Well, never did get those new textures, so decided to finish up and improve the ones that I had. And using the new illumination method I stumbled on, I redid all the illumination textures today. Plus souped up a few of Andurils original textures, yada yada yada talk talk talk.
Needless to say, a good amount of work went into it today to complete it. And I noticed there's a couple of mesh errors in it, but I'm releasing it anyways because it's time and if I keep going over the mesh over and over, this'll never get out.

First to show a couple of WIP shots to contrast against the release shots..

And a pretty shot..

And lastly a link..
http://www.the-tcs.net/_hosted/atheorhaven/html/userfiles/ships/trek/sfc2/TOS_Athabaska_SFC2.exeSo there you go guys.. sorry about the delay on this one, but with everything else it gave me time to also learn a couple new techniques to apply to this one.