Topic: Andorians in Enterprise  (Read 2494 times)

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Andorians in Enterprise
« on: April 04, 2004, 07:27:27 pm »
I love the Andorian character, Shran (sp?).

I had to miss some Enterprise episodes and am slowly catching up on them as they are rerun these days here in New York.  I just caught the second showing of the weekly rerun in which Shran and his crew helps Enterprise and Earth... sort of... well, really, they did, well, maybe not, but then again...

... It was a pretty good episode, I thought (and I'm sure there'll be those of us here who will disagree from the depths of their guts), especially so because it seems to open up lots of interesting possibilities for future installments.  I hope the Trek people will capitalize on this.

I think between the Andorians and the Vulcans, there is enough material to make Enterprise very interesting, if they would pursue a very long term story arc, sans temporal anything, of the founding of the venerated Federation from its humble origins of petty squabbles and major chair-throwing fist fights among Andorians, Vulcans, Tellarites, and Humans.  I also think that even restricting it to these four races, or necessarily restricting it to four groups, as too many too soon will take the interest away, will make for a spicy enough stew to maybe even make it into our little h&s discussions!  Anyway, I think further that as tentative feelers from all four parties get underway a little time later, they all agree to paint and hang on the doorknob, a huge sign, "Klingons not wanted!" and let that generate even more tensions, with the Vulcans' sneaky cousins snooping about everything.  Now, that'd be Trek in my book!  


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Re: Andorians in Enterprise
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2004, 11:36:01 pm »
Yep, but what are the odds?  That's what most people wanted in the first place, but somebody always ignores it to do their time travel stories (which they aren't very good at anyway)  


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Re: Andorians in Enterprise
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2004, 11:02:30 am »
What is this infatuation with time travel anyway??

I guess the cosmologists and sci-fi guys never took thermodynamics.

Besides, the universe is more interesting if everything is for keeps- no "do-overs" as we used to say after school in the schoolyard.  Don't get me wrong, even though I don't believe in temporal travel, (just like I believe in ol' Al- no FTL, either!), an ep here or there is fun, but boy, making it the central theme... that's too much.  It might be more fun if they reused an old Twilight Zone idea- "freezing" time, wreaking whatever havoc, then letting it go again, but only in its natural direction, forward, and then paying what consequences dictate!!


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Re: Andorians in Enterprise
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2004, 02:18:56 pm »
good question. its like if you didnt get enough time travel in voyager, then you get a double dose in enterprise.

and they wonder why the ratings arent so hot.

content gentlement, content.


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Re: Andorians in Enterprise
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2004, 07:28:37 pm »
Guys, I think we are missing the big picture here.  What I think B&B (finally) are trying too explain too us with the show Enterprise is that it is not the same Timeline/Universe as the standard Star Trek arc (TOS, TMP, TNG, DS9, VOY) but an entirely new universe.  Kinda like the differences between Star Trek and Starfleet Battles, many similarites but also a lot of differences and in eachs history.  

We already see evidence of this with the "Expanse" with the Enterprise-J from the 26th century.  The expanse has been growing for centuries (maybe longer) and that it seems too have a deep impact on history.  Lots of things in this timeline are similar, but overall the Timeline must be different because their is no expanse in the Standard Star Trek Timeline.  If this was the original intention of the Enterprise from the very beginning, then this show has a lot of potential.  The only problem is they need too explain this too the public a bit better.  Also, they still should NOT have made the Enterprise just an upside down Akira (Akiraprise!).  I could have come up with a more TOS feel design then this ship.  Heck, I'm even doing that with my "Early Years" SFB ships too show technology advancement from generation too generation of starships.

As for the Andorians, Vulcans, Humans and other non-expanse races, what I think would be interesting is too see Xindi attack these races (the Xindi already know about the Andorians helping the humans, wouldn't they consider the Andorians a threat too?).  Maybe they would use this weapon against Andoria aswell.  This would be an interesting way the Federation Forms in this timeline, Andorians, Vulcans, Humans allying together too deter the Xindi threat.


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Re: Andorians in Enterprise
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2004, 02:37:16 am »
  Why not What hey What else can't go wrong it'll all come out the wash anyway.  


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Re: Andorians in Enterprise
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2004, 10:57:02 am »

What, like when you turn off the TV for the night?  I'm just an old Trek fan; I'd like to see some cool eps in my favorite series more than just every now and every then.  Nah, it won't... can't just come out all in the wash- it won't be fun to watch in the meantime!

