Reply #129 on: April 26, 2004, 03:43:34 pm »

Hire Tim Allen to play Kirk!    

Hire Kevin Pollack!  The man has practically built his entire career upon making fun of Shatner.   Turn about is fair play. M ake him suit up and earn his pay honestly for a change!
