Thought I'd start a post for the gaming community around here. I'd like to play some online games with you all, but don't know most of your gaming names past this forum. What I'm going to do is post some information on what games I own, where I play and different stuff like that. Please feel free to contribute to this thread if you like.
Name: Steve
Location/Time Zone: Arkansas / US Central
MSN Pager: GSA: PGC-The_Joker
America's Army: )][A][(-The Joker
DiabloII: USWest -- PGCTheJoker
Freelancer: BENTWOOKIE'S HOUSE (Server is PW'd. PM me and I'll get you the PW and get your name on the PGC Forums so the admin know's who you are.
Games owned (worth playing at the moment) and expansion packs in no particular order:
Battlefield 1942, Road to Rome, Secret Weapons of WWII
Battlefield Vietnam
Call of Duty
Ghost Recon, GR Desert Siege, GR Island Thunder
Splinter Cell
America's Army: Operations
Elite Force II
Operation Flashpoint, OFP: Resistance
Diablo II, DII Lord of Destruction
Medieval Total War
Axis and Allies
Neverwinter Nights
I also have various games packed away, these are just the ones within easy reach.