There are a couple of things I realy dont like about it...
1. The three deflector dish thing....
2. It apears too bulky (primarily the saucer)
I think Azel had kinda the right idea... but it was too close to the D design in its lay out. If you look closly at my sketch( heheh well ... not too closly), we essentially did the same thing. (the best of both worlds)... If ya clean up the "batman" texture and leave the central parts of teh layout to the primary hull it would be much better. ( Good constructive criticism ... and I appreciate what was said). I'm going to try to find the time after this week to find some texture work we can cut and paste to add a more apporpriate finish to the design. It should also be noted that we borrowed an idea from Azels Ent "J" (namely the naucells) and added a bit of my own to it. I still have a long way to go before this is a viable interpritation of the Titan. The paitence that the community has demonstrated with my limited time (and obviously equally limited skill as well) has been deeply appreciated.