I am currently looking for any of you d2 pilots who like flying ISC.The new GZ league is not a ladder like the rest and all of our matches are pre set up (schedualed) and are all TBPV's.We ISC (InterStellar Centurions) are currently in 2nd place in the league with a few regular season matches left before the playoffs.Cycle 2 will begin 5/14/04 so you have time to get aquainted with the league and the rules. You can join the league here
www.gzleagues.com/op we have our recruiting page set to auto recruit so just click the auto recruit and send me your email addy to
phaser69@earthlink.net and thats it.We practice a few times a week and 90% of the matches are set up for the weekends.All matches are 3v3 and the best of 3 wins the match.
Thanks for your attention...