Topic: Source Code ever a possibility for SFC II OP?  (Read 3984 times)

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Source Code ever a possibility for SFC II OP?
« on: April 08, 2004, 07:16:50 pm »
While probably not in the near future I was wondering if it was a possibility at all?  Lots (ok, maybe a few) of amazing games eventually release the source code and I would very much like to see this happen for SFC 2 Orion Pirates.  Has there been discussions about this?  I would prefer to have my hopes dashed now if it is impossible due to license issues.



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Re: Source Code ever a possibility for SFC II OP?
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2004, 10:54:51 pm »
Taldren posted a response to this a long time ago and it may be hard to find in the forums.. the source code to SFC will not be released.. not now, not 10 years from now.. maybe in 30 or 40 years.. but the SFC game engine is Taldren creation and as such, it is their cash cow... SFC, SFC 2 EAW, SFC 2 OP, and SFC 3 have all used the same core components of the SFC game engine.. if in the future they decide to do a new SFC title.. why would they want to release a source code so that people can easily hack it up.. or worse, a competitor use the engine in one of their games?
Heck I've been asking for SFC 1 source code so that i can make an XP patch (not CD Crack but a bonified patch) that would correct some issues in the game engine that sitll remain.. so far Interplay and Taldren have both stated NO.. I don't blame them in the least.. it is their ticket to making a living.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2004, 10:57:31 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: Source Code ever a possibility for SFC II OP?
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2004, 12:11:40 am »
 I would like them to make as much money as possible, So in case the gods do smile on us again, And they do make another SFC game, They will have the finances to do it AND make a nice profit off it as well ( Don't forget they took a loss making SFC 3.). It would be nice to see the good guys come out on the top for a change.  


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Re: Source Code ever a possibility for SFC II OP?
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2004, 01:18:55 am »

Taldren posted a response to this a long time ago and it may be hard to find in the forums.. the source code to SFC will not be released.. not now, not 10 years from now.. maybe in 30 or 40 years.. but the SFC game engine is Taldren creation and as such, it is their cash cow... SFC, SFC 2 EAW, SFC 2 OP, and SFC 3 have all used the same core components of the SFC game engine.. if in the future they decide to do a new SFC title.. why would they want to release a source code so that people can easily hack it up.. or worse, a competitor use the engine in one of their games?
Heck I've been asking for SFC 1 source code so that i can make an XP patch (not CD Crack but a bonified patch) that would correct some issues in the game engine that sitll remain.. so far Interplay and Taldren have both stated NO.. I don't blame them in the least.. it is their ticket to making a living.

In ten years...this game engine wont run on a PC.....the point is moot...

I hope they crack and give you SFC1 at least....might give some insight into *cough* cracking OP......hehe

What good is a ticket if you never use it?

I would NEVER like to see the game open sourced.....but fate could bring us another Khoro-mag...instead of another arctic fire....why not Pesty INC.

Pity.....this game is almost perfect.....with a server based battle system and a few more racial and weapon additions...we would have had GAW for real instead of a mod...



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Re: Source Code ever a possibility for SFC II OP?
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2004, 08:54:22 am »

Of course there are numerous reasons why they will not release it.  There were talks about two years ago about a possibility of it being released and I was checking if anything had change.  It also depends a lot on the engine in use.  A few great games have released their source code (BOB, Falcon 4, Doom (very old of course), Quake (old too)).  There are others but I cannot think of them right now.  It is few and far between but lets be honest, I don't think we will ever see Andros, Neo Tholians, PA Panels, etc. etc. the way things are going.  IMO, SFC3 was a total butcher of everything that was good.  Too dumbed down.  Obviously, if the code was released we could add those things ourselves.  We would have the ability to add new 2D schematics of the ships also.  

I knew it was probably not going to happen but I could hope.



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Re: Source Code ever a possibility for SFC II OP?
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2004, 01:35:10 pm »
Brad!!! It's been a long time. What'cha been up to?


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Re: Source Code ever a possibility for SFC II OP?
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2004, 09:31:04 pm »
Hey Remus!

