Topic: Your games model folders  (Read 13216 times)

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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #40 on: April 22, 2004, 11:39:15 pm »
by romuland i mean before when i play single mission the romuland where rarely there when a mission involving the romulan, ex: the surprise reversed, the enemy are romuland, for some reason the romulan where not there (no ship at all) so the mission fail cause i can't destroye the romuland since there was no ship.

i got win xp familly edition

i move the shiplist and fighter list to another folder (like now i play in tos so the tmp shiplist and fighter list are move in another folder).

i might get the patch but m not sure.

have fun


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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #41 on: April 23, 2004, 02:33:48 am »

by romuland i mean before when i play single mission the romuland where rarely there when a mission involving the romulan, ex: the surprise reversed, the enemy are romuland, for some reason the romulan where not there (no ship at all) so the mission fail cause i can't destroye the romuland since there was no ship.

i got win xp familly edition

i move the shiplist and fighter list to another folder (like now i play in tos so the tmp shiplist and fighter list are move in another folder).

i might get the patch but m not sure.

have fun  

This happens sometimes in single player campaigns where are told to complete a mission and nothing is there.This happened to me aswell say in patrol mission and there is no enemy ship to go after.I look around a bit and use the tactical display tab button and if there isn't I just leave the sector.I speed it up by game speed 11 then when approuching the red line I go back down to 9 that is the game speed slider that I use.I like it because the ships turn better and handle better but it can tire you out.I hope this helps
   I would really get that patch you will like it when you feel like the time is right get the installment pack aswell.What aren't you sure of what is stopping you.I know you will have uninstall the game delete the game folder and reinstall it and patch it up the installment pack come with patch in it but if you want the patch just get it for now.When you are ready you can always PM Pestalence for the installment packs but tell him that you have patch.  


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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #42 on: April 23, 2004, 04:08:00 am »
The OP Enhancement pack has the option to install the patch and the option to not install the patch.. just pick the installer you want.. then choose the correct option...

Now as for v2552.. it fixes almost 200 items since v2525 including the spare parts.. on the Dyna and Single player and on Gamespy Arcade and in single player skirmish mode.. if I but 30 spares.. I can use 30 spares.. Unless on the Dynaverse 2 online server.. the server admin can limit spares used per mission.. but in normal servers and online and in single player.. if you buy 30 spares.. you can use 30 spares. The patch also fixes Rom Cloak... No, not making it totally hidden, but adjust how much damage a Rom can take when cloaked and also it allows it to lose missles and plasma inbound to it.. very effective defensively.

hope that this helps...



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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #43 on: April 23, 2004, 11:16:51 am »

The OP Enhancement pack has the option to install the patch and the option to not install the patch.. just pick the installer you want.. then choose the correct option...

Now as for v2552.. it fixes almost 200 items since v2525 including the spare parts.. on the Dyna and Single player and on Gamespy Arcade and in single player skirmish mode.. if I but 30 spares.. I can use 30 spares.. Unless on the Dynaverse 2 online server.. the server admin can limit spares used per mission.. but in normal servers and online and in single player.. if you buy 30 spares.. you can use 30 spares. The patch also fixes Rom Cloak... No, not making it totally hidden, but adjust how much damage a Rom can take when cloaked and also it allows it to lose missles and plasma inbound to it.. very effective defensively.

hope that this helps...


Tell that to Don KarnageI have no problems with my OP now it is just Dons.Howcome you replyied to my post and not his.I guess you wear a little tired from being on RDSL Pestalence can you please reply to my PMs thanks.  


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Your games model folders
« Reply #44 on: April 11, 2004, 03:50:56 pm »
Dont you hate it when they become so bloated that its one confusing mess of models, mine has become that way, heck Im surprised my game even stats up at all. So I have taken the steps of uninstalling everything, cleaning up  and organizing my folders hopefully in a better way. Then over the next few days will slowly start reinstalling everything,in I hope will be a better oranized way this time.


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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #45 on: April 14, 2004, 07:53:55 am »
yea with the tos and tmp i will need to make a folder for the tos only or install op for a tos only, but i will need a biger hd or a 3th hd to place all the sfc/op stuff there.


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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #46 on: April 14, 2004, 11:21:08 am »
  How do you open up a folder and pull out a text file like say eg. your shiplist Don Karnage in OP enhancement pack?  


