Hehe thank you guys, i'll get around to finding out how to contact the guys whose parts i borrowed for permission soon, im having trouble locating some of them, so if anyone can help out, let me know.
There will be 4 versions:
1: Regular Refit Chicago, no major changes other than parts upgrades, small underside warp engine (like the original had)
2: Refit Chicago with extra weapons/sensor pod, no underside warp engine
3: Refit Chicago with under-nose mounted torpedo launcher (thanks to Mariner for suggesting that, turned out great!) and underside small warp engine
4: Refit Chicago with under-nose torp launcher and full-length underside warp engine
Should be somethingfor everyone there
Working credits list (has people i need to contact and some who are ok with their models being used as long as credits are given, they are included here as well)
USS Chicago New Heavy Cruiser, TMP Era Refit Variants
Based on an original design from StarFleet Battles
Credits: (Pod Version)
Original Mesh and Textures from Models by Atrahasis, Moonraker and Nightstorm.
New textures and work by P-81, Ganymad and The DuctTapeWonder.
Kitbashing, Hardpoint Tweaks and extra Texture Work by Wolfsglen
Credits: (3 Engined Version)
Original Mesh and Textures by Atrahasis
Extra textures (Saucer and Warp) and Parts by P-81
Kitbashing, Hardpoint Tweaks and extra Texture Work by Wolfsglen
.BRK Models for all versions by Wolfsglen.