On a final note sir leave her size exactly the way it is.It totally fits into the scheme of TNG. As to the developement and role of the Titan I just wanted to point out a few things.....
1) We cannot assertain how long it has been since the Dom War ended
2) What time passed between the Dom War and The Borg Assault in First Contact.
3)Time between First Contact and Insurrection.
4) How long was the Enterprise in drydock for her Nemesis refit.
5) How long she was in drydock for repairs after her battle with the Scimitar.Condidering the extent of her visual damage it must have been a few years.Case in point,look how long it took to repair the USS Cole and she only took one bomb hit.
The beauty of creating this ship is the luxury we have of conjecturing when her developement began.We know it took 20 years for the Galaxy project to take shape.so there is at least a 20 gap between E-C and E-D.If we speculate her developement along side of the Sovereign Class .it is easily concievable that she was
originally designed to engage the Borg based on Starfleets early encounters with them.With the Borg no longer a threat as of this minute,and the E-E in drydock,being the newest ship in the fleet and as a show of strength (which at this point no one believes the Federation has anymore), why not have the Titan head up the Fleet during negotiations with the Romulans ? She has the 3 B's...
2)Bad Azz

On a side note........Azels new destroyer could be the Fed answer to the Dominion Battleship.Hehehe cheap plug to get her modeled as well.But it is a great design.We can speculate that it was the culmination of everything the Feds hoped the Defiant would be.

My $.02 on that.