Topic: How do you modify Shipnames????!!!???  (Read 3303 times)

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How do you modify Shipnames????!!!???
« on: May 29, 2004, 11:31:16 am »
I've fiddled in shipnames.txt, in the SFC3\Assets\Specs\ folder, but no matter what I do, the Imperial Star Destroyer always has the name of ??? !

It's extremely annoying.

Am I doing this improperly?

This is what I added in my shipnames.txt:

||Death's Head     

All ISD names from the books or movies.  Why don't they come up?

Rod O'neal

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Re: How do you modify Shipnames????!!!???
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2004, 07:51:30 pm »
Do you mean assets/strings? If you have it in assets/specs that would explain the prob. Other than that just be sure to double check for a typo as it looks like you're entering it correctly.  


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Re: How do you modify Shipnames????!!!???
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2004, 08:01:27 pm »
Well that explains it.

Funny thing is- I found it in the Specs folder.  Maybe the GFL mod put it in there by accident.



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Re: How do you modify Shipnames????!!!???
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2004, 01:38:22 pm »

Instead of |Imperial-Stardestroyer|imperator you will have to back the name down to 16 charactors. As in
|Imperial_Stardes|Imperator. The part between | and | being the issue. I believe the limit is a 16 charactor name. And spaces count. Any name that starts with that set of 16 charactors will draw from that subset of names. I do not know what the limit is to the sub name but it is much longer than 16 charactors.

I take it you need some easy kills for your campaign missions? A Super Stardestroyer equates to what? A light cruiser, maybe? Early era CA at best. Ya know, I bet one of those can haul a lot of cargo!
There... if that doesn't get a rise out of him nothing will.  
« Last Edit: May 30, 2004, 01:46:21 pm by Rogue »


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Re: How do you modify Shipnames????!!!???
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2004, 01:17:19 am »


Instead of |Imperial-Stardestroyer|imperator you will have to back the name down to 16 charactors. As in
|Imperial_Stardes|Imperator. The part between | and | being the issue. I believe the limit is a 16 charactor name. And spaces count. Any name that starts with that set of 16 charactors will draw from that subset of names. I do not know what the limit is to the sub name but it is much longer than 16 charactors.

But wait...this'll cause a problem.

I've got a ship named Imperial-StarDestroyer, another named Imperial-StarDestroyer2, and another named Imperial-StarDestroyerM2.
Will the name Imperial_StarDes apply to all of them? (I'd actually be fine with that, as I was just going to copy the entries for the ISD a couple times).


I take it you need some easy kills for your campaign missions? A Super Stardestroyer equates to what? A light cruiser, maybe? Early era CA at best. Ya know, I bet one of those can haul a lot of cargo!
There... if that doesn't get a rise out of him nothing will.  

No, for my Sci-fi Bashfest mod.   And an SSD equates to, oh, a Borg Cube, or maybe a Starbase with Engines...going by balanced specs where I reduced it from what it should be


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Re: How do you modify Shipnames????!!!???
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2004, 07:38:54 am »
Praxis: But wait...this'll cause a problem.

I've got a ship named Imperial-StarDestroyer, another named Imperial-StarDestroyer2, and another named Imperial-StarDestroyerM2.
Will the name Imperial_StarDes apply to all of them? (I'd actually be fine with that, as I was just going to copy the entries for the ISD a couple times).

Me: I'd be suspicious that multiple references to that name might confuse the game... perhaps a reason to try it in itself. But I suspect you will have to edit it down to one reference. Do not tempt the gods of SFC as they might take exception to your rule breaking. Hmmm, you have tried it already with no nasty CTD's?

You can still get the names you want with an abreviation like ISD, ISD2, ISDM2... etc.

Here, copy paste...

|ISD|ISD Petunia
||ISD Daisy
||ISD Daphodile
||ISD Lilly
||ISD Tiger Lilly (a flag ship!)

Praxis: No, for my Sci-fi Bashfest mod. And an SSD equates to, oh, a Borg Cube, or maybe a Starbase with Engines...going by balanced specs where I reduced it from what it should be

Me: Well, happy for you. Hey... what hairbrain SciFi reference are you going by there? I suppose compromises will have to be made. They don't have the equivalent to getting out and throwing rocks to use for the Empire, now do they? Well, do the best you can then.

Wasn't it you that got me on this friggin' board to begin with? Fate will get you for that. With nasty pointy tooth death, it will.    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Rogue »


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Re: How do you modify Shipnames????!!!???
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2004, 11:46:35 am »
But why would I use ISD, if the ship is named Imperial-StarDestroyer?


Me: Well, happy for you. Hey... what hairbrain SciFi reference are you going by there? I suppose compromises will have to be made. They don't have the equivalent to getting out and throwing rocks to use for the Empire, now do they? Well, do the best you can then.

Simple.  SWE2ICS, the only Star Wars Tech Manual to be declared Canon as the guy was an astrophysicist, worked with George Lucas, and got to see all the backstage stuff, is what I'm referring to.

According to that, the heavy quad turbolasers on the Acclamator class Republic Assualt Ship unleash 200 gigatons per shot.  It has 12 of these heavy quad cannons.  That's a total of 2400 gigatons, or 2.4 terratons, per volley, not counting the small guns all over, and this is 30 years before the construction of the Super Star Destroyer.

