Topic: Save  (Read 8862 times)

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Re: Save
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2004, 04:33:14 pm »

canonize the technology

I still don't know what's wrong with the technology of Enterprise  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SSCF_LeRoy »


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Re: Save
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2004, 04:56:32 pm »
Am I the only one that actually *likes* Enterprise???  That it's the most realistic series of the entire franchise?  I'm willing t stretch it so far as to say the rest of the franchise has been an alternate reality in which NASA had gotten the funding it deserved from day one instead of slashed in the 80's, 90's, and today.

There are so many possibilities from basing a new and improved Trek franchise on Enterprise!  I'd love to see an episode where a post-Xindi-war NX-class ship passes through a time rift, encounters a Mirror Federation ship in the 23rd century, kicks the crap out of it, then phases back into its own time.  It would be even better if Trip was the captain of the NX and Kirk was commanding the Mirror-future ship.  Crazy stuff, but that's more time-meddling and we don't want that  


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Re: Save
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2004, 05:07:16 pm »
Well to be honest, I like everything except the fairly mediocre writing and the intro song...


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Re: Save
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2004, 05:11:43 pm »
The problem that many have with the Technology of Enterprise, is that Roddenberry (through no fault of his own) failed to realize just how fast computers and technology would evolve.  Star Trek seemed so far out there during the sixties, but in many cases, what we have now surpasses, or comes pretty darn close to what was shown in Star Trek.  Berman and Braga (correctly or incorrectly, that is a debate that I am not attempting to settle here) decided to try to make it so that Enterprise looked more like something that we would be able to build in one hundred years time than what Star Trek would look like one hundred years before Kirk.  Unfortunately some of the stuff is probably more advanced than what was on Star Trek.   What should happen eventually, is that the Phase Cannons are eventually replaced by Lasers because its determined that Lasers do a better job at penetrating Sheilding, and the Phase Cannons are renamed to what they are supposed to be...Phased Particle Cannons.  Which because Particle Cannons do more damage to exposed hull, are merged with Lasers years down the road, maybe the last episode of Enterprise, to become Phasers.  

If you go by the Star Trek Chronology (see my earlier post about that in the Warbird thread), which was written in 1979-1980, Enterprise actually got the date of the introduction of Photon Torpedoes down to within a decade.  The First Federation Starship equipped with Photons, according to the book, is the Horizon class Starships. which was the first Federation Starship built under the United Federation of Planets charter.  But several of the Earth Starship classes that were constructed before the Horizon, were refitted with Photon Torpedoes following its development.

The decision made by B&B is the problem of not only doing a Prequel (sometimes Prequels arent all that bad) but doing a Prequel thirty years after the original aired.    


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Re: Save
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2004, 05:24:59 pm »
   I would have to say the opening theme song is the best part.  


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Re: Save
« Reply #25 on: April 07, 2004, 05:37:57 pm »
I actually think that this could be the best show since TOS.  The cast is certainly there to do so, but the writing is so, so, so bad.  The blatant disregard for things that would be so easy to add, and the changing of which serves no purpose to the plot in the first place, is a fairly heavy taint though.

I have no problem with the "akiraprise" as much as some of these other issues.  I like the look of the ship (although when I feel particularly geeky it does bother me that the ship didn't appear in the "enterprise" line of models in certain ready rooms).

As for the theme song, I kind of liked it, before they changed it.  I think the new version is just rediculous.  I felt the original kind of fit the premise of the show, though.  The feel of the new is just too mamby pamby for me, especially since they are trying to go for a more action feel to raise ratings anyway.  


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Re: Save
« Reply #26 on: April 07, 2004, 05:57:32 pm »
  That is when they changed it to Star Trek Enterprise instead of Enterprise which it was originally called this is to
attack us Trekkers to the show and more sideline fans of Trek but it back fired on them like else but my friend likes it and is the only new Trek show TV.  

Tumulorum Fossor

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Re: Save
« Reply #27 on: April 07, 2004, 06:39:17 pm »
Re: Save

Why does the website "" need saving?  Is there something wrong with Enterprise Car Rentals?

I hope not!  I really like Enterprise car rentals!  I think that the past two years they had lost their way by featuring the Dodge Stratus as a Standard car but offering the Ford Taurus as a Full-Size car.  Puh-leeze!  Totally unbelievable.

And the Pontiac Montana as a featured minivan just pushes credulity too much for my tastes.  Ever since Andrew Taylor took over as CEO from his father, the late Jack Taylor, I think they've gone too far.  I think Jack Taylor must have been turning over in his grave after Enterprise opened up its Rent-A-Truck division.  Wasn't it bad enough when they changed their name from "Enterprise Rent-A-Car" to "Enterprise Fleet Services" back in '92?

Now that I think about it, I for one will be pleased to see go the way of the dodo.  Unless they can go back to the true Jack Taylor Enterprise Rent-A-Car old-school way of doing things, well, I just have no interest in perusing their website.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 06:40:15 pm by Tumulorum Fossor »


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Re: Save
« Reply #28 on: April 07, 2004, 07:34:33 pm »

I actually do like it!  Don't mistake that from my critiques.  I really only don't like time travel stories, be they Star Trek or any other sci-fi.


