Topic: Why are people complaining?  (Read 7367 times)

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Re: Why are people complaining?
« Reply #40 on: February 27, 2003, 06:25:24 pm »
I wont say much because I think Tora really nailed the issue on the head with his statement, but still, in response to CaptainKoraHs last words?


 Everyone and anyone who thinks that what they paid for SFC3 should cover a patch and after-market care... I wonder what fantasy world you live in

- Well, I call it reality. We all paid for a game that works within acceptable performance boundaries. It is right that taldren made a patch, and I?m sure the individuals who realise that fact the most are the workers of taldren itself. After market care is a key incentive for most products these days, and in the case of pc gaming, it?s materialised via the creation of patches etc.
I think you have to stand up for yourself a little more, and realise what rights you have.
You should get what you paid for, simple as.  

P.S. if you ever buy a new car, and the wheels fall off after 100 miles, don't bother going back and demanding a refund. I mean, lets face it - that would be craaaaaaaazzzzzzzyyyyyyyy.  


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Re: Why are people complaining?
« Reply #41 on: February 27, 2003, 06:33:09 pm »
My god you right we have been so blind how this place has lasted with out you is beond me please oh great one share some more of your sage wisdom with us poor blind fools so we may bask in your light :rolleyes:
But first let me ask you this when interplay stoped supporting SFC2 and OP who took on running the CD key checking server plus who took on pacthing said games untill well after interplay stoped making pacthes for them? long after they stoped getting money for it and at a cost to them(for running the server)


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Re: Why are people complaining?
« Reply #42 on: February 27, 2003, 06:57:47 pm »

 My god you right we have been so blind how this place has lasted with out you is beond me please oh great one share some more of your sage wisdom with us poor blind fools so we may bask in your light :rolleyes:
But first let me ask you this when interplay stoped supporting SFC2 and OP who took on running the CD key checking server plus who took on pacthing said games untill well after interplay stoped making pacthes for them? long after they stoped getting money for it and at a cost to them(for running the server)

Well, the first sfc game I have bought is number 3 ? so I didn?t know about how kind taldren were to you?

I can?t imagine why they did such a kind thing...

Look, my point is taldren had to make the patch, that it wasn?t a gesture of kindness to you.  ? nothing more.
And well, i couldnt say it better than that of a true wiseman, CaptainKoraH -  

  I'm sorry, but anyone who dissagrees with me is just plain wrong.




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Re: Why are people complaining?
« Reply #43 on: February 27, 2003, 08:14:17 pm »
For those who say that "X producer doesnt HAVE to make any patches, they can take your money and run" that is technically true. However, it is not a way to develop a customer base.

As someone who has been playing computer games since the C64, I remember when there WAS no internet, so games had to be relased 100% COMPLETE AND WORKING! Truly amazing, someone actually figured they shouldnt put the box on the shelf until the 5.25" floppies inside contained FINISHED CODE.

As great as the net is, it has evolved this practice of putting out incomplete software, knowing that they can (sometimes, if they WANT) put out a patch later for download.

I COMPLETELY understand that the developer has to meet the timetable of the publisher and in this case, time it correctly for a movie release, but that does not make it right.

Normally, Taldren releases patches MUCH faster, but in this case Activision has a rather foolhardy "one patch only" policy, which makes it nearly impossible to correctly patch a game in any reasonable time frame.

I for one will be happy to see Taldren go the way of Blizzard and put out their OWN products, all on their own.

Blizzard is currently working on patch TEN for the D2 expansion. They are even going to introduce an entire new class of play, with ladder characters, for a game that has been out over a year...

That is the kind of customer support I think Taldren will have when they are on their own, and I await that day.

As for their current publisher, they are better than nothing.

Have a nice day!