Topic: Been Kinda wondering why the Romulans have never been a major player in star tre  (Read 8129 times)

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Considering how most every ones wants them to have more roles  they seemed to have been kept as filler matrial.  Is there  maybe some leagle reson for them never being devolped as much as the others have. Kinda like the perhaps the Kizinti.


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They were around a whole lot in DS9...


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But not like  the Cardasians the Borg the Dominion, It seems to have allways been some one else. look at the new Enterprise we got one episode about them most everything else has been about the stupid time war. its like they are dilibertly ingoring what the fans want, and its more Romulans.


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So why Nemesis was so unpopular? Maybe this is why we donīt see them in ENT.
Personally, I love the movie, and I was surprised when I knew about its performance in theaters.

Iīd like to see more romulans too.  


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So why Nemesis was so unpopular?

The plot


Maybe this is why we donīt see them in ENT.

Braga said that they won't do the Romulans in ENT because it wouldn't be interesting since we couldn't see the Romulans


Personally, I love the movie,

I'm sure "Insurrection" and "The Final Frontier" are also among your favorites


and I was surprised when I knew about its performance in theaters.

I wasn't with 6 months advanced warning thanks to a leaked script


Iīd like to see more romulans too.    

I'd also like to see the Romulans It's a shame that the last noteworthy appearances of the Romulans were "Unification" and that DS9 episode with the latin title  


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Braga said that they won't do the Romulans in ENT because it wouldn't be interesting since we couldn't see the Romulans

That is the first intelligent thing I have heard wither one of them say. And I hav eto say that I didn't think about that. The only thing wrong about that is why worry about continuty now. They have destroyed it enough already. What is one more thing.


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 Good point.  


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Apparently they were interesting enough for one episode without seeing them, or do they lack the creativity to figure out a few more ways of doing it.

In the original series, I believe the Romulans were intended to be the big bad guys, instead of the Klingons, but there were budget constraints that didn't allow that to happen.

As for the Romulans now... ugh!   I couldn't even make myself watch the last movie, the Romulans have been so badly bastardized.  


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 Gagh! So i guess the Earth Romulan war isn't going to happen?  
 It would be a whole lot more interesting than the lust in space curd Ive had to sit through  

Mr. Hypergol

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 Gagh! So i guess the Earth Romulan war isn't going to happen?  

I am still holding out hope that Enterprise will do the Earth Romulan War.  If Berman and Bragga don't do it they will be ignoring one of the most important events in Trek history.  The Romulan threat is basically the catalyst that drove the Andorians, Vulcan, Humans, Tellerites, and others to form an alliance.....which eventually led to the formation of the Federation.  The Romulans are one of the primary reasons the Federation was formed in the first place.  If Berman and Bragga ignore it that will be the final straw for most of the hard core Trek fans.

I think with some creativity on the part of the Enterprise writers the fact that the Romulans are never seen face to face during the war could add a layer of intrigue to the show that could rival the use of shape shifters on DS9.  Just think of the plot twists that could occur if you are left wondering who were really Vulcans and who were Romulan spies.  Just think of all the stories that could revolve around the Vulcans knowing the Romulans were related to them and the Vulcans trying to keep that "dirty little secret" from destroying their alliance with the other races.  There is so much story potential here.

If the writers are creative they can use the constraint of not seeing the Romulans face to face as an asset to the storyline.  If I were Berman and Bragga I would see an Earth Romulan War story arc as a challenge and an opportunity all in one.  


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 Gagh! So i guess the Earth Romulan war isn't going to happen?  

I am still holding out hope that Enterprise will do the Earth Romulan War.  If Berman and Bragga don't do it they will be ignoring one of the most important events in Trek history.  The Romulan threat is basically the catalyst that drove the Andorians, Vulcan, Humans, Tellerites, and others to form an alliance.....which eventually led to the formation of the Federation.  The Romulans are one of the primary reasons the Federation was formed in the first place.  If Berman and Bragga ignore it that will be the final straw for most of the hard core Trek fans.

I think with some creativity on the part of the Enterprise writers the fact that the Romulans are never seen face to face during the war could add a layer of intrigue to the show that could rival the use of shape shifters on DS9.  Just think of the plot twists that could occur if you are left wondering who were really Vulcans and who were Romulan spies.  Just think of all the stories that could revolve around the Vulcans knowing the Romulans were related to them and the Vulcans trying to keep that "dirty little secret" from destroying their alliance with the other races.  There is so much story potential here.

If the writers are creative they can use the constraint of not seeing the Romulans face to face as an asset to the storyline.  If I were Berman and Bragga I would see an Earth Romulan War story arc as a challenge and an opportunity all in one.  