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Re: Save
« Reply #29 on: April 07, 2004, 07:55:02 pm »
I think Enterprise is great.  It is certainly more mature than some of the purile drivel that could be found on Voyager or even TNG.  The problem with those shows is that they tried to be all things to all people.  I mean what the hell was a character like Loxanna (spelling?) Troi doing on a star trek series?  Going for the 50+ demographic??  Appealing to women??  

Enterprise is a specific trek vision.  That is all.  The problem is not that the show is not good because it is nor that it is not cannon.  It is that it is the only trek show in production right now as Paramount is getting queazy about trek and the franchise.  Hell, the reason that Paramount probably green lighted the whole Enteriprise show is that they knew they were going to be dropping it.  Essentially, they let B&B do something extreme such as re-write trek history as they suspected it no longer mattered.

I like Enterprise.  I like Bakula.  I'd hate to see the show go.  And I particularly like the time travel stories.  They can be a bit deus ex machina, but they are fun and twisty.


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Re: Save
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2004, 12:20:56 am »
   You got me on that one lol  


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Re: Save
« Reply #31 on: April 08, 2004, 04:36:28 am »
i love the doctor
this series needed to be thought about quite a bit before rushing it to release.  still, there have been some very valid points raised here.  i would prefer trek to live, though i am hesitant about enterprise in its current form.  frankly, i stopped watching after the first 1.5 seasons.  now DS9 on the other hand is on spike tv, im there.


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Re: Save
« Reply #32 on: April 08, 2004, 11:16:09 am »
 As I said, it has many problems, but the alternative is........nothing at all.

Better sub-par then sub-zero.


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Re: Save
« Reply #33 on: April 08, 2004, 03:40:34 pm »
  I would have to say the no 1 proplem with Star Trek Fandom Lies mostly with Creation Entertianment I don't see that many conventions coming out and I would guess that most of the clubs in North America have back it in the ones in my home town have considering we haven't had a Creation Con. since 1991.This is what I suspect is for Fans loseing interest in the Franchise so this lies mostly with Creation Entertianment.I will say this that for other people who are not in this forum but watch Enterprise and there are a lot I suspect just like a friend of mine who likes the show I say this for them that the show is worth saving and we should not be thinking of our selves but the over all majority of people watching Enterprise However if it is Cancelled next year the franchise will live on like it did after it was cancelled during the sixties and if you take look at Star Wars fans they stayed loyal to it.There are always books,collectibles,photos and etc.There will be some consol and in time pc games coming out.
  I think if Star Trek had a cooling off period then the Fans would really like to see more of it come back and they would get into books,collectibles,photos and hopefully pc games trek would be given a renewl of life and when the time is right Paramount would most likey come out with a new series that satisfies everyone as i said above this show is worth saving for everyone not just are pity selves who are we to judge it we are not Trek Gods so pity on us we not the majority of watchers out there so shame on us for deciding Enterprises fate.I just hope that Creation Ent. gets there act together first with more conventions to spark people interest in Trek agian and more clubs start up as a result especially in North America I see Euruope still has there when i search on the net so we can not be judge,jury and executioner of this TV series we are in the minority so lets start watching and start pumping up those ratings.I hope you can understand what I am trying to say.So put a smile on and start watching drink some bubbly if you have to.  
« Last Edit: April 08, 2004, 05:35:06 pm by Age »


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Re: Save
« Reply #34 on: April 09, 2004, 02:54:20 pm »
I agree with Kroma BaSyl, Enterprise is not the only show too have a lot of inconsistancies in Trek.  All the series have some level of inconsistancies in them, TOS in its self has probably the most.  I laugh when I hear people Bi#ch that Enterprise should have 60's stype bridge controls, tech and clothing.  I do agree with many people that Viacom/Paramont are mostly just concerned about money.  Their "Akiraprise" is a perfect example of going cheap.  In order too save costs and time, lets just flip an Akira upside down, change a few things in the design, slap a name of "Enterprise" on the hull and we will have a kick ass ship that people will like because a lot of people like the Akira class.  Just the ship alone is a pure example of Capitolism at work.  Heck, I know I could come up with a 22nd century type ship that looks simiar too the Original Connie, yet looks "high Tech" enough too be beleivable.  They just didn't want too put the time or energy too do that with this Enterprise.

I really don't mind some of the stories of Enterprise.  I just consider the show a different timeline and I think I'm right with my assumption.  Simply put, the Expanse is not in the Gene Trek Timeline and most likely has effected things in this Universe greatly, which is why their are a lot of similarites but alos a lot of differences.  The Xindi race is a good example here.  Their are no Xindi in Gene Trek.  The expanse has been around a long time, its very possible it effected many things in the Galaxy when it appeared long ago.    But Enterprise itself does suffer from inconsistancies too.  Being able too travel too Kronos in a day or two at Warp 4 seems hard too beleive.  If the Xindi are 90 Light years away, and the Romulans are 100 Light years away, its safe too say that the Klingons are roughly the same distance too.  They should have made that first episode of returning a Klingon too a Klingon ship or a long distance Empriral colony.  Would have made much better sense.


