Topic: SOD to MOD Conversion?  (Read 1664 times)

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SOD to MOD Conversion?
« on: April 10, 2004, 08:06:10 pm »
Hi gang,

I downloaded a GREAT (ASDB) Challenger Class model in Armada SOD format.  This is the corrected Challenger Class ( based on the newest photo of the studio model (, and improvement over the (inaccurate) older version in MOD format I have.

Anyway, I want to covert this baby to MOD format.  Do you guys know how to do that?  If so, can I email the SOD to you and have someone convert it?

I have Milkshape, but it won't import non-stock vessels from Armada, only the SODs that came with the game.  I have the trial version of Ultimate Unwrap3D, but, of course the trial won't allow you to export or save, only import.

Soooo......anyone have an idea?  If we can convert it, I think it will be the *only accurate* Challenger (from Best of Both Worlds) around.  



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Re: SOD to MOD Conversion?
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2004, 08:26:16 pm »
I'm one of the guys here that can do that.  

Good example that I've converted in the past is the TOS Space Amoeba that's on my site.. it was originally in SOD and was converted over with permission.  


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Re: SOD to MOD Conversion?
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2004, 08:29:00 pm »

I'm one of the guys here that can do that.  

Good example that I've converted in the past is the TOS Space Amoeba that's on my site.. it was originally in SOD and was converted over with permission.    

Jeesh.  How do you convert them, my good man?  

May I email the Challenger I have to you for conversion?

*Lance has several others he'd like to convert, too*



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Re: SOD to MOD Conversion?
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2004, 12:33:31 am »
Oooo, Oooo! (like a monkey!)

There is the Promellian Battlecruiser and Suliban Cell Ship in Armada format I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to get in MOD format (for personal home use, of course!!)!!  

Can any assistance be offered here with that as well?!  


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Re: SOD to MOD Conversion?
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2004, 03:47:51 am »
that sod to mod conversion is no problem for me, you could use Lithium Unwraper or a tool named CV but you should not do this conversion without permission  


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Re: SOD to MOD Conversion?
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2004, 09:59:39 am »
Email away..

I don't usually mention the names of the tools I use for conversion for the same reason that Terradyhne mentioned.  I always try to seek permission before I release anything, but that doesn't always happen in the modelling community. (See the Bridge Commander forums for a lot of instances of that, they raid here for meshes all the time, usually converting without asking). Therefore, I don't mention the names of the tools publically in order to try to minimize the amount that that grows.

But I'll email you back on this one as you're a modeller that's released your own works.  


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Re: SOD to MOD Conversion?
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2004, 02:00:44 pm »
I really only want to convert SODs I have to MODs for personal use, not for distribution.  I don't think this would infringe on anyone's artistic license.  



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Re: SOD to MOD Conversion?
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2004, 03:06:49 am »
So I take it's a "no" for the personal used SOD to MOD conversion on the Promellian Battlecruiser/Suliban Cell ShiP?


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Re: SOD to MOD Conversion?
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2004, 10:59:15 am »
In general, for personal use without distribution on a personal machine, most modellers are fine with conversions.

The best thing to do though is to contact the original author of the mesh and ask for permission to convert it across for general release in another game format.

The reason being, it's not only common courtesy, but it may bring them by to check us out.  That's what happened when I asked Kier Darby for permission to convert over his low poly Whitestar to SFC... he was by for a time and made a few posts and comments.  And in some cases,  it may get them releasing stuff for us as well.

And in asking, the worst thing that they may say may be "No".  So definitely ask if you can.

All that being said though, while you're waiting to hear back from them, email me the mesh and I'll convert it over to MOD.  


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Re: SOD to MOD Conversion?
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2004, 12:30:44 pm »
Another reason to ask permission, is that we modelers like to know our stuff is appreciated and wanted. It can be disheartening to work for a week or more on a model, then get mediocre response, so it can make one feel better to know that another game community likes your stuff, and as Alec said, may bring them over to us.

The flip side is, it can really piss ya off to find your work somewhere and no permission was asked. I had one of my earlier models ripped off by the "BC Boys", and it makes ya want to say to hell with it all.

Anyway, most modelers are fine with it, but there are some who won't give permission for anything. Just take it in stride, and ask here in the forum, maybe someone will do a custom job for you.  


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Re: SOD to MOD Conversion?
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2004, 12:39:25 pm »
If your offering to  convert .sod's could u convert the crebress class. and did u ever finish the typhoon conversion to SFC III?  


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Re: SOD to MOD Conversion?
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2004, 02:38:04 pm »

Another reason to ask permission, is that we modelers like to know our stuff is appreciated and wanted. It can be disheartening to work for a week or more on a model, then get mediocre response, so it can make one feel better to know that another game community likes your stuff, and as Alec said, may bring them over to us.

On a related side note I came here to find stuff to  put into ST aramda.  Hadn't played SFC at all, but now?