Life has completely overtaking me honestly.  I am lucky to have a chance to play a game!  It was really nice to see the SFC community take off like it did.  I was so happy to see Taldren release the 3dmax scripts you couldn't believe.

It would be a god send to see them release the source code though  I would happily waste my time again to figure out how to add the Andro's and Neo Tholians.  Alas, I doubt it will ever happen.

You still active with SFC yourself?


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Re: Source Code ever a possibility for SFC II OP?
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2004, 11:31:14 am »
I haven't been overly active. I keep getting close and then something else comes up.

Are you still in the service?


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Re: Source Code ever a possibility for SFC II OP?
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2004, 05:26:56 pm »
Yeah, still in the service and it plus the family have given me very little time for anything else.

Currently in Corpus Christi, TX.  The next three years will be intersting as a lot of new career choices are coming up.



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Re: Source Code ever a possibility for SFC II OP?
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2004, 09:38:08 pm »
Jumping Jupiter! bbarr! I thought I'd never see that name again... Remember me? How have you been!

Another stumbling block is many of the artworks are licenced off Paramount. Taldren might have licencing issues if it opens up source code, even to a select few, because if does not have the rights over the contents.

A few more examples:
Freespace (I), by Volition is now open source. (as I understand, completely so.).
Homeworld (I), by relic, is "semi-open source". The engine source is being released to PROVEN members of the community, long time mod builders etc.

However, both of them have a step up over Taldren in that they have Original content to go with the game engine.

I will be surprised if this (open source, or private-open-source) actually come to pass. But pleasantly surprised.

Rod O'neal

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Re: Source Code ever a possibility for SFC II OP?
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2004, 07:18:36 pm »

Jumping Jupiter! bbarr! I thought I'd never see that name again... Remember me? How have you been!

Another stumbling block is many of the artworks are licenced off Paramount. Taldren might have licencing issues if it opens up source code, even to a select few, because if does not have the rights over the contents.

A few more examples:
Freespace (I), by Volition is now open source. (as I understand, completely so.).
Homeworld (I), by relic, is "semi-open source". The engine source is being released to PROVEN members of the community, long time mod builders etc.

However, both of them have a step up over Taldren in that they have Original content to go with the game engine.

I will be surprised if this (open source, or private-open-source) actually come to pass. But pleasantly surprised.

I went to HW's download for the source code and it says that it's the "complete source code" minus what is not solely owned by Sierra (Bink video SDK, for example) and it's publicly available. You don't have to join any Dev. group or anything anymore, like it was originally. From what I understand though there's no way to compile it. If that's the case, what's the use (That's not intended to be a rhetorical Q. I really wonder what the point of source code that you can't compile is.)? Can someone enlighten me, please?  


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Re: Source Code ever a possibility for SFC II OP?
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2004, 08:56:32 am »
I remember almost everyone here.  I have been lurking in the background for the past few years wishing I could play and mod again.   It has been rather amazing to see all the high quality work that has come out since the begginnings.  It is a long stretch from the first ship I made for SFC (it looks SO ugly now compared to everything else).

What have you been upto?

I am going to have to search around for more HW mods now.  I am sure there will be some really cool stuff coming out since the source  code has been released.  

Anyone ever play the Babylon 5 HW mod?  How is it if you have?


Captain Pierce

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Re: Source Code ever a possibility for SFC II OP?
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2004, 04:24:07 pm »
Actually, nothing at all has been done with the Homeworld source code.    There's been the problem that no one has, as yet, managed to successfully compile it--at least, not that anybody's admitting to.  

As for "the Babylon 5 HW mod"--um, which one?    There's only been about 5 different B5 mod teams, off the top of my head...


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Re: Source Code ever a possibility for SFC II OP?
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2004, 01:12:53 am »
Wow, blast from the past there. Good to see you doing welll Brad. Every once in a while you said you'd be back, but then with 9/11 and all, I figured you were pulled back into the service or just generally busy. I've been lurking here myself. Hey 3dot.    


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Re: Source Code ever a possibility for SFC II OP?
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2004, 11:15:16 pm »
If the source code will never be released, then is it a possibilty that parts of the game will become unhardcoded (i.e. only 4 playable races, weapons, short race names)?