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Re: Save
« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2004, 03:08:01 pm »
  The Vulcans could have done it for them spearing them first contact for now.  


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Re: Save
« Reply #36 on: April 09, 2004, 04:01:50 pm »
I don't know, until they come right out and say that this is an alternate timline or universe I'm still believing this is the main one, partially because of comments from people.  Afterall, there was an interview with Archer (what's his real name, for some reason I can't remember it at the moment) in which he said the cool thing about doing a "prequel" of sorts is that you get to do all these things, but you know where you have to end up at in the end.  Hmmm.  If it was intended to be an alternate timeline then you don't, do you?

As far as the expanse is concerned, I think they have pretty much established that the spheres are responsible for the expanse.  Destroy the spheres, no more expanse to talk about in TOS.  Still, the whole thing was a fairly bad idea and causes a lot of problems, but they are establishing a "plausible" reason for it not being part of TOS.  


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Re: Save
« Reply #37 on: April 10, 2004, 07:38:42 am »
Its either Enterprise, or nothing? Well, to be quite blunt, if I had to eat crap or nothing, I would like to think I would eat nothing. I gave up watching "NEW" Trek towards the end of DS9, and then again rapidly after Voyager came out and then gave it up at warp speed after Enterprise came out.

Never fear, when I feel like watching GOOD Trek, I merely break out my DVDs/VHS and watch it.

THe ONLY good thing about Enterprise is the NAME.

George Takei has made it very obvious that he wants to do a TMP era series based on Captain Sulu and the Excelsior, which he and many fans campaigned for prior to the release of this abomination called Enterprise.

If only Paramount had gone that way, they would finally have another show that always was #1 in ratings as was TNG, and they would not be having the problems with Activision et al.

THe latest Trek game (Shattered Universe) which I actually did buy merely to have a Trek title for the Xbox is based on this VERY CONCEPT. (I gave up on this game after I was able to destroy 40+ fighters and 4 Constellation class starships under the control of the M-5 computer with a SHUTTLE! But I must say that the SFC ship models still look nice   )

Hopefully, Enterprise will die a quick and quiet death after these next 12 episodes, and then Paramount/Viacom will either SELL it (Trek)  to a house that will restore it to the glory of old, or they will take the hint from their FANS and actually put out a show someone will WATCH! (imagine the shock on that one!) or perhaps they will merely let it die and leave us with 2 excellent series, one good one and two horrid ones. Evens out to about 50% I would say. Sort of like Bill Paxton on Aliens "Lets just bug out and call it even, okay?!"

I normaly dont take the time to post here anymore, tho I do visit on occasion, but this was too much to resist.

Have a nice day!      


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Re: Save
« Reply #38 on: April 10, 2004, 11:56:20 am »

Its either Enterprise, or nothing? Well, to be quite blunt, if I had to eat crap or nothing, I would like to think I would eat nothing. I gave up watching "NEW" Trek towards the end of DS9, and then again rapidly after Voyager came out and then gave it up at warp speed after Enterprise came out.

Never fear, when I feel like watching GOOD Trek, I merely break out my DVDs/VHS and watch it.

THe ONLY good thing about Enterprise is the NAME.

George Takei has made it very obvious that he wants to do a TMP era series based on Captain Sulu and the Excelsior, which he and many fans campaigned for prior to the release of this abomination called Enterprise.

If only Paramount had gone that way, they would finally have another show that always was #1 in ratings as was TNG, and they would not be having the problems with Activision et al.

THe latest Trek game (Shattered Universe) which I actually did buy merely to have a Trek title for the Xbox is based on this VERY CONCEPT. (I gave up on this game after I was able to destroy 40+ fighters and 4 Constellation class starships under the control of the M-5 computer with a SHUTTLE! But I must say that the SFC ship models still look nice   )

Hopefully, Enterprise will die a quick and quiet death after these next 12 episodes, and then Paramount/Viacom will either SELL it (Trek)  to a house that will restore it to the glory of old, or they will take the hint from their FANS and actually put out a show someone will WATCH! (imagine the shock on that one!) or perhaps they will merely let it die and leave us with 2 excellent series, one good one and two horrid ones. Evens out to about 50% I would say. Sort of like Bill Paxton on Aliens "Lets just bug out and call it even, okay?!"

I normaly dont take the time to post here anymore, tho I do visit on occasion, but this was too much to resist.

Have a nice day!      

Did you read my post at 04/09/04 Please read.  


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Re: Save
« Reply #39 on: April 10, 2004, 08:01:32 pm »
I'll admit I like Enterprise. There are a lot of bad episodes and a few good ones. The recent episode with the Andorians was very well done. I love Shran.  I have starting watching Enterprise every week and I never did that DS9 or Voyager, but I may buy DS9 on DVD to see if I missed anything. Some of the combat scenes look pretty cool from the websites I was reviewing

Even TOS had it's share of bad episodes.  Spock's Brain, Garden of Eden and Turnabout Intruder come to mind (painfully!)