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Quote:I found that interesting as well.But honestly some of the stuff that goes on in here is simply entertaining...we should start our own pay-per-view!
Quote:Perhaps they wish to partake of the wisdom of the er ancients...
Quote:Actually in my case I enjoy the debating / bickering that goes on in the hot topic area. It is also a good place tofind interesting news and such. One of the reasons I dont post much is that usually someone hasalready posted something similar to how I feel on any given subject. So why clutter up a thread by posting something that has already been said?
Quote: I was a lurker for years, Until i saw some thing i had to reply to it offended me so much The good thing is that im learning how to type.
Quote: I was a lurker for years... The good thing is that im learning how to type.
Quote: I can't remember but it was your average, All gays are Demon worshipping pedophiles, who are also canibals thread. Im not gay but any blanket statement of a group of people makes me want to puke.
Quote:P.S. I like Latinas...
Quote: All gay men are actracted to other men... Well you got me there!!