But I must admit, the show as is isn't all that bad, it's just not what we all hoped for it to be.

If Paramount is listening, my household supports the continuation of Enterprise; we're just hoping for some refreshing stories in it.


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Re: Andorians in Enterprise
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2004, 01:31:32 pm »
   I was being a little cockey that night yes Enterprise isn't that bad but thy are going at warp 9 on this instead of taking it slow and steady it would of been nice to see the xindi in the 5 0r 6 season but not now.I was hoping thet would go out at just explore atleast 5 to 6 % of the Galaxey yes it would be nice to see more Andorians instead of the xindi in the show but I can't wait for another 23C tv show to fill the gaps and holes of TOS and the TMP those are my favourite if they production staff came out with another series set in the 23C on a different ship that would really get Trek back up agian.This is what the fans really want to see we still don't Know much of the 23C we know more about the 24C Trek and an tired of it.
   I will watch the reruns but if they make another TV series based set in the 24C I will go shoot of like a photon no more these 24C shows more 23C shows I have seen enough 24C.I would like to see Andorians on Enterprise but they've gone to fast on this series ans haven't taken thier time on it like usuall just like Nemesis just before Xmas when everybody is out Xmas shopping and don't have the bucks to spend on a movie and time bad release date unlees it is Christmassey.I hope this shead a light on the subject I was just being cockey that is all.    


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Re: Andorians in Enterprise
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2004, 12:01:27 am »
Age, you bring up some interesting points about 23C.  But I think the reason why B&B had too introduce the Xindi and the expanse is that it has a huge effect of the timeline and the Galaxy.  the Expanse had been build for thousands of years I believe which is why things are similar in this Timeline/Universe yet lots of differences.  A 100,000 years could easily reset a lot of the evolutionary processes of many species due too the expanse.  Which explains why we do not see many of these races from Enterprise in the other Star Trek Timeline/Universe.  If my theory is true, then I hope they use these "Other new races" later in a hypothetical 23 Century Star trek show based on the Enterprise Timeline.

Again, keep in mind this is all theoretical.  B&B have not really explained it too well if this is true.


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Andorians in Enterprise
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2004, 07:27:27 pm »
I love the Andorian character, Shran (sp?).

I had to miss some Enterprise episodes and am slowly catching up on them as they are rerun these days here in New York.  I just caught the second showing of the weekly rerun in which Shran and his crew helps Enterprise and Earth... sort of... well, really, they did, well, maybe not, but then again...

... It was a pretty good episode, I thought (and I'm sure there'll be those of us here who will disagree from the depths of their guts), especially so because it seems to open up lots of interesting possibilities for future installments.  I hope the Trek people will capitalize on this.

I think between the Andorians and the Vulcans, there is enough material to make Enterprise very interesting, if they would pursue a very long term story arc, sans temporal anything, of the founding of the venerated Federation from its humble origins of petty squabbles and major chair-throwing fist fights among Andorians, Vulcans, Tellarites, and Humans.  I also think that even restricting it to these four races, or necessarily restricting it to four groups, as too many too soon will take the interest away, will make for a spicy enough stew to maybe even make it into our little h&s discussions!  Anyway, I think further that as tentative feelers from all four parties get underway a little time later, they all agree to paint and hang on the doorknob, a huge sign, "Klingons not wanted!" and let that generate even more tensions, with the Vulcans' sneaky cousins snooping about everything.  Now, that'd be Trek in my book!  


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Re: Andorians in Enterprise
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2004, 11:36:01 pm »
Yep, but what are the odds?  That's what most people wanted in the first place, but somebody always ignores it to do their time travel stories (which they aren't very good at anyway)  


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Re: Andorians in Enterprise
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2004, 11:02:30 am »
What is this infatuation with time travel anyway??

I guess the cosmologists and sci-fi guys never took thermodynamics.

Besides, the universe is more interesting if everything is for keeps- no "do-overs" as we used to say after school in the schoolyard.  Don't get me wrong, even though I don't believe in temporal travel, (just like I believe in ol' Al- no FTL, either!), an ep here or there is fun, but boy, making it the central theme... that's too much.  It might be more fun if they reused an old Twilight Zone idea- "freezing" time, wreaking whatever havoc, then letting it go again, but only in its natural direction, forward, and then paying what consequences dictate!!