It also says that the Slave One's torpedoes are 190 megatons.

Every source I've ever seen says that a photon torpedo has 1.5 kg of antimatter.  Assuming it also has 1.5 kg of matter, and has a 100% energy conversion rate (practically impossible), a photon torpedo has a maximum yield of 64 megatons.  Quantum torpedoes are 3 times as powerful, making it 192 megatons.

Therefore, a quantum torpedo = one of Slave One's torpedoes, and a single volley from an Acclamator from Episode 2 would probably vaporize the Enterprise-E.

Not meaning to turn this into a ST vs SW debate, but those are the *official* sources.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Praxis »


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Re: How do you modify Shipnames????!!!???
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2004, 12:08:02 pm »
There are two name strings. The first is shipnames. The one you are working on is the names that appear in the heads up display. That and your fleet command UI. The display for ordering your wingman. I forget what that UI is called. The part between the | and | never appears but tells the game from what list of names to draw from when the skirmish starts. You can use anything you like without it ruining what appears in game. SFC will draw from the subset to assign names not the pointer name like ISD.

The other is strings. That is the list of text that appears in the UI menu for selecting a ship. You will get ??? for that field in that interface if there isn't a match for it there. This is the part that comes up only browsing and selecting vessals.  There are many other subsystems in that string file like ADD's, drone types, phaser types... etc. There may be other places it shows up but it seems to me that it is mostly used in things other than when a skirmish is about to start.  


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Re: How do you modify Shipnames????!!!???
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2004, 12:13:50 pm »

But why would I use ISD, if the ship is named Imperial-StarDestroyer?


Me: Well, happy for you. Hey... what hairbrain SciFi reference are you going by there? I suppose compromises will have to be made. They don't have the equivalent to getting out and throwing rocks to use for the Empire, now do they? Well, do the best you can then.

Simple.  SWE2ICS, the only Star Wars Tech Manual to be declared Canon as the guy was an astrophysicist, worked with George Lucas, and got to see all the backstage stuff, is what I'm referring to.

According to that, the heavy quad turbolasers on the Acclamator class Republic Assualt Ship unleash 200 gigatons per shot.  It has 12 of these heavy quad cannons.  That's a total of 2400 gigatons, or 2.4 terratons, per volley, not counting the small guns all over, and this is 30 years before the construction of the Super Star Destroyer.

It also says that the Slave One's torpedoes are 190 megatons.

Every source I've ever seen says that a photon torpedo has 1.5 kg of antimatter.  Assuming it also has 1.5 kg of matter, and has a 100% energy conversion rate (practically impossible), a photon torpedo has a maximum yield of 64 megatons.  Quantum torpedoes are 3 times as powerful, making it 192 megatons.

Therefore, a quantum torpedo = one of Slave One's torpedoes, and a single volley from an Acclamator from Episode 2 would probably vaporize the Enterprise-E.

Not meaning to turn this into a ST vs SW debate, but those are the *official* sources.

Me neither. I'm just having fun with you. But if you want to be reasonable about it both enterprises threw physics right out the window. Without that as a frame of reference anything goes and it degenerates into "My number is bigger than your number... nya". Which is only answerable by "I'm rubber and your glue..."

I'll give you that SW numbers are bigger than ST numbers. So I guess you win... nya.  


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Re: How do you modify Shipnames????!!!???
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2004, 01:38:54 pm »

There are two name strings. The first is shipnames. The one you are working on is the names that appear in the heads up display. That and your fleet command UI. The display for ordering your wingman. I forget what that UI is called. The part between the | and | never appears but tells the game from what list of names to draw from when the skirmish starts. You can use anything you like without it ruining what appears in game. SFC will draw from the subset to assign names not the pointer name like ISD.

The other is strings. That is the list of text that appears in the UI menu for selecting a ship. You will get ??? for that field in that interface if there isn't a match for it there. This is the part that comes up only browsing and selecting vessals.  There are many other subsystems in that string file like ADD's, drone types, phaser types... etc. There may be other places it shows up but it seems to me that it is mostly used in things other than when a skirmish is about to start.    

Well, I'm trying to get it to work IN GAME, in the HUD.  But all the Star Wars ships are called ??? no matter what I do.



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Re: How do you modify Shipnames????!!!???
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2004, 04:37:17 pm »
Oh, it will work. Post an example of how you set it up or use PM for an email address and the obsticle can be found. If you obey the rules it will work.

Hmmm, perhaps my earlier statement about the 16 charactors was incorrect. It might only allow for 15. It's been awhile so my memory could be off.  


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Re: How do you modify Shipnames????!!!???
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2004, 04:47:44 pm »
I got it.  Thanks to Chris Jones and Offkey (head of GFL mod team).

Apparently, Excel likes plain text documents to be DELIMITED plain text.  DefaultCore is like that- you can edit it in notepad, but it also has some little invisible formatting like tabs and stuff just for excel to read it.

Shipnames does not.  So when you save it in excel, it adds a couple little bits of padding that make the whole file not work.

I did it in Notepad.  Viola, it worked!
And SFC3 apparently has no character limit.  I typed out the whole |Imperial-StarDestroyer2| without a problem.  All the names come out, for all the Star Wars ships.

The working shipnames is included in my mod

So my lesson: Never even TOUCH shipnames or strings in Excel.