Topic: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"  (Read 2516 times)

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read this synopsis from oh how true this is.


 The series' final montages focus on many of the key relationships of the series ? fitting, since DS9 always focused firmly on character. The final shot is simply perfect and breathtaking ? even the most jaded fans will find themselves shedding a tear.  

DS9 might not have been the flashiest trek.. but in my thinking, it has the most intriguing and fleshed out characters of any trek series since TOS.

sorry, but to me but in all the other treks, the characters reminded me of the perfect person or somthing.. their personalities were rather bland. in DS9, the characters were characters.. and you could see their interaction and the story line throughout.

imo, the best writing in a lot of cases since TOS.

TOS is still the standard.. but you can sit down and watch DS9 a couple of years after it is off the air and still enjoy it.. where as voyager, Enterprise and TNG to some degree - well, the characters and writing feel flat. They dont feel human enough (make sense maybe?).

and yeah, sisco is my #2 favorite captain - right after kirk.


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Re: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2004, 11:11:43 pm »
DS9 had the best villians.   Gul Dukat is the more dynamic Sci FI character since Darth Vader.  


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Re: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2004, 11:16:56 pm »
Probably won't see the finale until August, since Spike will be starting over from episode 1 on Monday.


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Re: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2004, 11:46:23 pm »
imo, every day should have had samplings of each season. seven days, seven seasons.

man.. sorry to hear about that. hehe.

RingWraith 413

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Re: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2004, 01:00:14 am »
 I liked Gen.Martok the best.   Garrick and Quark had some interesting story lines also and character development.

                                                       Wraith 413


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Re: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2004, 01:00:46 am »
   I personally like General Mortok is like more like my Klingon Alter Ego when I decide to become it that is when I play Klingon but I am more like Kirk when I play Federation my two best Empires.I liked DS9 when they aired The Way of the Warrior when Michael Doran (Worf) came onboard and then his relationship with Jadiza but he played well with General Mortok.I did like Ezri though she was kind of cute but then agian I am attracked to Trek woman.I did like Kim Cattrell in no.6 it must be those unis especially when they have the skirts on.  


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Re: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2004, 12:17:47 pm »
 The end montage was excellent, showing a real life thing, different people becoming close friends despite being vastly different. O'Brien and Bashir are the best example, in the early episodes, they barely spoke, at the end, the best of friends.

Garrock was indeed a brillaint character, evil, good, nasty, funny, dangerous, clever, couragoius, whatever the script called fro, Mr Garrok could be it. Dukat is an old school bad guy, also quite excellent, his hatred of both Garrock and Sisko really helped flesh out the series.

What I liked best about DS9's end, was that it actually DID end, Sisko was in the wormhole, and most of the rest of the crew re-assigned, just as you would see in typical military service today. TNG ended with them still all together (to get ready for the movies, of course), Voyager's end wasn't really shown, just Earth, no welcome back party, nothing like that. ToS didn't get an ending at all, just a lame episode ( that I probaly hate the third worst) and it would be years before the characters returned, and it would never be the same as it was.


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Re: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2004, 02:23:38 pm »
Yes, I do agree.  I would have too say their where many more episodes of DS9 I enjoyed then the other trek shows.  I do have some favorites of TNG, VOY, and even TOS, but DS9 has the most.  Even the first season of DS9 is not a bore too watch compared too a few of the other Trek shows.  

And I do agree, Martok and Word are my favorite Klingons.  Gul Dukat is a very neat bad guys character, but I wish they had approached the character differently in the last season of DS9.  They portrayed him as a evil person possesed by the Pa'rahs' <sp>. I kinda wished they had portrayed him as a guy possesed by the Pa'rahs', but he had lots of psychological problems that led him too that direction.  The death of his daughter (who he was obsessed about) must have droved him mad.


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Re: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2004, 03:36:28 pm »
Not only was the writing very well done, ( cheesyness kept to a minimal ) and not only were the characters nicely developed throughout  the seasons, but the plots were the best of any series. Better than most of the movies even. In fact, you could make a movie out of the last 3 seasons of DS9 and you would have the best ST movie ever made. That whole thing were the Changlings had the Dominion set up the Klings, and had infiltrated all the major players in the war. Then after a year of excellent epsodes dipicting the war that insuded between the Klings and the Feds, the truth is revealed and all the sides unite to fight the Dominion. That is simply one of the best ongoing stories the ST writters ever devised. Worf coming on during the midst of all of this was PERFECT ! He was a perfect fit in that crew and complimented the show nicely.

Not to mention... The acting was well done as well.

I wanted to cry when that show ended.  


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Re: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2004, 10:11:54 am »

Not only was the writing very well done, ( cheesyness kept to a minimal ) and not only were the characters nicely developed throughout  the seasons, but the plots were the best of any series. Better than most of the movies even. In fact, you could make a movie out of the last 3 seasons of DS9 and you would have the best ST movie ever made. That whole thing were the Changlings had the Dominion set up the Klings, and had infiltrated all the major players in the war. Then after a year of excellent epsodes dipicting the war that insuded between the Klings and the Feds, the truth is revealed and all the sides unite to fight the Dominion. That is simply one of the best ongoing stories the ST writters ever devised. Worf coming on during the midst of all of this was PERFECT ! He was a perfect fit in that crew and complimented the show nicely.

Not to mention... The acting was well done as well.

I wanted to cry when that show ended.  

Fortunately, Berman and Braga were kept occupied with Voyager so they could not mess up DS9.


