Topic: Scarborough Ren Fair near Waxahachie starts on the 10th  (Read 6714 times)

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Re: Scarborough Ren Fair near Waxahachie starts on the 10th
« Reply #40 on: April 07, 2004, 02:52:39 pm »
Lightning shut down my computer and all the clocks in my house. I was answering your post in another thread at the time. I wanted to thank you for being so generous.I  do not want you to strain the relationship with your mom on my account. I am adding bits to my tools collection all the time and can afford any tool I need. I'm getting a makita router table and router kit next. 99 dollars, rather small but functional.

I'm not sure if I'll make the fair or not. I am not very motivated to do much of anything lately. I would like to and halfway plan to go but it's not certain yet. I probably won't know if I'm going until the last moment.


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Re: Scarborough Ren Fair near Waxahachie starts on the 10th
« Reply #41 on: April 07, 2004, 02:55:57 pm »
Believe me Storm, I am well trained in dealing with my materialistic mom!  

I'll get a dig photo and send and you can tell me if it will serve a purpose or not.

Hey Mr. veteran, last time I looked, retirement checks for ex-enlisted are not THAT big, unless you are accidentally getting O-6 through O-10 retirement pay?    


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Re: Scarborough Ren Fair near Waxahachie starts on the 10th
« Reply #42 on: April 07, 2004, 03:00:02 pm »
Don't forget, we also have Dracho, Mu, Steve, Rogue Jedi, and others in that area. I can only make the first or next weekend as I am due back in Mexico, I'm still debating on whether to wait until after the first of May or not. I've got so much to do when I get back it's not funny, meetings with people at VFW, DAV, VA, etc... Getting records from Mexico translated properly and turned in to authorities, passport application (man I miss that active duty I.D., that was my ticket anywhere), and visiting family and friends.  


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Re: Scarborough Ren Fair near Waxahachie starts on the 10th
« Reply #43 on: April 07, 2004, 03:28:20 pm »
Well I'm not rich but I get 1400 per month, a portion of it tax free for the rest of my life whether I work or not. I also get virtually free medical care through two separate medical systems, DA and VA. Tax free purchases, free Space A travel anywhere in the world, employment consideration advantages with many employers, 50,000 dollars of college tuition assistance, Vocational training free @20 percent disability an many other benifits like the ones you pointed out with the VFW-home Depot program. Speaking of that reminds me of the garanteed VA home loan and oterh programs. About the only thing I'm not covered on is dental and luxury.    

I truly need not work again except to afford luxury and lifestyle type stuff unless I get married.

And I just turned 37.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 03:33:59 pm by Stormbringer »


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Re: Scarborough Ren Fair near Waxahachie starts on the 10th
« Reply #44 on: April 07, 2004, 04:07:04 pm »
WOW! Hey that reminds me, what is the current ACF rate per month? You do know it goes up each year.

Be sure to check on Dental with VA, Seth had a Vietnam vet (disabled) buddy and I gave him proof that VA has dental facilities. I get dental because I broke a tooth on my VERY LAST field excercise! Sucked big time but with today's technology it's no big deal, they could break all my teeth and replace it with a billion dollar smile, teeth perfect in every detail.

Glad to see you got 20 percent, in Texas 30 percent is key to license plates. I just wish they would make a Desert Storm part one and part two license plate for us Iraqi vets. Heck I see Korean war vet plates, purple heart plates, etc...  


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Re: Scarborough Ren Fair near Waxahachie starts on the 10th
« Reply #45 on: April 07, 2004, 04:26:07 pm »
Not familiar with that acronym. So, I dunno.


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Re: Scarborough Ren Fair near Waxahachie starts on the 10th
« Reply #46 on: April 07, 2004, 04:29:37 pm »
Scarborough's site is back up.


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Re: Scarborough Ren Fair near Waxahachie starts on the 10th
« Reply #47 on: April 07, 2004, 04:31:30 pm »

 If Angel Sword is still setting up camp there be sure to check out some of the best hand made replica weaponry in the world.   That man is amazing.  

Yes he is.  They have their own website, by the way: