Topic: im in need of a kitbash or two.i tried but i failed to do them myself.  (Read 1619 times)

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hi folks

as some of u might know im currently working on a tmp mod for sfc 2 op. its not going to be an übermod - just something a bit similar to the d2 ships, new weapons/effects-textures,new specs,new strings,new sounds,tholians(maybe ill include andromedans!) but the same missions and campaigns+some new missions(but thats not sure at the moment). u could call it something to start from. on last word about it. the shiplist will only have the minimum number of ships (2 up to 4 varriants of a hull, every ship u need to play all the missions). this will make sure that there is enough room for customization.

well, i know there are already loads of fed ships out there.and well im in need of good alien ships but today ill ask for a fedship. the last to join my basic fleet for the mod.
(basic fleet: scout:oberth,frigate:salazar,destroyer:destiny,light cruiser:baker,newlight cruiser:mirinda:heavy cruiser:constitution refit:command cruiser:constellation,battlecruiser:excelsior,dreadnought:starleague but id love to have the federation class dn ,heavy dreadnought(or light battleship):ulysses , bb - maybe ill use the ulysses as the fbb.feds usally dont have bbs. if i decide to include a pure fbb it will be the missouri.)

what i need is a federation class dreadnought (tmp version). as most of my ships are originals or kitbashes of p81 ships id prefer those parts.

federation class dn:

saucer,secondary hull and nacelles: p81s constitution refit ;bridge: atra:ascension neck:atra/p81 belknap class ; warppylons: atras ascension and p81s star league ; torplauncher:p81s starleague (because id love to have it withe fore and aft firing torpedoes)
same number of phasers as found on the constitution scale with the connstitution refit

im also looking for a akula made of p81 parts. i know nightstorm made a akula and even a federation dn but as far as i know he never released them. the ducttapewonder once send me the wips but i lost them month ago.they were great but without hardpoints and without breakmodels. the akula isnt not heavily needed as i do have another ship for that role.

btw: is there a place where i can find atras ascension class dn?had no luck so far.

ascension class dn:

i tried to kitbash these ships in m6 but it looks stupid.these are the only fedships i still need to have besides wz45`s missouri.

help is very appreciated



« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ganymad »


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If you have download links for all the donor ships, i can give the dreadnought a serious try over the next week, but i havent seen some of the ships in the list and am not sure where to get em.

Give the Akula over at Galactic Paint and Body shop a try if you havent already, its TMP and looks great in-game. (its in the light cruisers section)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Wolfsglen »


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um,  mackie has a federation class but it's  got a  bit more weaponry, like torpedos on the dorsal pylon and tripple tit phaserbanks.


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I did 2 Federation class DN's a while back - my own version, and the 'real' version that is in the pic you posted. It even has the correct bridge module and weapons details:


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And a mighty fine dreadnought it is. I hate to use it for the first generation Federation DN only as it just about blows all other Federation dreadnoughts out of the water because of how good it looks. Is there a pun there?

WZ, you might want to check your zip file on the Federation. For some odd reason it applies the wrong texture on the center warp bussard. instead of matching the textures of the port and starboard warps it is painted black on the download I got. Maybe mine is corrupted or this has since been fixed but I thought I would bring it up. I had to do a bit of copy and renaming to get it to look right and I'm still missing the illumination for it.

Thanks for these models as I really like them a lot.