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Re: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2004, 12:52:10 pm »


Not only was the writing very well done, ( cheesyness kept to a minimal ) and not only were the characters nicely developed throughout  the seasons, but the plots were the best of any series. Better than most of the movies even. In fact, you could make a movie out of the last 3 seasons of DS9 and you would have the best ST movie ever made. That whole thing were the Changlings had the Dominion set up the Klings, and had infiltrated all the major players in the war. Then after a year of excellent epsodes dipicting the war that insuded between the Klings and the Feds, the truth is revealed and all the sides unite to fight the Dominion. That is simply one of the best ongoing stories the ST writters ever devised. Worf coming on during the midst of all of this was PERFECT ! He was a perfect fit in that crew and complimented the show nicely.

Not to mention... The acting was well done as well.

I wanted to cry when that show ended.  

Fortunately, Berman and Braga were kept occupied with Voyager so they could not mess up DS9.  

Said perfectly  


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more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2004, 11:07:33 pm »
read this synopsis from oh how true this is.


 The series' final montages focus on many of the key relationships of the series ? fitting, since DS9 always focused firmly on character. The final shot is simply perfect and breathtaking ? even the most jaded fans will find themselves shedding a tear.  

DS9 might not have been the flashiest trek.. but in my thinking, it has the most intriguing and fleshed out characters of any trek series since TOS.

sorry, but to me but in all the other treks, the characters reminded me of the perfect person or somthing.. their personalities were rather bland. in DS9, the characters were characters.. and you could see their interaction and the story line throughout.

imo, the best writing in a lot of cases since TOS.

TOS is still the standard.. but you can sit down and watch DS9 a couple of years after it is off the air and still enjoy it.. where as voyager, Enterprise and TNG to some degree - well, the characters and writing feel flat. They dont feel human enough (make sense maybe?).

and yeah, sisco is my #2 favorite captain - right after kirk.


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Re: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2004, 11:11:43 pm »
DS9 had the best villians.   Gul Dukat is the more dynamic Sci FI character since Darth Vader.  


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Re: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2004, 11:16:56 pm »
Probably won't see the finale until August, since Spike will be starting over from episode 1 on Monday.


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Re: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2004, 11:46:23 pm »
imo, every day should have had samplings of each season. seven days, seven seasons.

man.. sorry to hear about that. hehe.

RingWraith 413

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Re: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2004, 01:00:14 am »
 I liked Gen.Martok the best.   Garrick and Quark had some interesting story lines also and character development.

                                                       Wraith 413


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Re: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2004, 01:00:46 am »
   I personally like General Mortok is like more like my Klingon Alter Ego when I decide to become it that is when I play Klingon but I am more like Kirk when I play Federation my two best Empires.I liked DS9 when they aired The Way of the Warrior when Michael Doran (Worf) came onboard and then his relationship with Jadiza but he played well with General Mortok.I did like Ezri though she was kind of cute but then agian I am attracked to Trek woman.I did like Kim Cattrell in no.6 it must be those unis especially when they have the skirts on.  


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Re: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2004, 12:17:47 pm »
 The end montage was excellent, showing a real life thing, different people becoming close friends despite being vastly different. O'Brien and Bashir are the best example, in the early episodes, they barely spoke, at the end, the best of friends.

Garrock was indeed a brillaint character, evil, good, nasty, funny, dangerous, clever, couragoius, whatever the script called fro, Mr Garrok could be it. Dukat is an old school bad guy, also quite excellent, his hatred of both Garrock and Sisko really helped flesh out the series.

What I liked best about DS9's end, was that it actually DID end, Sisko was in the wormhole, and most of the rest of the crew re-assigned, just as you would see in typical military service today. TNG ended with them still all together (to get ready for the movies, of course), Voyager's end wasn't really shown, just Earth, no welcome back party, nothing like that. ToS didn't get an ending at all, just a lame episode ( that I probaly hate the third worst) and it would be years before the characters returned, and it would never be the same as it was.


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Re: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #18 on: April 09, 2004, 02:23:38 pm »
Yes, I do agree.  I would have too say their where many more episodes of DS9 I enjoyed then the other trek shows.  I do have some favorites of TNG, VOY, and even TOS, but DS9 has the most.  Even the first season of DS9 is not a bore too watch compared too a few of the other Trek shows.  

And I do agree, Martok and Word are my favorite Klingons.  Gul Dukat is a very neat bad guys character, but I wish they had approached the character differently in the last season of DS9.  They portrayed him as a evil person possesed by the Pa'rahs' <sp>. I kinda wished they had portrayed him as a guy possesed by the Pa'rahs', but he had lots of psychological problems that led him too that direction.  The death of his daughter (who he was obsessed about) must have droved him mad.


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Re: more ds9 tidbits.. interesting last memo on "what you leave behind"
« Reply #19 on: April 11, 2004, 03:36:28 pm »
Not only was the writing very well done, ( cheesyness kept to a minimal ) and not only were the characters nicely developed throughout  the seasons, but the plots were the best of any series. Better than most of the movies even. In fact, you could make a movie out of the last 3 seasons of DS9 and you would have the best ST movie ever made. That whole thing were the Changlings had the Dominion set up the Klings, and had infiltrated all the major players in the war. Then after a year of excellent epsodes dipicting the war that insuded between the Klings and the Feds, the truth is revealed and all the sides unite to fight the Dominion. That is simply one of the best ongoing stories the ST writters ever devised. Worf coming on during the midst of all of this was PERFECT ! He was a perfect fit in that crew and complimented the show nicely.

Not to mention... The acting was well done as well.

I wanted to cry when that show ended.