 Beautiful reply! I could not agree more. Do these people EVER listen to their fans? What do they plan on doing, driving around talking to every body? And thats it?
 PS you should be writing the show i love the idea that the Vulcan's know who they are. That would indeed be enough intrigue, Added with all of the things they aren't telling us about, I honestly think it would save the show.


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I tend to agree as well. They seem to be ignoring the formula to what made the other Star Trek shows flourish. I say give the people what they want! I know these people have a vision, or whatever they want to call it, but without giving the public what they want the Star Trek franchise will wither and die. I personally do not want that to happen as I have been a loyal Star Trek fan since I was about 7 years old. More Romulans, the Earth Romulan War, bring Kirk back, ect. find a way to at least meet the public halfway with what they want! Well that?s what I say anyway. I?m out!


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 Beautiful reply! I could not agree more. Do these people EVER listen to their fans?  

Not really

Braga did have a message board once but that only served to feed his ego

Speaking negatively about his work is a bannable offense

Also a while back Braga issued a challenge to Trek fans to find continuity errors in "Enterprise" shame is Braga did not provide an address where you could submit your evidence making the challenge completely pointless


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 Has this guy been watching the same Show we have? or is he just overcome with delusions of grandeur.
  And what is up with Majahel Roddenberry ( hope I'm spelling her name right) Doesn't she have any say in the slop job this guy's been doing? Or doesn't she care?
 It really is a shame to see such a beautiful vision trampled on and run through the dirt.  

Davey E

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Gagh! So i guess the Earth Romulan war isn't going to happen?


I am still holding out hope that Enterprise will do the Earth Romulan War. If Berman and Bragga don't do it they will be ignoring one of the most important events in Trek history. The Romulan threat is basically the catalyst that drove the Andorians, Vulcan, Humans, Tellerites, and others to form an alliance.....which eventually led to the formation of the Federation. The Romulans are one of the primary reasons the Federation was formed in the first place. If Berman and Bragga ignore it that will be the final straw for most of the hard core Trek fans.

I think with some creativity on the part of the Enterprise writers the fact that the Romulans are never seen face to face during the war could add a layer of intrigue to the show that could rival the use of shape shifters on DS9. Just think of the plot twists that could occur if you are left wondering who were really Vulcans and who were Romulan spies. Just think of all the stories that could revolve around the Vulcans knowing the Romulans were related to them and the Vulcans trying to keep that "dirty little secret" from destroying their alliance with the other races. There is so much story potential here.

If the writers are creative they can use the constraint of not seeing the Romulans face to face as an asset to the storyline. If I were Berman and Bragga I would see an Earth Romulan War story arc as a challenge and an opportunity all in one.



Beautiful reply! I could not agree more. Do these people EVER listen to their fans? What do they plan on doing, driving around talking to every body? And thats it?
PS you should be writing the show i love the idea that the Vulcan's know who they are. That would indeed be enough intrigue, Added with all of the things they aren't telling us about, I honestly think it would save the show.  


Totally Agree 100%,  
We don,t have to see the Rom faces, Just the Brutality of the Romulan attacks with nice warships  
It statrted with attacks on Fed/Vul/Andorian Convoys and settlements and was brutal

They completely destroyed  Settlement after Settlement, Convoy afetr Convoy and gave NO Quarter,

We must have the Earth Romulan Wars, Not to have is simply unforgivable          


  • Guest
  Braga is full of crap, you could easily show the Romulans, AS LONG AS THE STARFLEETERS DON'T SEE OR TALK TO THEM.

In 'Balance of Terror,' Kirk and company only see them because of a transmission, and they don't interact verbally at all till the end. This could be easily handled by any GOOD scriptwriter, so it's no surprise B&B can't handle it.

To them, a good script involves caves, flashlights, destroying a piece of ToS lore, and finding a way for T'Pol to get naked.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by FFZ »


  • Guest
  You pretty much sumed up the first 2 seasons.  


  • Guest
Well in balance of terror they said you never saw a Romulan anyway in that war as they refused to alow it and they self destructed to advoid capture too.

And in the enterprise episode where they had the Tholians you never saw them and it was a pretty good one. and you never saw the romulans in the one enterprise show either, and it was a godd one so it can be done.


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Hey, I know, let's set up an online petition to send to Paramount asking for the replacement og B&B...hell, there are any number of people here and in other fansites that could fill their jobs, and do it 1000% better. I don't even watch ENT anymore, because every episode they destroy one more thing. As a scifi show, it's ok, but as a Trek show, they've blown it. The mistake that was made, and it should be obvious, is not having a true ST fan running the show. If they did that, we would be fine, but instead the have an egomaniac in charge who thinks his vision is better than Gene's. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to live with it for now...maybe they'll get their act together, but I'm not holding my breath.  


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  I would be for an on-line petition, Bakula actually asked for something like this, to be sent to Les Moonves, who will decide 'Enterprise's fate.