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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #47 on: April 15, 2004, 03:20:17 pm »
well i use ship edit  for the shiplist, if you mean how i change nd add ship?, the rest i never open them.


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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #48 on: April 15, 2004, 03:41:13 pm »
     This would apply to any shiplist or fterlist.I would just like to know how to pull them out of a folder so I change shiplists.I would like to change in both assetts/specs and metassetts aswell.Thanks anyone  


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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #49 on: April 15, 2004, 03:50:36 pm »
well you safe them in spec/ shiplist.txt and then save as meta asset/shiplist.txt, that whay you dont have to remenber what change you made since you just save in both files.


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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #50 on: April 15, 2004, 04:59:19 pm »
   I know that I want to put two list in a folder and when I want to use them I would like to take them out agian How do I do this?How do I pull out a file from a folder I know how to put one in a file in folder?  


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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #51 on: April 15, 2004, 05:33:09 pm »
m not sure what you mean, the shiplist.txt are there for the sigle player and multy player, if you move them the game wont work.


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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #52 on: April 15, 2004, 05:58:58 pm »
     I want to know to remove a file from a folder so there is a new shiplist to use and put the other one back into its folder.It is like taking a file out of file cabinet and open the folder to work on file.Then you would place that file in its folder and put back in file cabinet and take another folder out and work on another file and so on an so on.  


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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #53 on: April 15, 2004, 10:16:00 pm »
ok you want to keep the old one and make a new, well opend it whit explorer and copy past it else where so you will remember where it it, i got a tos file and tmp but not in the spec file, the tos is in another file so when i will use it i just remove the tmp file and replace it with the tos.

the work station on your desktop (if you dont have it then use excel to copy past your files)


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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #54 on: April 16, 2004, 02:30:28 am »
      I know how to copy and paste.How do you switch from your TOS file to your TMP file and how do you use Explorer to copy and paste?  


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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #55 on: April 16, 2004, 02:45:34 am »
Age, he just used terminology for things that you already do...

moving a file is using the Cut and Paste command instead of Copy.. Cut removes the file, Paste puts it in the new location..

copy makes a duplicate of the file/folder.. paste puts the duplicate in the new location

basically he is using the Cut and Paste method for moving the files/folders.


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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #56 on: April 16, 2004, 02:51:22 am »
      How would you open a folder though and take files out?I know how to copy and paste but what about cutting?  


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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #57 on: April 16, 2004, 03:18:34 am »
Opening a folder is just like opening My Computer.. just like opening C:\... just like opening Program Files.. doing this you are opening folders...

if you take shiplist.txt and double click it... you will open it in Notepad.. if you are using shipedit OP you are opening shiplist.txt when you import it to edit ships... so you know how to open files...

using the right click on a file you will see copy, cut, and paste and paste shortcut commands in the list.. choose copy you duplicate the file and you can paste it where you want... use Cut you remove the file from it's location and you can paste it into a different location.. the copied file remains where it originally was and it is duplicated in the new location.. the cut will physically remove the file from the original location and place it in a new location...

he is talking about a TOS and TMP modes.. as 2 separate mods for his game... in the case of models.. all he needs to do is Cut the Models folder containing his TOS models.. place it in a location outside the Assets folder.. then he can cut his TMP model folder and paste it in the Assets folder... just remembering to keep the name of the folders as models and not pasting them in the same location... (the pasted folder will overwrite the folder already there.. just like overwriting a file.).

I hope that this helps your understanding.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #58 on: April 16, 2004, 06:56:19 am »
if you still don't understand i will crie j/k, i will give you detail info on how to keep both shiplist for tos and tmp.


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Re: Your games model folders
« Reply #59 on: April 16, 2004, 02:10:00 pm »
     I was experimenting with EAW on this on how to open a folder and remove a file so I could use a different shiplist.I tried cutting it but I couldn't remove a file out of the folder and I used move this file and now I get a CTD in the Skirnish selector I don't mind useing EAW for this because I have to patch it up agian.I want to burn the patch to the Game disks this time the official patch that is not those at Interplay if I can't burn it to game disks I will put it on my patch disk.I really like that 2552 patch I took out I-CCZ with F-CAI in 5 min.28sec.difficulty Admiral.How would I use Taldrens Originals in OP with Enhancement pack installed I see there is an uninstaller for opplus would I use this and I think I see an installer.I have an RDSL icon in there aswell do you play it more than once?Pestalence please answer this.