Its either Enterprise, or nothing? Well, to be quite blunt, if I had to eat crap or nothing, I would like to think I would eat nothing. I gave up watching "NEW" Trek towards the end of DS9, and then again rapidly after Voyager came out and then gave it up at warp speed after Enterprise came out.
Never fear, when I feel like watching GOOD Trek, I merely break out my DVDs/VHS and watch it.
THe ONLY good thing about Enterprise is the NAME.
George Takei has made it very obvious that he wants to do a TMP era series based on Captain Sulu and the Excelsior, which he and many fans campaigned for prior to the release of this abomination called Enterprise.
If only Paramount had gone that way, they would finally have another show that always was #1 in ratings as was TNG, and they would not be having the problems with Activision et al.
THe latest Trek game (Shattered Universe) which I actually did buy merely to have a Trek title for the Xbox is based on this VERY CONCEPT. (I gave up on this game after I was able to destroy 40+ fighters and 4 Constellation class starships under the control of the M-5 computer with a SHUTTLE! But I must say that the SFC ship models still look nice
Hopefully, Enterprise will die a quick and quiet death after these next 12 episodes, and then Paramount/Viacom will either SELL it (Trek) to a house that will restore it to the glory of old, or they will take the hint from their FANS and actually put out a show someone will WATCH! (imagine the shock on that one!) or perhaps they will merely let it die and leave us with 2 excellent series, one good one and two horrid ones. Evens out to about 50% I would say. Sort of like Bill Paxton on Aliens "Lets just bug out and call it even, okay?!"
I normaly dont take the time to post here anymore, tho I do visit on occasion, but this was too much to resist.
Have a nice day!