K, you are not the first nor will you be the last. I got fired from my first job (was making almost double minimum wage back in 86) because I was more concerned with discotheques and chasing women in short minis than concentrating on being at my job every day on time or even being in my college classes at night.
Thank God I joined the army after that.
BTW, I do not know about your state's laws, it may be Federal law now, I do not know, but in Texas you cannot say anything derogatory about an ex-employee to a potential employer, you set yourself up for a lawsuit from Hades. How do people find out? They get friends to call asking about your work history, attitude, performance, etc... If there is something going on then the person hires a lawyer and gets a taped conversation with their ex-employer telling what he/she thinks is a potential employer of yours. Next thing ya know, they end up in court and the person being discriminated against is usually set for life, or the ex-employer is smart and settles out of court, and hopefully learns the lesson.
It's a double edged sword though, as you never will know the true info behind a potential employee. Having worked as a VA work study for Texas Workforce Comm. back in the day though, I learned a loophole that is legal.
Potential employer is on the phone with ex-employer of a person:
Potential employer asks "Given the opportunity, would you hire this person again?"
Ex-employer say "No."
You then have a more clear picture without infringing on the law regarding references and information that may be given on the potential worker.
BTW, I know it sucks, but have you looked at American companies in Canada or Mexico? We also have the Middle East going full blown right now. I know it sucks, but people have to earn a living ya know, and sometimes you have to move where the work is.
I know for a fact that Mu and SL have published threads with job links, and I also remember when Sethan did job searches for people.