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Re: Andorians in Enterprise
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2004, 02:18:56 pm »
good question. its like if you didnt get enough time travel in voyager, then you get a double dose in enterprise.

and they wonder why the ratings arent so hot.

content gentlement, content.


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Re: Andorians in Enterprise
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2004, 07:28:37 pm »
Guys, I think we are missing the big picture here.  What I think B&B (finally) are trying too explain too us with the show Enterprise is that it is not the same Timeline/Universe as the standard Star Trek arc (TOS, TMP, TNG, DS9, VOY) but an entirely new universe.  Kinda like the differences between Star Trek and Starfleet Battles, many similarites but also a lot of differences and in eachs history.  

We already see evidence of this with the "Expanse" with the Enterprise-J from the 26th century.  The expanse has been growing for centuries (maybe longer) and that it seems too have a deep impact on history.  Lots of things in this timeline are similar, but overall the Timeline must be different because their is no expanse in the Standard Star Trek Timeline.  If this was the original intention of the Enterprise from the very beginning, then this show has a lot of potential.  The only problem is they need too explain this too the public a bit better.  Also, they still should NOT have made the Enterprise just an upside down Akira (Akiraprise!).  I could have come up with a more TOS feel design then this ship.  Heck, I'm even doing that with my "Early Years" SFB ships too show technology advancement from generation too generation of starships.

As for the Andorians, Vulcans, Humans and other non-expanse races, what I think would be interesting is too see Xindi attack these races (the Xindi already know about the Andorians helping the humans, wouldn't they consider the Andorians a threat too?).  Maybe they would use this weapon against Andoria aswell.  This would be an interesting way the Federation Forms in this timeline, Andorians, Vulcans, Humans allying together too deter the Xindi threat.


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Re: Andorians in Enterprise
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2004, 02:37:16 am »
  Why not What hey What else can't go wrong it'll all come out the wash anyway.  


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Re: Andorians in Enterprise
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2004, 10:57:02 am »

What, like when you turn off the TV for the night?  I'm just an old Trek fan; I'd like to see some cool eps in my favorite series more than just every now and every then.  Nah, it won't... can't just come out all in the wash- it won't be fun to watch in the meantime!

But I must admit, the show as is isn't all that bad, it's just not what we all hoped for it to be.

If Paramount is listening, my household supports the continuation of Enterprise; we're just hoping for some refreshing stories in it.


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Re: Andorians in Enterprise
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2004, 01:31:32 pm »
   I was being a little cockey that night yes Enterprise isn't that bad but thy are going at warp 9 on this instead of taking it slow and steady it would of been nice to see the xindi in the 5 0r 6 season but not now.I was hoping thet would go out at just explore atleast 5 to 6 % of the Galaxey yes it would be nice to see more Andorians instead of the xindi in the show but I can't wait for another 23C tv show to fill the gaps and holes of TOS and the TMP those are my favourite if they production staff came out with another series set in the 23C on a different ship that would really get Trek back up agian.This is what the fans really want to see we still don't Know much of the 23C we know more about the 24C Trek and an tired of it.
   I will watch the reruns but if they make another TV series based set in the 24C I will go shoot of like a photon no more these 24C shows more 23C shows I have seen enough 24C.I would like to see Andorians on Enterprise but they've gone to fast on this series ans haven't taken thier time on it like usuall just like Nemesis just before Xmas when everybody is out Xmas shopping and don't have the bucks to spend on a movie and time bad release date unlees it is Christmassey.I hope this shead a light on the subject I was just being cockey that is all.    


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Re: Andorians in Enterprise
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2004, 12:01:27 am »
Age, you bring up some interesting points about 23C.  But I think the reason why B&B had too introduce the Xindi and the expanse is that it has a huge effect of the timeline and the Galaxy.  the Expanse had been build for thousands of years I believe which is why things are similar in this Timeline/Universe yet lots of differences.  A 100,000 years could easily reset a lot of the evolutionary processes of many species due too the expanse.  Which explains why we do not see many of these races from Enterprise in the other Star Trek Timeline/Universe.  If my theory is true, then I hope they use these "Other new races" later in a hypothetical 23 Century Star trek show based on the Enterprise Timeline.

Again, keep in mind this is all theoretical.  B&B have not really explained it too well if this is true.