You are forgetting History
After TOS went off the air.. and when they were building the First Space shuttle.. it was named Enterprise after hundreds of thousands of Trek fan letters flooded NASA and Congress.
after Roddenberry recieved hundreds of thousands of fan based letters, Star Trek : TMP hit the big screen, followed by TWOK, then TSFS, the TVH.. then Rodenberry got paramount to start making TNG...
however there was a big break and resting time between the series...
as such, that is what Trek needs now.. Kill Enterprise as it stands.. claim it is Mirror Universe to cover Canon errors, let it rest for a few years and get new writers and directors and producers to take over the franchise.. return it to Roddenberry's ideal...
as for Trek on TV.. i think Spike TV has that market almost cornered.. Sci-Fi plays TOS and Spike plays TNG and DS9 and will soon be getting Voyager and then TOS...
so Trek is not dying anytime soon.. it is just that the new series sucked so much that it is driving fans away.. a break now is the best thing that could happen...
now for a new series.. if they wanted to do Enterprise in the correct Trek Timeline.. they could use the current cast and use new writers, canonize the technology and add depth to the characters and interaction and feeling instead of trying to sell sex like Voyager did...
I wouldn't rule out Paramount not making a new Trek movie.. on the contrary, they have stated that something new for trek is coming.. whether it is a new series, or a new movie.. it is in the process of planning and / or pre-production stages now...